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Let's Share Our Poetry, Prose, and Short Fictions!

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For any poetry, prose, or short fiction enjoyers or writers on this forum, I thought we could have something to share our writings here that may, or may not, be connected to our aromanticism! If you don't have a poem, piece of prose, or short fiction yourself, then you can share your favorites from authors and talk about what makes you love the piece of literature so much!

I was inspired to create this topic from a bar that has poetry nights and I recently have been getting back into the groove of writing because of it! This may not go anywhere, or has already been discussed before, but regardless welcome!

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Posted (edited)

A Bird Beak and Bumble Wings

by Memphis Lucas  (original poem about aromanticism)


I cannot understand the bumblebees

Who fly in pairs, or more, to pollinate and make honey

Who make more of themselves to love themselves, and to be proud of something


I cannot understand the bumblebees

Who can do great and beautiful things, sure

Born out of passion and a love for birds

Who settle down for life to raise young till they're matured


I cannot understand the bumblebees

For would not be described as thee

A reptile they'll call me

For lacking the love that helps those birds soar above

To the trees with those bees

A reptile I'll be, for I am just not a bird nor a bumblebee

I did long to be, for a short while, when I discovered that lack of passion in my heart

A passion that made everything dubbed a bee or a bird, from the very start


I cannot understand the bumblebees

Because my passion is wrought with absorbing the soulful warmth of the sun

Not from an internal feeling that I constantly see burned or used till it's gone

I myself can't fly, though I have seen others like me able to rarely

Bit I found that I wouldn't fly, if I could

No, I wouldn't fly, eve if others thought I should


I cannot understand the bumblebees

And I've slowly grown to not feel sorry for stating so

For the birds and bees who think of me with no place here, then where should I go?

I have found so many passions of what I make, of what I love

But that love doesn't make us what we are

And love doesn't come from some unknown up above


To be me is to free my skin from the prerequisite of being what others think is alive

That domineering romantic passion

My lovelessness and aloneness drives me to feel more of my very own sweet compassion

Edited by The Newest Fabled Creature
added or changed sentences
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Good poem from the point of idea, but bad symbolism. Bees aren't "romantic", most of them - the worker bees - are actually unable to reproduce and don't mate and aren't supposed to, their life revolves around all kinds of different things (building, food gathering and pollination, standing guard, raising the young which are their siblings not their kids). The queen and the few males are the only ones that deal with mating (since the species needs to reproduce to survive). The bees (collective bees like the bumblebees and the honey bee, and ants that work the same way) are among the most aromantic/asexual-coded animals ever. 

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3 hours ago, The Newest Fabled Creature said:

Bird Beak in Bumble Wings

I like it! Is there perhaps asexual representation with not relating to "the birds and the bees"? 

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Posted (edited)
On 3/15/2024 at 12:53 PM, Ekaterina said:

Good poem from the point of idea, but bad symbolism. Bees aren't "romantic", most of them - the worker bees - are actually unable to reproduce and don't mate and aren't supposed to, their life revolves around all kinds of different things (building, food gathering and pollination, standing guard, raising the young which are their siblings not their kids). The queen and the few males are the only ones that deal with mating (since the species needs to reproduce to survive). The bees (collective bees like the bumblebees and the honey bee, and ants that work the same way) are among the most aromantic/asexual-coded animals ever. 

Oh, I didn't write about the bees because I thought they were romantic-coded, although I can definitely see as why someone would see the poem as associating them as romantic creatures; so, I did fail in making that clear in the poem. I chose bees (and birds) because of the "birds and the bees" take that parents typically use to explain sex to their kids, which in a sense would tie back into romance because although sex isn't inherently tied to romance at all and is it's own separate thing, parents will usually tell their kids that you'll have sex with someone you "really love"; forgoing all nuance and complexity, such as people who have sex simply because they want to with no romantic love attached. I think I could write a poem about that all on it's own, actually. But, I don't truly know if this explanation is even a good concrete reason for the poem since as you said I could've potentially used vastly different symbolism that would've worked a bit better or more beautifully (especially with all of the facts centered around bees), but it's what I had in mind when writing it; but of course all kinds of interpretations are going to be born which I find amazing.

