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How many of us are musicians?


How many of us are musicians?  

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I've played clarinet for...8 years now?? I've also attempted guitar (moderately successfully) and ocarina (decidedly less successfully), I picked up percussion last year for pep band to fill in for our snare drummer who was out of town for a big performance, and I'm currently attempting to teach myself baritone (also for pep band, because our low brass currently consists of exactly one tuba and that's it) and piano.


In short, I am a hopeless band geek. 

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I occasionally mess around with my guitar, but haven't touched in ages. I'm not particularly good at it either.


I also like to mess around in FL Studio and make electronic music. I've made about 5 finished tracks that I'm actually proud of... but the rest is just bits and pieces that I don't know if I'll ever finish. :)


Next on my list to play with is Utau... when I eventually figure out how to set it up.

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I play electric guitar and electric organ xD. People always wonder why electric organ and the answer is... my family owns an electric organ. My brother plays it as well so...

Anyway, I haven't properly played either of them for about a year because I'm lazy and uni and I haven't really been feeling it lately. I've been meaning to write my own music, but I'll probably be writing that on a gameboy because I really like chiptune music xD.

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Guitar : More in the rhythm side of things (Of course open chords and all the patterns you can do in punk, rock and the occasional metal). Favorite type of chord is an octave , mainly because, it's hollow sounding when solo but with the right notes backing it up with bass and a second guitar, it sounds beautifully full and wholsom). I've been learning 'Plug In Baby ' by 'Muse' recently. The intro's quite fun and simple enough for me to do the lead.


Bass : 2 years experience learning. I can two finger pick, started a 3 finger picking rotation. Never got the 3 finger picking down too well but bass is really fun. You can do a lot of cool fills and funky bass lines and walking on it. Ironically enough, I know around 8 muse riffs on bass, some easy, some not so much.


Vocals : Harsh vox (Fry vocals, specifically )is something I picked up a while ago. It's difficult to do right , I got the initial sound down though i'm learning to put more power behind it instead of just throat usage. Death vox (Growls) are my strong point. Easy to do but with the amount of power I can put behind them, with my diaphragm, it's really good actually. I still need to refine it somewhat with holding my breath and such.


DAW : My primary instrument (I use it the most). Written and recorded over 50 songs (A 1/3rd being finished but all lack proper mixing/mastering)


Songwriting   : What I do at least 3 times a week. Recording goes in this category. If I'm inspired well enough , I write some tasty music : ].


Overall I spend my time writing emo , experimental rock, gothic/postpunk and the occasional cover.

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Thanks for the mention @paporomantic


I've been playing alto and tenor saxophone for 9 years now ?? I  mostly play ?Jazz?


Im studying a Diploma of Jazz at WAAPA right now and once it's over (it's a one year course) I'm hoping to apply for the navy as a musician.


If I get into navy band I'll probably get to learn some other instruments over time since they have their own collection of instruments you can take out and learn. I'd love to learn Bari sax and French horn.

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I had piano lessons from year 1 to year 12 and trombone lessons from year 8 to year 12 (though technically I'm supposed to have been having trombone lessons this year too but I'm a lazy son of a gun).


Once I finish a Diploma of Jazz Music at WAAPA, I'm deciding whether to do the bachelor course, or... something else...:maybepapo:


I also like to mess around in Famitracker: 


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8 hours ago, paporomantic said:

Paging our musicians @Will @Ugh... @Mezzo Forte @brsajo @aussiekirkland @Blue Phoenix Ace (I'm sure there are more) ;)


The 2nd question needs a separate option 'I've never played an instrument'. I've voted for 'other' in its absence.


You know, if you say my name in front of a mirror three times, I'll appear behind you, holding a different percussion instrument every time I'm summoned :P



I'm a musician by trade and am currently working on my MM in Percussion Performance (with a cognate in Ethnomusicology). My graduate assistantship thankfully covers tuition and gives me a chance to get some teaching experience too. I already got my bachelor's in music and a separate master's in business, and so long as the application/audition process goes smoothly, I'll hopefully start my doctoral studies next year.


My first instrument (besides some elementary school recorder/ukelele stuff) was the clarinet, starting at age 11, but I dropped it not long after becoming infatuated with the marimba at around 16. I started learning snare, timpani, vibraphone, and piano when I first started college, and started incorporating countless other instruments into my playing ever since, everything from typical concert instruments (crash cymbals, triangles, bass drum, etc.) to all kinds of folk/world music instruments (bodhran, doumbek, djembe, four types of steel pans, Guatemalan marimba, lots of Cuban/Latin percussion, lots of Brazilian percussion with special attention on pandeiro and berimbau, etc.). My drum set skills are basically nonexistent though, go figure. 


I'm a bit of an instrument collector too, and my most morbid life goal is to obtain so many instruments in my lifetime that someone could open a museum with all of here when I die. xD (Heck, the last instrument I bought was actually a didgeridoo.)


I like to call myself a bit of a music glutton, as I love performance, education, ethnomusicology, composition, theory, and historical musicology (among others) enough so that I want nothing more than to work in a university where I can constantly connect with people who specialize in each of these fields. I sometimes like to tell people that getting my doctorate will be how I marry my music, because I can confidently say that music is the love of my life :) 

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Currently in my second year of college in jazz piano! I used to play french horn, and I now play a few latin percussions.

Also I just became really addicted to synths of all kinds! I am planning on eventually raising money for my college to by a Moog and maybe something else? It's a shame they still didn't bought one! I mean, Nords are okay, but they definitely lack a few details that you can only find on real synthetizers.

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I play every instrument equally bad.


My forte is composition. :) I am pretty good with music theory and music production software. It's surprising how much you can do without knowing a lick of playing anything. I have been interested in the piano for quite some time, but I haven't made the effort to learn it well. I would need to find a teacher, but more importantly the time.


Here are my three published albums. You might call them chillout, or deep trance. It's just emotional music, good to relax to:



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a musician! I play the piano, guitar, ukulele, cajon, and handpan (a steel drum with tongues on the top that vibrate and make noise when you tap them). I also sing and used to play the violin. I think that's all? I often forget what all instruments I play xD

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1 hour ago, Starry Sky said:


I'm jealous! :o I've been wanting one for years, but it just seems like true handpans are near impossible to get an offer to buy, yet alone afford. Tongue drums are a nice alternative, but I don't really like the most commercially available ones and it's just too hard to justify spending that much on an instrument that would mostly be for solo improv. Be sure to enjoy your handpan for me :)

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I used to play the violin, but I don't anymore because I've got too many hobbies to handle at once and had to cut something out and that happened to be playing the violin. I was never too good anyway, but I enjoyed it, especially playing together with others, that was fun (well, once I got used to my teacher... xD)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 3 months later...

I've been playing the clarinet since I was 10. Was in concert band, pep band, marching band, and pit orchestra in high school. Marching band in college until I almost (never found out if I did) broke my tailbone. Walked differently ever since, but I really miss it. 


Now I just play for myself. For me, it's calming and boosts my self esteem. I would like to start a klezmer band some day. I also played fiddle about a year before I started playing the clarinet. Before that, the recorder.

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