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I kind of, and I mean KIND OF relate to the definition of aegoromantic-

It feels like it fits.

I enjoy consuming romantic media sometimes, but do not wish for a romantic relationship and do not wish to participate in romantic activites. 

Also could someone tell me if this orientation involves a lack of romantic attraction? I'm pretty sure it does but I want to make sure I'm accurate.

Even so, this label still feels correct and I wish to identify with it.

Edited by BloodLust
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On 10/4/2023 at 9:03 AM, BloodLust said:

Also could someone tell me if this orientation involves a lack of romantic attraction? I'm pretty sure it does but I want to make sure I'm accurate.

It's not strict. It typically is used to mean someone who experiences little to no attraction, but it's really up to the individual.

On 10/4/2023 at 9:03 AM, BloodLust said:

Even so, this label still feels correct and I wish to identify with it.

That's literally all you need to identify as a label. So go for it!

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