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Any allo people who feel the same?

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I am not allo, but I assume that allosexuality and alloromanticism are just as wide of spectrums as asexuality and aromanticism.  Hopefully somebody else can confirm this with their own experiences, but to me, I would imagine that kissing appeals to every allo person differently, as does the amount of affection that they're comfortable with.  Kissing seems like just one way to act upon attraction, and I would nod along in understanding if an allo person drew the line there but was okay with other actions, even if they seem "more intensive" than kissing.  Types of affection probably aren't hierarchical, where one is more serious than another; in my view, they're more like an array of foods where you might like some types more than others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mean just because you're allo/dating someone doesn't mean you have to do all the romantic things. It's all about setting boundaries and doing what feels good. I'm cool with a lot of things so I can't really think of any things I personally wouldn't want to do in a relationship, but someone may have different reasons for not wanting to do "typical" affectionate stuff. Maybe they just don't like the feeling of kissing or they're touch averse.

I agree with Ghostflower that there is not one allo experience just like there is not one aro or ace experience.

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  • 1 year later...

Hahaha really late reply but yeah!

Well, sorry, kind of.

I hate the idea of kissing people and being kissed ><, but! After a lot of time and being comfortable with my best friends, I started to like cheek kisses from them. I still don't like anything else, though, people can be just eww


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I’m not allo, but I know allo people who find kissing gross and/or just don’t like any of that mushy romance stuff in certain situations, mostly in public. I think it’s very possible to feel romance repulsion and not be aro, just like how you can be aro and not romance repulsed. They’re two separate things that just happen to often go hand-in-hand. So I definitely think allo people can and do feel grossed out by intimacy

Edited by MondoBilby
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Not alloromantic either (but am allosexual), but either way, every individual has preferences. I personally don’t like being kissed in any context, not even if it’s something like parent to child or if some countries/cultures do that as a greeting, due to the saliva germs involved in the act, I’d rather avoid it. But even after saying that, I’ll have to admit that I like the warmth in literal temperature if it’s received during cold weather, even if I’m not a fan of having to wipe off their saliva.

I’ll assume that “give affection” means giving gifts and saying ‘sweet’ things like pick-up lines, if someone feels genuine in doing so then that’s their personality that can be appreciated, but if it feels forced or scripted just because it has to be done it’s offputting.

Like others said, if allos can have preferences or feel repulsed by certain things, it doesn’t make them any less allo. If aros/aces/aroaces can be romance- or sex- positive, then allos can also have a degree of unfavoring/repulsed. It’s a spectrum. And then there’s also neutrality.


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