Ooo, actually, you've promptly inspired me to want to write a poem about the aspecuality of bees. To be honest, I could've wrote a poem about the non-romantic life of a bee compared to a bird's, which usually there are birds who mate for life and definitely have babies.

On 3/15/2024 at 1:11 PM, Fox said:

I like it! Is there perhaps asexual representation with not relating to "the birds and the bees"? 

Now that I actually re-read what I wrote, although I'm not asexual myself, I can see that it can definitely be read as such! I'd say it's both an aromantic and asexual poem then! Or however else someone wants to interpret it really.

Edited by The Newest Fabled Creature
added a sentence
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2 hours ago, The Newest Fabled Creature said:

Oh, I didn't write about the bees because I thought they were romantic-coded, although I can definitely see as why someone would see the poem as associating them as romantic creatures; so, I did fail in making that clear in the poem. I chose bees (and birds) because of the "birds and the bees" take that parents typically use to explain sex to their kids, which in a sense would tie back into romance because although sex isn't inherently tied to romance at all and is it's own separate thing, parents will usually tell their kids that you'll have sex with someone you "really love"; forgoing all nuance and complexity, such as people who have sex simply because they want to with no romantic love attached. I think I could write a poem about that all on it's own, actually. But, I don't truly know if this explanation is even a good concrete reason for the poem since as you said I could've potentially used vastly different symbolism that would've worked a bit better or more beautifully (especially with all of the facts centered around bees), but it's what I had in mind when writing it; but of course all kinds of interpretations are going to be born which I find amazing.

Ooo, actually, you've promptly inspired me to want to write a poem about the aspecuality of bees. To be honest, I could've wrote a poem about the non-romantic life of a bee compared to a bird's, which usually there are birds who mate for life and definitely have babies.

Now that I actually re-read what I wrote, although I'm not asexual myself, I can see that it can definitely be read as such! I'd say it's both an aromantic and asexual poem then! Or however else someone wants to interpret it really.

Oh I see, thanks for explaining. I didn't know this part about sexual explanation symbolism (how does this explanation work though if you don't mind telling, do people use analogy to pollination to explain sex? Would make sense, through it's more about the flowers that are engaging in their version of a reproductive act than the bees that provide the service. Also, what part do birds play in the explanation? Birds, especially songbirds and birds like swans, are often associated with romance, but what's about them that allows to explain sex easier?)

And great to hear I gave you an idea for a poem, good luck with it! Sounds like it would be a lovely one. 

Edited by Ekaterina
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2 hours ago, Ekaterina said:

Oh I see, thanks for explaining. I didn't know this part about sexual explanation symbolism (how does this explanation work though if you don't mind telling, do people use analogy to pollination to explain sex?

People don't actually talk about birds and bees. They just use that expression as a euphemism for talking to their child about sex.

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Posted (edited)
On 3/17/2024 at 12:51 AM, Ekaterina said:

Oh I see, thanks for explaining. I didn't know this part about sexual explanation symbolism (how does this explanation work though if you don't mind telling, do people use analogy to pollination to explain sex? Would make sense, through it's more about the flowers that are engaging in their version of a reproductive act than the bees that provide the service. Also, what part do birds play in the explanation? Birds, especially songbirds and birds like swans, are often associated with romance, but what's about them that allows to explain sex easier?)

And great to hear I gave you an idea for a poem, good luck with it! Sounds like it would be a lovely one. 

