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Thoughts on attending weddings


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I have attended three weddings this month alone. Two cousins and my friends wedding. Just got back from my friends wedding as I am typing this.

Just wondering if you enjoy attending weddings as an aro despite the romance. 

As an apothi aro I feel uncomfortable at the kissing and my eyes wander a little but other than that.

Great food


Friends and family I enjoy hanging out with. Definitely a different experience if you are good friends with the groom like I was.

We had a very fun bachelor party and did some shenanigans.

What are your thoughts on going to weddings and even bachelor parties if you ever went to one?


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2 hours ago, Atypique said:

I don't go to loads of weddings so my memory is a little blurry but I'd say I like weddings because of the food and the fact that everyone is happy and having fun

Yeah I like the food and pretty much just that. Oh and also the conversation.

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  • 7 months later...

I've attended two weddings this year, and for the second one I was invited to the whole event (first one was just the party afterwards)

I don't really enjoy big crowds, especially when there is a lot of alcohol involved. I just make sure to leave any sort of party before people get nasty.

Normally weddings give me a sense of 'not-belonging' but i do enjoy good food and hanging out with friends. Also I like to dress up for the occasion, since it gives me an excuse to wear a suit (even a 3 piece one for the first wedding, which had a more formal dress code)

So I guess I both like and dislike attending weddings.

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I like weddings

other people giving me free food is always good, 

As for feeling left out, well thats going to happen a lot of times in life for various reasons so something fairly rare like a wedding is easy for me to put up with.

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  • 8 months later...

Bachelor parties could theoretically be better. But I don't like their pointlessly gendered nature, and I can't relax because I fear that some strange surprise comes out of the blue.

Food 🎂 is surely the best part of weddings 💒, by far!!

I generally avoid weddings except if I know the people well, and they would be very disappointed in me if I'd skip it. I also feel left out and just can't help to feel broody and melancholic 😔 soon because it just is a celebration of romantic love, and they talk about nothing else.

So round birthdays are a way better event. Even those strange ones like religious celebrations or coming-of-age ceremonies are better.

On 1/2/2024 at 6:53 PM, Nix said:

Normally weddings give me a sense of 'not-belonging' but i do enjoy good food and hanging out with friends. Also I like to dress up for the occasion, since it gives me an excuse to wear a suit (even a 3 piece one for the first wedding, which had a more formal dress code)

What exactly did you wear, if I may ask? Black tie?

I love those “Black tie welcome!”-types, NOT. Just say it already what the dress code is or do not mention it, please. It once happened that the groom and I wore black tie and everyone else interpreted it as “Ok, but welcome doesn't mean required, right?”.

Better overdressed than underdressed? Well, no, no. Just no. This was so cringe. 🫠

White tie, meaning tailcoat and full-length ballgown, has more or less died out, thankfully, thankfully!! It is now Nobel-Prize-Award-Ceremony-formal. State-banquet-formal. To me, it looks like Black Butler cosplay, though. Anyone had such an event? 🙃

👉 Romantics and their strange customs! We should create an aro ceremony and invent some crazy expensive dress code for it called “green tie” where one has to wear a ceremonial archer suit. And the compulsory aromantic white ring is better made of white gold! Or rather, we do not — because we don't want to exclude anybody.

😡 Rant ended.

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On 9/21/2024 at 2:05 AM, DeltaAro said:

What exactly did you wear, if I may ask? Black tie?

Oh no, it wasn’t THAT formal thankfully 😅 The dress code was tenue de ville/informal wear, so I wore a 3 piece light blue suit with a tie, because I love the look of it. The dress shirt had flowers on it.

Here’s a cropped picture so you have an idea (this was taken in the store I bought it):


I agree with your view that people shouldn’t be pressured to wear a specific type of clothing and thankfully it is not a very common thing to do anymore. And as you can see, I chose the ‘guy’ version of the dress code and my friends were totally fine with it.

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7 hours ago, Nix said:

Oh no, it wasn’t THAT formal thankfully 😅 The dress code was tenue de ville/informal wear, so I wore a 3 piece light blue suit with a tie, because I love the look of it. The dress shirt had flowers on it.

