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Aromantic Character Headcanons

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okay... i'm really surprised no one has stared this yet. so you need to give the character that you headcanon as aromantic AND your reasoning (otherwise it's just a list tbh)


i'll start:

Rey from The Force Awakens: this bean is the best, so far she hasn't been given a love interest or been giving anyone The Look (tm), which is surprising because it is a Star Wars movie. I just want the new movies to end with her happy somewhere with lots of green and in a QPR with Poe and Finn,, i kno its not going to happen,, but i want it to.


Dean Winchester from Supernatural: i didn't start headcanoning him as aro until i saw a post on Tumblr tbh. I can kinda see it because he honestly seems to be happy just on the road with his bro and the occasional one night stands. and also this picture:





i rest my case (and i really really want that hoodie ahhhh)


post yours!


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I also wanted to say Dean. I know a lot of people want to see him in love with Castiel, and although I guess I wouldn't actually mind that, I'd prefer seeing them in some kind of queerplatonic relationship. 

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I second the Rey headcanon. I want so much for her to not end up in a relationship with someone but I feel like her and Finn are going to be together. It's not bad, as far as ships go, I just want her on her own.

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Spoilers for the epilogue of Naruto ahead.


I really think Sasuke from the manga Naruto is aromantic and asexual. Throughout the series he is noticeably the only person who isn't affected in any way by other people's sexual nudity. The person he feels the most for is his brother. It's the strongest relationship in the entire series, also his driving force. He does eventually get married and have a kid but even with his wife, his display of affection is a poke on the forehead. There's nothing flirtatious about their marriage at all. If you didn't know they were married, they'd just seem like very close serious friends. In the entire series he's never entertained a romantic or sexual thought.

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I'll admit, I haven't watched the 3rd season so I'm not sure whether canon has jossed it, but: Taystee from Orange is The New Black.


I though of it initially as someone else's headcanon as her as ace and I was like, "Nooo... really?" But it makes sense (at least in context of S1-S2). She hasn't spoke of previous romantic/sexual relationships (though this wouldn't be invalidating either), enjoys close platonic relationships. She said that she wasn't "like that," after her friend Poussey kissed her. Most people interpreted as "being straight, not interested in women," but I thought it was interesting to think that it meant "not interested in romance/sex in general." I don't know, I could list a bunch of stereotypes she fills, but I just feel like she could be aroace because she's never indicated otherwise. I also really like it because she's not a "stereotypical" aroace (ie: quiet, emotionally closed off, serious, loner). She's brash, loud, and really, really funny. Her being my favorite character also doesn't hurt. ;)

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Ooooh, true. Though Voldemort is a being of hatred, made by hate, made to hate. So I'm not sure we could really give him any headcanon, but yeah, he might very well be asexual aromantic if he had attraction to people c:

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4 minutes ago, katicha said:

I'm sure a talk with him would give him the little push he needs to become who he's always wanted to be, yes c:


He just wants to be accepted, and the entire wizarding community pushed him out. What did you expect to happen?

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Just now, DeMorgan said:

He just wants to be accepted,


I mean- I also turn to dark magic and split my soul into 7 parts when I don't feel accepted. So I guess I understand him, yeah c:

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I think Kaylee from Firefly maybe bi aro? She doesn't have much interest in romance and is more interested in the family and in engines. She does have sexual interest in boys and very much appreciates females. Plus she is a cutie.

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I always very strongly headcanoned Harry Potter as aromantic even though I didn't know the word at the time. I was so upset when he tried to date Cho and when his relationship with Ginny started because I personally related to him a lot and that was just not something we would do, lol.


Aro!Dean Winchester is another one. It is canon, anyone can fight me.


And I have like a TON of aro headcanons for Teen Wolf. Peter Hale, Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin and Jackson Whittemore are all aro af. Jackson and Lydia were an aro power couple that loved each other non-romantically but got caught up in playing the high school popularity game. Peter Hale is partly so nasty because he grew up feeling like if he couldn't love people appropriately he must be morally deficient and embraced it. Derek didn't get a chance to come to understand his romantic orientation before trauma visited and now he's convinced he's only aromantic because of it (he's not, he would have figure it out eventually, but trauma has definitely contributed to his extreme romance and sex repulsion) and Stiles Stilinski is dealing with a lot of guilt over the things he's not feeling and thinks he should feel. He convinced himself he was in love with Lydia Martin for years because he thought that's what he was supposed to do. In reality he played it up because he knew she was a million miles out of his league and then when it seemed like she might be able to return some kind of romantic feelings he realized that's not what he wanted from her at all, he just wanted to be her friend and be close to her (good thing for him she's aro too and they've developed a great friendship and they love each other very much non-romantically).

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7 hours ago, Nylese said:

Spoilers for the epilogue of Naruto ahead.


I really think Sasuke from the manga Naruto is aromantic and asexual. Throughout the series he is noticeably the only person who isn't affected in any way by other people's sexual nudity. The person he feels the most for is his brother. It's the strongest relationship in the entire series, also his driving force. He does eventually get married and have a kid but even with his wife, his display of affection is a poke on the forehead. There's nothing flirtatious about their marriage at all. If you didn't know they were married, they'd just seem like very close serious friends. In the entire series he's never entertained a romantic or sexual thought.


6 hours ago, pearl said:

I think Kaylee from Firefly maybe bi aro? She doesn't have much interest in romance and is more interested in the family and in engines. She does have sexual interest in boys and very much appreciates females. Plus she is a cutie.

I haven't thought about either of these before, but now I've been told them yes, I can definitely see them. Now I really want to re-watch both series (again) :P


I'm a big fan of the idea of Supernatual's Dean being aro too. I actually don't really think of the character as being aro, but he's my favourite so I'm quite happy to project myself on to him a ton and no one can stop me!

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Rey is my little space aroace bean I love her dearly. also please consider aromantic homosexual/asexual (grey-homosexual?) Poe Dameron. 


I used to watch Supernatural and aro!Dean is intriguing to me, especially because I always had Cas pegged as aro (and Sam as demisexual). I have no idea what's happened in the past however many seasons it's been since I stopped watching, so I can't speak to any of the newer stuff. deancas is the ship that introduced me to queerplatonic relationships, though, which completely changed my life, and for that I'm eternally grateful. I'm kind of digging aro!Dean, though.


and then to add something new: aromantic Natasha Romanoff, more so in the movies than the comics since she hasn't been in a movie since Captain America: The Winter Soldier ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. she's queerplatonic with Clint, who was the first person she allowed herself to be close with, the first person to see her as something other than a killer. I think part of her sees it as protecting the people who's close to her, but she comes to realize that it's because the attraction simply isn't there.


I feel like all of my headcanons get so violently jossed that I tend to wonder if I'm actually reading the characters right. (Jemma Simmons from Agents of SHIELD is akoiromantic and the writers can fight me. Also Lincoln Campbell is ace not sorry.) or I just have really rotten luck who knows

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1 hour ago, thalia-rose-lovegood said:

Simon Lewis from TMI is demiromantic and y'all can fight me

I was waiting for something TMI! He is definitely also bisexual. This is controversial but I think Sebastian was ace/aro and obsessed over Clary bc he thought that was what attraction was and he didn't know anything other ~~

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I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but aro ace Luna Lovegood is my life :D

I also think Bruce Wayne could be aro or grayro...probably not ace though.


I agree with aro ace Rey though! I'll be so upset if there's a love story for her in Star Wars...it doesn't go with the plot at all.

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