It always gave me a weird feeling, but yeah "pollination" is sometimes used as symbolism to not only sex, but usually conceiving a child. I wouldn't know exactly how it works other than the act of a bee pollinating a flower, to which that flower then has the potentiality of having babies, is probably why some people use it; but as Holmbo said, people don't usually actually talk about bees when using pollination in this format. The analogy is not used a lot, but I've read that type of symbolism in old literature before that was trying to kind of censor sex scenes. The bit about the flowers engaging in their own reproduction would be a lot more accurate and I believe in hindsight it would've been better to use than only using bees for any kind of alloromanticism/allosexuality or service, but there's just this weird insinuation about bees when they pollinate flowers that people often make sexual?? (As I stated above) It gets weird and I never found it ""sexual"" for a bee to do that, but with the symbolism of pollination some people have used the actual act of bees pollinating flowers to symbolize sex in some form or another, too. And the bird part I used to further the "birds and the bees" analogy and because they are typically the actual romantic "counter-part" to bees, where if people used "pollination" to describe sex then I just used birds since they're considered "romantic" (or at least some birds are); but other than that I kind of just threw birds in for the analogy.

Edited by The Newest Fabled Creature
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  • 1 month later...

I have been thinking about writing fiction for a long time but have had trouble coming up with an entire plot. But recently I actually got a full plot together which when finished I think will make about 5000 words. I just wrote the first part of it. It just the first draft but I'll share it here because I had a lot of fun writing it.

Sweat glistened on the men’s skin as they dodged and jumped to avoid the flames. I knew it was a performance, arranged for ultimate suspense, but still I felt caught up in the excitement. One man veaved the burning staff around as if intending to strike at his dance comrades. They bent backward only to turn upright again before the flame seemed to even have fully passed them. At the side stood other men of various ages singing, beating drums and waving bells in the air to create a pulsing music. “Aaarahm! Aaarahm! They sang in different stämmor in a slow rhythm which were weaved around the drums.

I felt pride watching the men’s performance. They were our men, choosen to serve the leaders of Rikkanu Island. Their ability for song and dance was part of the reason for their selection, and they spent much of their time honing their skill. Because of this they were the best performers of the island and, since our island was one of the most populous, possibly the best of the entire Kena Archipelago. I hadn’t been to any other of the islands fire festivals, although I knew from my studies that most of them had one, but at this moment it was hard to imagine that anything could surpass it.

The rhythm went faster and faster and the men’s dancing increased, they did not make huge leaps anymore but rather just moved their bodies in snake like undulations, hands touching different parts of their bodies and almost convulsing with sudden movements. Then suddenly the music stopped all at once and the men froze in place to then slowly sink down to lay on the ground. Then the smallest bell rang and my mentor stepped forward. She was the voice of the fire god and so had the duty to bring us her message for the upcoming year.

Leana was tall and muscular with a stern face. In opposite to the men with their bare skin she wore a big robe, it was jet black, the color of the most faded fire, but with red streaks sown into the fabric to resemble the orginal origin place of all fire. She stepped out in the middle of the circle, her back to the other leaders and facing the rest of the crowd. I was happy I was only an accolade still and so could stand in the crowd with my friends to see it all. I looked to my side where Anida was standing. She was also an accolade but for a different voice. Next year I would be a full voice and not stand next to hear. Anida noticed my gaze and looked back at me, her eyes shining with excitement from the dance. She leaned in, her hairdo poking my face.

Did you see how Sharina’s brother danced?”

I shook my head. Who could keep track of one specific dancer in that mayhem?

He looked so beautiful and strong. I feel half in love with him”

Her smile looked expectant as if she treasured this new appreciation of Sharina’s younger brother. I just shook my head and looked at her with mock sterness. This was a thing with us, she falling in love with every other man and me pretending annoyance at her childish games. What was the use in thinking about men in our situation? It would be years until we earned big enough status to have anyone court us. And if they were they would be from another island, other leaders seeking to offer their brothers and sons to tie us closer together. I knew some women also were together with men from our own island, it was permitted, they just didn’t get any formal status as their courter. To me these women seemed immature, as if they couldn’t let go of their childhood sweetheart. Surely a man from another island would be much more appropriate. When the time came.

My thoughts ended as Leana began to speak.

Fire god! We thank you for your gift of flames and ask that you keep them contained and not let them loose among us.”