It's usually a bit older people who demand it, like for second weddings. It's not fitting for day events anyway, but many people don't know this.

But for my cousin's wedding, they seriously wrote “white tie expected” which shocked me. Now, they are a rather eccentric couple, so it was still somewhat believable that they would go so far. I called them, if they were serious … but it turned out they didn't even know what “white tie” really was, instead they understood it as a synonym for “extra fancy”. Phewwww.


You can't be serious...

7 hours ago, Nix said:

Here’s a cropped picture so you have an idea (this was taken in the store I bought it):

Ah, light blue, I like it. I'm sure it looked really nice on you.

If they don't say anything, I just wear a blazer. As I said, while the “slogan better overdressed than underdressed” is correct for business meetings, it's not correct for private events. You're just a guest, not the center of importance.

7 hours ago, Nix said:

I agree with your view that people shouldn’t be pressured to wear a specific type of clothing and thankfully it is not a very common thing to do anymore. And as you can see, I chose the ‘guy’ version of the dress code and my friends were totally fine with it.

It would be one thing if everybody had such stuff in their wardrobe. But it's not like “please wear something green”, rather an expensive dress is demanded which can cost you 1K € even and there are only few opportunities to wear it.

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i’ve attended one wedding before for my cousin, honestly besides the food it was incredible boring and too many people. i might be a groomsman or bridesmaid at one person’s eventual wedding, but aside from that and food all i see are cons: expensive, uncomfortable clothes, long, boring, romantic, loud, too many people, i have to socialize, etc etc. quite similar to homecoming and similar things, except homecoming has no food and you have a lot more freedom with an outfit.

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I really dislike weddings, but mostly because introvert, pretty sure its nothing to do with being Aro. Parties in general are meh. However I always go in a suit, nothing super fancy, just my normal work suit (Blazer, waistcoat and tie) - Very similar to @Nix's picture actually. I may not like weddings, but its important to the people who have invited me, and therefore its important to me.

My brothers wedding was interesting in that the DJ was bombing, he just didnt get the crowd at all. Right up until the point I requestes the Ghost Busters theme. /That/ got people dancing

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Very boring, because I’m introverted.

If it includes religious elements, the service part is just boring, get me out of there, I’m not listening to even half an hour of a sermon, which can feel longer than actual time passed. Depending on the religion, you either just keep sitting down, or they make you sit sometimes and stand sometimes. I just stay at the backmost and be on my mobile. Especially for an irreligious person like me, who didn’t want to be there even dragged to regular weekly services by parents, back in childhood.

Even the non-religious ceremonies I’d rather not watch, I mean the “romantic” parts. But for me, it’s not because of the romanticism, but I just don’t see the appeal of purely ceremonial gestures, religious or secular. Unless it’s in the context of fictional media.

The feast is the only decent thing about them, given how professional chefs would be hired, but that’s all that’s appealing. Good for the wedded and the guests that do care about the wedded, but if it were up to me I’d just come for the food and make an excuse that I have somewhere to go, that’s if I care about the wedded at all, my experiences visiting them so far have never been directly invited, and had I been, I would never willingly attend one, but dragged along by a parent just so they can show off the family, “this is my kid who’s grown up”. If I wanted to eat gourmet food myself, I can also do my research and use my income to eat for personal enjoyment without any special occasion.

Only 2 or 3 I’ve attended had DJs, and even then the songs are just the radio’s popular songs or Top 40 from YouTube, of course they have superior sound equipment over there + the “atmosphere” with the color-changing lighting FX, but if I wanted an audiophile experience myself I can also research good speakers/headphones and do the same in the comfort of my own place, or attend a concert.

As everyone else chats about whatever’s going on in their lives, I just get bored and use my phone as I miss my laptop and tablet back home, with better apps installed to pass time. I will never associate with any of the other guests who are just strangers to me, a family member’s friend is their friend and a stranger to me.

The group photo element, and the inviting/dragging as many people as possible, just why drag along people who don’t care about, let alone know the individuals, other than that they’re a family member’s friend. Do mainstream extroverts just enjoy the presence of being surrounded by multiple individuals, even the ones they’ll never care for? Or do they enjoy getting to crowd control but in real life?

