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also, by "everything" i mean i saw the baby coming out, of you know where-


5 minutes ago, The Aro Mando Echo said:

Man that's always so awkward, ugh.. especially when teachers or whoever make comments about how "You'll all feel urges someday.."


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2 minutes ago, The Lost One said:

Ick! Oh! Ewwwwwww!!! That's gross!

very much so. i just put my headphones up and didn't look up at the screen

12 minutes ago, The Lost One said:

Somehow we haven't gotten to that unit, yet.


i suffered through it twice

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On 3/22/2023 at 1:52 PM, The Aro Mando Echo said:

Man that's always so awkward, ugh.. especially when teachers or whoever make comments about how "You'll all feel urges someday.."

Sometimes I feel the urge...to throw up.

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When I am at work, I would like to focus on work. It is not a social gathering for me. Do not follow me around chatting me up for hours, particularly if you're going to ask invasive questions about me being queer. We are supposed to be watching kids. That means spreading out and avoiding chatting each other up so we can be attentive to the kids. Go bug your friends after. We are not friends. We will never be friends. Also, stepping in and correcting a kid and then effing leaving when the kid starts coming at me!? Just let me friggin work. Leave me alone.

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My two classmates. Let's call them M and K.

M IS ABSOLUTELY AWFUL!!!! M supports incest relationships & fetishizes lesbians and queer women 😨 M is also transphobic...

K on the other hand is a sexist and a homophobe. One time when we were arguing about some dumb shit, K told me that even if I was right, they won't listen to me because I am a woman (K claims to be a gentleman ☺️ btw). K also told the two of my classmates, who are dating (for the context - they're both women), that their whole relationship is a sin and that they'll burn in hell. 

I can't stand them. 

Edited by Keith
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I just cried for 20-30 minutes because of all the stress at school and having to listen to shit all day.I heard a kid call somebody the f-slur 3 times in 1 sentence. I feel like I don't get a break from school ever because of all the homework. Everyone is so homophobic and racist to anyone and everyone. I feel so disconnected from the rest of the school because all they talk about is dating and who did what with who.They're so annoying and disrespectful to people especially teachers.

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2 minutes ago, Harvest said:

I especially relate to the people disrespecting teachers part :(( it doesn't happen as much anymore but like 2 years ago everyone was so mean, its like they didn't even see them as actual human beings.

I can relate.. Some people at my school just give me a headache

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Having disagreements with my mom is very frustrating :\ 

It happens very, very rarely. Most of the time, we get along perfectly fine. But, every once in a while, we find some topic we don't quite agree on, and it inevitably leaves me upset. She doesn't have discussions, she gives lectures. She'll let me say words, but everything in her tone says, let me explain why you're stupid and naïve and 100% wrong. Then, when I give up and suggest we talk about something else, she gets mad and ignores me for a few hours. 

I know I'm only 18, but I give my parents pretty much unconditional respect (I'm either mature or just really boring, take your pick) and it would be nice if that could be reciprocated at least a little bit. I'm not asking her to change her viewpoint, I just want her to acknowledge that mine has merit and not make me feel like a fucking idiot. 

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"you can't possibly have sensory issues because you don't have Autism"


**Googles the question 'Can people with ADHD have sensory issues?' and gets this answer**

'The sensory processing problem in ADHD is reported in both of the physiological and parent-reported measures. The sensory processing problem is not gender related but it is associated with age. Specific sensory symptoms are correlated with particular behavioral problems such as aggression and delinquency in ADHD.'

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This doesn't happen everyday, but it happens sometimes, and sometimes when it does, it's random, and I'm not saying this happens all of the time, just sometimes, or in front of people I don't know a lot, but have seen a few times, or complete strangers:

I become so anxious of negative judgement from strangers, and even my friends sometimes, and other negative things, and become so terrified to talk to a stranger to the point I either stutter a lot, become so soft spoken the other person can't hear me very well, or I can't talk at all. That's how terrified I get. 

It's also annoying how frightened/anxious I get because of strangers. How anxious I get because I'm scared of negative judgement and bad things like that.

What's wrong with me?

Oh, and due to the anxiety, I may not talk (this also happens while texting)

Sometimes, though, it's easy to talk to strangers, to say hi, but sometimes I can't do it because it gets so hard.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

We're talking about reproductive tracts in health class. I'm trauamatized-

And I'm trying to be serious, but my mind is not thinking seriously  and it's really pissing me off.

On top of that I think my health teacher is transphobic. :/

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Someone in my class mentioned living with a trans person. Someone else asked “are they a guy that thinks they’re a girl or a girl that thinks they’re a guy” Maybe they just didn’t know how to phrase it but judging by the other people at my school it’s not too likely and it just pissed me off.  

   Also my school is performing the Addams Family and opening night is TODAY and yesterday at DRESS REHEARSAL people still weren’t taking it seriously. No matter how many times they’re told NOT TO SIT ON THE SET PIECES BACKSTAGE or to just be quiet because they can hear you onstage they don’t listen. I heard someone complaining about Pugsley (who’s been doing theatre for a while) because he told them to take their earbud out because they might miss their cue. Someone was singing when they weren’t supposed to. They have never been supposed to sing then. In fact, there is zero confusion about who should be singing then. Again, during the dress rehearsal.

Edited by Loveless Lizard
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  • 4 months later...

Tysm for making this I’ve had this in my mind for awhile and I just need to vent it,  so my little brother (8 years old) got pantsed by a close “friend” of his at our grandparents house i believe she was over to stay the night and she took a picture of his private parts without his consent she is a few years older then him and he told me a full week after this happened he told he said no and she did it anyway, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened either she tries to go in the bathroom with him and the only way he can go in by himself is if I hold her arm and let him lock the door the only reason I held back from telling her she wasn’t welcome anymore was bc she was a kid and maybe she didn’t know better. but there have been enough chances and I’m mad like really mad my grandparents live 2 hrs away by car and I am a few days away from getting my motorcycle endorsement and I’m going to ride up and give her a piece of my mind I was abused as a kid an no way in hell am I going to let that happen to my brother.

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