She took out a flask from among her robes and held it out straight from her body. She turned it upside down and poured the liquid It pooled and ran in rivulets along the dusty ground, the reflection of the surrounding torches gleaming in it. Leanna put the empty flask back inside her robes and held out her hand to the side to accept a burning torch from one of the dancers. When she had it in her hand she swept it down towards the liquid at the same time as she stepped back in one fluid motion while the liquid caught fire and the flames spread in front of her. I knew how difficult that was to time, I had practiced many times during my training until I was allowed to do it with actual fire.

Leana stood behind the flames.
“Fire god! If you choose give us a message about your will and intentions.”
She stared into the flames. I did the same. I assume most of the other crowd did too but for me and Leana it was different. We knew what we were looking for. And I could tell that we saw it as the same time because Leana moved back at the same time as I hissed in a breath. My whole body tensed.

What’s wrong?” Hissed Anida, gripping my arm in concern. But Leana begun to speak.

Thank you god for your message!” She said in an even tone. She stood for a short while longer watching the flames as they burned out. And then she turned abruptly and walked back to take her place among the other leaders. The voice of present people stepped out to continue the ceremony but I couldn’t hear anything. Because I along with Leana had seen the fire gods message. Had seen it’s warning.




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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Holmbo said:

I have been thinking about writing fiction for a long time but have had trouble coming up with an entire plot. But recently I actually got a full plot together which when finished I think will make about 5000 words. I just wrote the first part of it. It just the first draft but I'll share it here because I had a lot of fun writing it.

Sweat glistened on the men’s skin as they dodged and jumped to avoid the flames. I knew it was a performance, arranged for ultimate suspense, but still I felt caught up in the excitement. One man veaved the burning staff around as if intending to strike at his dance comrades. They bent backward only to turn upright again before the flame seemed to even have fully passed them. At the side stood other men of various ages singing, beating drums and waving bells in the air to create a pulsing music. “Aaarahm! Aaarahm! They sang in different stämmor in a slow rhythm which were weaved around the drums.

I felt pride watching the men’s performance. They were our men, choosen to serve the leaders of Rikkanu Island. Their ability for song and dance was part of the reason for their selection, and they spent much of their time honing their skill. Because of this they were the best performers of the island and, since our island was one of the most populous, possibly the best of the entire Kena Archipelago. I hadn’t been to any other of the islands fire festivals, although I knew from my studies that most of them had one, but at this moment it was hard to imagine that anything could surpass it.

The rhythm went faster and faster and the men’s dancing increased, they did not make huge leaps anymore but rather just moved their bodies in snake like undulations, hands touching different parts of their bodies and almost convulsing with sudden movements. Then suddenly the music stopped all at once and the men froze in place to then slowly sink down to lay on the ground. Then the smallest bell rang and my mentor stepped forward. She was the voice of the fire god and so had the duty to bring us her message for the upcoming year.

Leana was tall and muscular with a stern face. In opposite to the men with their bare skin she wore a big robe, it was jet black, the color of the most faded fire, but with red streaks sown into the fabric to resemble the orginal origin place of all fire. She stepped out in the middle of the circle, her back to the other leaders and facing the rest of the crowd. I was happy I was only an accolade still and so could stand in the crowd with my friends to see it all. I looked to my side where Anida was standing. She was also an accolade but for a different voice. Next year I would be a full voice and not stand next to hear. Anida noticed my gaze and looked back at me, her eyes shining with excitement from the dance. She leaned in, her hairdo poking my face.

Did you see how Sharina’s brother danced?”

I shook my head. Who could keep track of one specific dancer in that mayhem?

He looked so beautiful and strong. I feel half in love with him”

Her smile looked expectant as if she treasured this new appreciation of Sharina’s younger brother. I just shook my head and looked at her with mock sterness. This was a thing with us, she falling in love with every other man and me pretending annoyance at her childish games. What was the use in thinking about men in our situation? It would be years until we earned big enough status to have anyone court us. And if they were they would be from another island, other leaders seeking to offer their brothers and sons to tie us closer together. I knew some women also were together with men from our own island, it was permitted, they just didn’t get any formal status as their courter. To me these women seemed immature, as if they couldn’t let go of their childhood sweetheart. Surely a man from another island would be much more appropriate. When the time came.

