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Aro/Ace Slogan?

Guest Kit-Kat

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Guest Kit-Kat

Hi all!

I feel like the general 2SLQBTQIA+ slogan is "Love is Love", which is great for so many people but doesn't apply to us because we don't experience love in the same way. So I was thinking we should come up with our own slogan, similar to this one. I don't want it to disregard the original (Love is Love expect when it's not), because I have many friends who are lesbian, bi, and pan, but I would love a slogan for our little community.

Excited to hear your thoughts and ideas! 

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5 hours ago, MasqueradeMuse said:

How about "Love is love, romantic or platonic."?

Not every aro experiences love though, platonic or not -- not saying it's a bad idea, but some loveless & aplatonic aros have said that they don't feel the phrase represents them, even it's it's 'platonisised'  

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How about "Love is love, unless you are aromantic and/or aplatonic and/or afamilial, in which case no love is also fine" (this is a joke, don't take it seriously lol)

Yeah, I really don't know how we could include everybody on the aro spec into a short slogan that also includes everyone else in the LGBT+ community. Maybe we could have our own separate slogan or something.

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With all due respect, I think everyone here is missing the point. "Love is Love" is not a "2SLGBTQIA+" slogan; it has nothing to do with two-spirit, trans, intersex, or aspec people, and it also doesn't exist just to be cutesy. It is, by and large, a political slogan referring to (gay) marriage equality. Being from the U.S., I heard this phrase all the time in the 2000s and 2010s when we were still fighting for marriage rights, but not so much now that same-sex marriage has been federally legalized.

If you want a slogan like "Love is Love", then you need to think about what you're trying to achieve with it. What is it you want? What is your group trying to collectively pressure politicians to do? And on that note- when you say "aro/ace", do you mean aces or aros, aces and aros, or specifically aroaces? Because all three groups have very different needs. 

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8 hours ago, DeltaAro said:

"Good without Romance" sounds ridiculous, IMHO. So what other terms work despite "good"? There can't be many. Therefore, it's really tricky...

Happy without Romance? (as the most basic way) 

Complete without Romance? (to challenge the cliche of being "incomplete") 

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10 hours ago, Jot-Aro Kujo said:

With all due respect, I think everyone here is missing the point. "Love is Love" is not a "2SLGBTQIA+" slogan; it has nothing to do with two-spirit, trans, intersex, or aspec people, and it also doesn't exist just to be cutesy. It is, by and large, a political slogan referring to (gay) marriage equality. Being from the U.S., I heard this phrase all the time in the 2000s and 2010s when we were still fighting for marriage rights, but not so much now that same-sex marriage has been federally legalized.

If you want a slogan like "Love is Love", then you need to think about what you're trying to achieve with it. What is it you want? What is your group trying to collectively pressure politicians to do? And on that note- when you say "aro/ace", do you mean aces or aros, aces and aros, or specifically aroaces? Because all three groups have very different needs. 

I never actually thought about the slogan being anything but a cute thing for LGBT folks. This makes a lot of sense, I appreciate the slogan more now

So, if aros were to have their own slogan, it should probably be a protest as well. Like a protest against amatonormativity in society, in which case the last two replies above me work pretty well for that imo

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  • 1 month later...
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2 hours ago, ghost_bean said:

get paid not laid :D


some aroaces do get "laid"

Not all of us are against sexual activies


What about cupid's arrows

Because cupid is romance, but were are we don't feel the romance???

2 minutes ago, Zozz said:


What about cupid's arrows

Because cupid is romance, but were are we don't feel the romance???

Or cupid without arrows

"love is in the air....not"

"love but no homo, no hetero" /j

Edited by Zozz
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“What is love?” (Baby don’t hurt me!)

Jokes aside, I really like Picklethewickle’s answer. Maybe something about dismantling amatonormativity? But I’m not sure how to word that sentiment in a way that’s both catchy and understandable to the average Joe (bc actually using the word “amatonormativity” will just have them scratching their heads)

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