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Are you interested in participating interview and share your experience as QPR?


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Hi there, I’m a PSY undergraduate. My thesis is about the experiences of aromantic with queerplatonic relationship. The study is not yet recruiting participants, but I’m wandering is anyone interested in joining the interview? It will be an online meeting, and basic criteria for participants are: 1. Must over 18yo,2. Aromantic individuals who are currently  in a qpr for more than 6 months

Pls leave a comment if you’re interested, also feel free to ask any questions for clarifying! Thank you in advance for reading and/or replying my post:)

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Out of curiosity, is this just a written interview or a video interview? I don't meet the criteria just curious. Also, there could be a specific place on this site to post these types of inquiries but I'm not sure where that would be exactly.

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