My thoughts ended as Leana began to speak.

Fire god! We thank you for your gift of flames and ask that you keep them contained and not let them loose among us.”

She took out a flask from among her robes and held it out straight from her body. She turned it upside down and poured the liquid It pooled and ran in rivulets along the dusty ground, the reflection of the surrounding torches gleaming in it. Leanna put the empty flask back inside her robes and held out her hand to the side to accept a burning torch from one of the dancers. When she had it in her hand she swept it down towards the liquid at the same time as she stepped back in one fluid motion while the liquid caught fire and the flames spread in front of her. I knew how difficult that was to time, I had practiced many times during my training until I was allowed to do it with actual fire.

Leana stood behind the flames.
“Fire god! If you choose give us a message about your will and intentions.”
She stared into the flames. I did the same. I assume most of the other crowd did too but for me and Leana it was different. We knew what we were looking for. And I could tell that we saw it as the same time because Leana moved back at the same time as I hissed in a breath. My whole body tensed.

What’s wrong?” Hissed Anida, gripping my arm in concern. But Leana begun to speak.

Thank you god for your message!” She said in an even tone. She stood for a short while longer watching the flames as they burned out. And then she turned abruptly and walked back to take her place among the other leaders. The voice of present people stepped out to continue the ceremony but I couldn’t hear anything. Because I along with Leana had seen the fire gods message. Had seen it’s warning.




I'm really invested! I know how it feels to not have a plot/be able to come up with one sometimes for some short fictions, since I still struggle with that, but this first draft has left me deeply intrigued and wanting to know more about it!

Edited by The Newest Fabled Creature
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6 hours ago, The Newest Fabled Creature said:

I'm really invested! I know how it feels to not have a plot/be able to come up with one sometimes for some short fictions, since I still struggle with that, but this first draft has left me deeply intrigued and wanting to know more about it!

That's nice to hear thanks. I can post the rest of it here as I go through it if you like.

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  • 1 month later...



At first I thought love but a hoax, surely no one buys into loves false cloaks

Truth lies beneath hyperbole, poetic games to entertains folks

Romance, with its grand gestures and absurd serenades

Grandiose oaths of eternal devotion, poetic spectacles meant only as masquerades

Truth be told lovers are simply special friends who enjoy poetic charades

Not my flavor but others have taste for the operatic

Poetries veil obscures loves nature through the melodramatic



In truth lovers are best friends who magnify their affection for one another

After the sirens song has ended reason will begin to recover

Reality and fantasy are separate realms, romance belongs to the latter

Over time the worlds began to collide, boundaries began to shatter

Allos described their love fantasy as reality

Romance was in actuality a universal normality

In earnest where these songs sung, sincere reflections of the inner soul

Love poems where no illusion, my fears began to unroll



All must fall into love, a destiny for lovers, turned into cruel fate in my eyes

To surmise I would never fall into loves demise would be unwise

Who has not fallen into love? To fall is human, to rise above loves snares divine.

Fate demanded I eventually fall, it was Cupids inescapable design.

Time passed through the hourglass, Cupids arrow never struck my heart

Anxiously I awaited loves inevitable spark, by George when would it start!

Sight alone of beautiful people gave me no romantic lure

As I began to mature no allure seized my soul, of that I was sure

Who has not fallen into love? Only me as far as I know

Isolated in great darkness, I feel an unsettling feeling begin to grow



Am I the only one? Whose love burns with a glow of green.

Could their perhaps be hidden attraction left unseen

Or have I not yet bloomed as fate demands

Throughout the years the glow of green expands

Dare I search for others who experience this green flame

Infatuations red flame lays no claim to the aromantic name

Although aros can experience some red flickers amongst the green

Not everything is black and white, there is always grey in between

Who has not fallen in love? Others burn green, it was never only me

Validation unchains my doubts now I am free

In conclusion I now know a word for what I do not feel

Aromantic is a deprivation of love, it doth work to conceal

For love I do feel, love of friendship garners my appeal







Infatuation bondage of the will


Infatuation spawns from the ether

Possessing its victims soul as does the thresher

With whiplike tail used to round up small fish on which to feed

One must take heed,

know one cannot plead with this beast,

no one must concede one is in love and then proceed

Of course one has agency over loves raging fire

Choose not to act romantically towards the one you admire

if it be fair to call this flaming fire your own desire

Rather it was cupids arrows who began your affliction

Taking reason under passions jurisdiction


Infatuations spontaneous causation escapes all explanation despite my best evaluation

Though condemning the very nature of infatuation was never my motivation.

