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Do you generally care if a celebrity dies?


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I have a friend that will send me sad emojis when some celebrity dies unexpectedly. I don't really get it. Sure it's sad if their life ended early but not more sad to me than any other person I did not have a relationship. If I have enjoyed their work I would feel sad to not get more of it. If it was someone I felt I knew, from interviews or such, I might feel sad, but even then it just feels too one sided. I don't think I could care for someone who has no idea I excist. 

What about you?

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I’m the same, I have a friend who is really passionate about the lives of celebrities and gets genuinally upset when they die. I try to be compassionate about it, but I also really don’t get it. These people had no idea who she is, so why does it affect her so much? She is a really passionate person overal, so I guess that plays a big part.

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Emotions don't work logical. Normally, I'm just as said as if some random stranger died. Which means I'm not sad. I just can't be sad about every death that occurs in the world.

But there are sometimes special broadcasts when a celebrity died, and they perhaps were genuinely decent persons but had a life full of tragedies, and now they even died. E.g. Sinead O'Connor. So that can make me sad.

There's another, more selfish way that celebrity deaths can make me sad. They just trigger the sobering realization that change is unavoidable. But I guess I want to live in a continuous present. 😃 So if it was a really important celebrity, I feel sad because of this. I mean those institutions, like David Bowie, that even your grandma knows.

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The only time I got really sad over a celebrity death, Terry Pratchett, wasn't when he died but when I read the afterward his daughter wrote to a posthumously published book talking about what else he wanted do do if he had the time and knowing your losing someone years before they die. I don't know how much of it was reading a sad thing and how much it was the no longer getting new works I enjoy sinking in. Apart from that it's mostly just been a feeling of 'well that sucks' or 'may they rot in hell' for at least one recent case.

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I dont get to sad but if it was a very influential person then yes but if its an actor or some media person then no i don't.

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almost everyone: "Oh no! So-and-so died!"

the people that aint almost everyone: "okie dokie, i dont care, sucks to be them"

almost everyone: "yOu ShOuLd FeEl SaD tHiS iS sO tRaGiC"


That is basically what happens when celebrities die

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do care when people die in general. But if it's someone whose name has a meaning to you, for example whom you saw perform if it was an actor and you were invested in things they create - then yes, it feels more sad on a personal level. And not just in a consumer's point of view of wanting to get more content, but as in - I saw the unique thing they contributed to this world. I saw them making life better, even if it was just by creating a fun character that inspires me and others now, and enjoying it. I am grateful to them for sharing their ideas, charisma, joy, whatever, with lots of people and me too. I think it is worth to be commemorated. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I only really care about some of the more 'local' celebrities, by that I mean my friends, who all somehow seem to be well known for whatever reason (sometimes a good thing, sometimes no so much)

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  • 7 months later...

Honestly, when I hear the news that a celebrity has died, I don’t initially believe it. Just because people rumor all the time that a celebrity has died only for that celebrity to say, “Hey, I’m still alive!” But when after more and more news comes out that they really have died, and I believe them. Depending on the celebrity, sometimes it’s shocking and I’m in denial. Others times, if I truly don’t know them or care for them, I just feel apathetic overall. Of course, I am still sympathetic to all the fans and family of the celebrity.

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Not unless they produce content I would consume regularly, or if a friend brings it up I will be sympathetic for the friend, and not the celebrity, unless if the unnatural cause of death is disclosed. For example, a bunch of YouTube/Twitch streamers that died young due to some disease out of their control, maybe it’s genetic or maybe their bodies couldn’t handle it despite best treatment efforts, or maybe they died in a natural accident that nobody would have predicted it befell them, and we’d feel how unjust it is that it had to happen to them at the first place, nobody (except criminals) deserves such a death, and also the concern that we don’t want it to happen to us or to anyone we care about.

If the cause of death is natural old age, the reaction is neutral, they’re already elderly and it’s expected of them.

Otherwise, if they are just a celeb I don’t care about, it’s apathy.

But if someone is known for racism, sexism, LGBTQIA+ phobia, criminality, such as a terrorist, or certain notorious countries’ figureheads, or even if someone was just an Instagram/Twitter/personal blog poster notorious for such views, then I would be excited that they’re gone.

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