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What do you do when you have trouble focusing?

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Do you ever have trouble focusing? What do you do to get back into the right headspace? 

Normally I don't have trouble focusing, but when it comes up, it can come up even on things I want to do, and I can't get back on topic. I find I spend more and more time thinking about something I want or need to do, while being unable to do the thing. So instead, I do nothing. Sometimes a whole day can go by of me just thinking about the thing I want to do and never actually doing it. Sadly, I don't have a strategy for getting back on track.

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Hope this helps, but I set a timer (like maybe 10-20 ish minutes) and then make myself work really hard on it for that time, then I have a break for a few minutes, then go back to doing 10-20 minutes of work. It's not ideal but baby steps are better than procrastinating forever.

Is it ok if I ask what the task is?

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@allhailtheglowcloud The "task" last night was I staying up past my bedtime writing fanfiction. I could have just gone to bed, but no. I really wanted to write, but at the same time, couldn't focus. 

The timer thing is a good suggestion in general, though. I should keep it in mind. I'm a bit of a "if I can't finish it, I won't start it" person, even though I know that's not an effective way to get things done.

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Honestly, if I lose focus, nothing I do can stop me. I will do anything to procrastinate and nothing can stop me even if I try. Good luck writing your fanfiction though!

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