Limerance eludes my imagination by its seemingly unknowable abiogenetic generation

While romantics see their salvation, I see cupids machinations

To each their own, romance I simply find strange.

If others enjoy romance consensually there is no reason for any outrage.


No infatuation felt today means none shall be felt tomorrow

Rest assured cupids arrow never hit an aro.





Love Lottery


Limerances spell from the outside appears most enigmatic

Reasons description gives an incomplete and simplified schematic

Fleeting limerance is, there and gone with time.

Though of paramount importance it is, mutual infatuations must align

True love is a lottery, one must hope the fates are benign

There is no guarantee loves sporadic spark is mutually shared

No promise that loves fragile string will not snap, will you be spared?



Lovers like candles burn twice as bright with intensity, burning half as long

Long lasting relationships are prolonged not by the hearts changing song

In the allos mind it is imperative to fall into love, but to stay in love?

For surely the only permanent truth is change, a maxim none stand above

Falling into love is an illogical imperative with an arbitrary cut off point

Longevity is ensured through marriage vows, then a wedding day to appoint



Love becomes a habit rather than changing currents of feeling

Though unknown it is when infatuation is no longer appealing

Infatuation cannot last yet it must exist in a romance

My mind looks from the outside of loves illogical trance

Fall in love for a season, then be chained together forever

Not feeling in love is enough to severe a romantic endeavor



Alas the power of love which hangs on a hair

Such is the nature of fair weathered lovers in their affairs

A smooth circle, that is me, trying to explain the nature of boxes and squares

Immune to lovesickness, never feeling the arrows point

Loves lottery appears very cruel, who does Cupid not disappoint?


Edited by Ikarus
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 6/21/2024 at 12:22 PM, Ikarus said:


Infatuation bondage of the will

Love Lottery


Reading these felt like chimes in my brain, I absolutely love it! I felt like I was being directly looked at by these poems, like as if my exact past feelings were being put onto paper (or in this case a forum). These are amazing, thank you for sharing!

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  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Amorous to a Being that is Not

by Memphis Lucas (original poem about aromanticism and intimacy)



You sighed a disappointed thing


The fog of your breath like hefty steam


You saw me standing there, unperturbed


Unperturbed, when I saw you standing there naked


I wasn’t transfixed by how your feelings moved your body


And that seemed to startle you to the core, so deeply


I could tell that your bones were aching for an intimate transformation


You wanted something or someone to make you new


The need from your bones to mold right up against someone else’s


Bones that wouldn’t be mine anytime soon



You have a keening dream


For another to make you soft and to crave, like flies to a bloodied seam


Love into a stream, a romance into the meaning of what’s to be deemed


I simply can’t be the beautiful newly found jewel in the deep


Nor the warm blanket for your sleep


My hands - you want calluses upon my palms from your skin


My hands - which would rather be left scorched from hot coffee in a tin



You’re your own apocalypse


You do know that, right?


Your own recreation and undoin’


Do you care anymore about the thing that follows you?


Follows you into your bedroom late at night


And if It’s there for you to be lovin’ or something for you to put down right?



You’re a heart beating with a limp


Regardless if I caused the wound


You'll need to splinter it up, darling


Smother all of it up in a bandage and then released from the womb


And don't give yourself the chance, babe


To feel like nothing crammed into baggage or deserving to be entombed



Will you let yourself be taken over, like the ashen bodies laying in Pompeii?


Cold, sleepy with ignorance, and indefinitely afraid?


The keening dream you end up loathing, before you take a weed-whacker to the next beautiful bluejay

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