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Hello everyone, 

I am Amanda, and I think I’m aromantic. 
Until earlier this year I thought I just had sorted my priorities out in a smarter way than most people, meaning romance was not my top priority -and not anywhere close. But I’ve done a lot of introspection recently, and I noticed that not only I never wished to have anything romantic with anyone -or like, since age 11-, not only the thought of being single forever didn’t ever bother me at all, but I’ve also experienced feelings of uneasiness and discomfort when thinking about myself in a romantic relationship. The fact that I’m not asexual too tricked me until now, but I think I finally saw the light. 
I joined the forum in hopes of entering a miniverse where romance is not the center of everything, because honestly it’s starting to make me feel exhausted .

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hope you enjoy the forums! your journey of discovery seems remarkably similar to my own! being allosexual (not asexual) makes it tricky to figure out if you're aromantic for sure 😭 hope you're learning a lot! if you have any questions feel free to ask around, there's plenty of us who i'm sure relate to ur experience :D

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