I don’t see the appeal of renting/leasing high-quality products and services for a one-time-use only, instead of owning those same products and services that can be enjoyed any day as desired, in the comfort of one’s residence. Why attend others’ weddings and be surrounded with ceremonies I find boring and people I’ll never associate with, if I can get the same “wedding”-quality food, music or even decor at my own place to be experienced everyday, if I wanted to.

Just realized clothes, luckily in my family’s experience we own many comfortable clothes, even the (semi-)formal clothes, so I just wear any of them to attend. Comfort doesn’t need to be sacrificed for style, if anything for us comfort outweighs style. If I wanted to see style without needing to think about comfort I can just open a game and see video game characters, or customize them if applicable, virtual pixel characters don’t even feel physical comfort at the first place.

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The ceremony is boring and the reception is a sensory nightmare. As for the food, there’s usually not a lot I can eat bc allergies (I have a lot). 

Edited by An Aro Passes Bi
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On 5/29/2023 at 2:13 AM, Ikarus said:

I have attended three weddings this month alone. Two cousins and my friends wedding. Just got back from my friends wedding as I am typing this.

Just wondering if you enjoy attending weddings as an aro despite the romance. 

As an apothi aro I feel uncomfortable at the kissing and my eyes wander a little but other than that.

Great food


Friends and family I enjoy hanging out with. Definitely a different experience if you are good friends with the groom like I was.

We had a very fun bachelor party and did some shenanigans.

What are your thoughts on going to weddings and even bachelor parties if you ever went to one?


as a lebanese person, weddings are a really fun, huge party, so yes i do like them

and i do like romance even if i dont feel it, so that aspect isnt a problem to me


On 9/22/2024 at 12:38 PM, DeltaAro said:



You can't be serious...


is that ai generated...

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2 hours ago, allhailtheglowcloud said:

That's what I was wondering as well, lol

Heavily shopped photos can also give off such vibes, looking too smooth. So you can't find out, except if you spot some obvious AI mistake like a weird fusion.

They sure look like in the uncanny valley, but I thought that added to the comedic effect. 😀

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On 10/13/2024 at 5:23 AM, DeltaAro said:

Heavily shopped photos can also give off such vibes, looking too smooth. So you can't find out, except if you spot some obvious AI mistake like a weird fusion.

They sure look like in the uncanny valley, but I thought that added to the comedic effect. 😀

it is ai 😂

it’s made with mid journey ai


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14 hours ago, organs and bone said:

it is ai 😂

In the end, it's the lowest button on the left person, that seems to prove it. That's such a strange fusion, such a weird non-button.


14 hours ago, organs and bone said:

it’s made with mid journey ai

Well, that's what sightengine.com says. IDK how accurate that is.

PS: I find it quite funny that this image got such a huge feedback. It would be nice if I got that for the other stuff I post here. 😅 Now, I could understand the excitement if I posted this and claimed it was me, or a photo done by me. Since that would be a real gotcha! But we now live in a world where Adobe Stock is littered with AI images, and even Wacom used AI images to promote their graphics tablets. 😮 So, disclaimer, folks: I don't make any effort to avoid AI images 'cause I'm too lazy to upload it to an AI checker. EXCEPT if I potentially spread misinformation. Then I go into paranoia mode.


Trump selflessly saving cats? Seems legit…

But yeah, I've never witnessed faster technological progress than in AI image generation. The first generators a couple of years back, were so bad, took so long for a low-res image, and were so obvious, that you could be happy if you got a non-nightmarish result. I saw them and thought, “This will never be in serious use”. But then came DALL-E in 2021, which was literally light-years ahead and really produced presentable, serious, nice-looking images. And then it just exploded! Human intuition can still recognize something uncanny about AI images, or AI models can detect AI, but how long will that remain true? The ability to churn out fakes is really what bothers me the most; horrible to imagine we get thrown back to the 17th century when one just had to trust some random copper engraver, who maybe made the whole thing up.

… and we're seriously off-topic here. 🙃

Edited by DeltaAro
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