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When i was young i hasn't experienced sexual atraction to none sex or gender when i was studying at the school i do not felt sexually attracted to boys and girls of my classroom none of my friends were attractives for me i has n't experienced or felt some so sexy or sexual to someone when i was simply teenager i hasn't felt nothing sexual to none of my classmaters of school being asexual when one is young alround of the 14 years old when one is arriving to the puberty but the asexuality is real and exists since that i was 14 years old i has not experienced sexual atraction to none sex or gender i do not felt attracted to the boys and girls of my school ufff! Offcourse, this story seems be very bore but not in the past there was signs of that could be asexual in the past there was signs that maybe was i asexual with out know it 14,15,16,17 and 18 years old when one has 18 is an adult and can have sex but the asexuality is an sexual orientation not celibacy but when one is 18 years old is age over and can go in parties drink enjoy the youth but i birthed my 18 and i believed that my problem was that but when i was last grade of highschool at 11th grade to my 18 years old never i desired have sex with none of my classmaters there were someones that wanted have sex or have datings but i intrisically do not desired engage in some intimacy i do not desired, never i desired sex with my friends of the school they were my classmaters i looked of other form of one form different i wasn't desiring nothing sexual i wasn't felt sexual atraction someones told of jerking and sex but in my case not me in my past there was signs that probably there was signs strongs of asexuality this is my story.426172121_122098372550213777_8502640071898060154_n.jpg.0f6836bb30bf966771fdc24b378be8c8.jpg

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... the amount of young children (we talkin 5-8 here) that actually know how babies are made is (surprise surprise) more than 0...

like for real tho, i know at least 3 of them

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7 hours ago, smac n cheese said:

 technically @N1GHTM4R3 you aren't allowed to be on teen corner yet, but then again neither am I

we're the imposters hehe

3 minutes ago, N1GHTM4R3 said:

... the amount of young children (we talkin 5-8 here) that actually know how babies are made is (surprise surprise) more than 0...

like for real tho, i know at least 3 of them

among us hehe

one thing i’ve realized recently that’s interesting is how younger ppl (like under th age of 13) r identifying as aro and shit (ik also a bit guilty, i found out i was aro when i was 14), mf when i was that age i was just wondering why i didn’t seem to rly fit in w/ most othr ppl lmao


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as a younger person, i was the queen of messing with and exploiting the internet (yt on school chromebook, and that nice stuff). i was also the queen of 'looking into stuff'. so one website leads to another, and in less than a week, i know more about the topic i 'looked into' than most people do after doing some web surfing for a month. 

thats kinda how i learned i was aro at age 10.

Edited by N1GHTM4R3
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24 minutes ago, N1GHTM4R3 said:

as a younger person, i was the queen of messing with and exploiting the internet (yt on school chromebook, and that nice stuff). i was also the queen of 'looking into stuff'. so one website leads to another, and in less than a week, i know more the topic i 'looked into' than most people do after doing some web surfing for a month. 

thats kinda how i learned i was aro at age 10.

i didn’t even go to a traditional public school 2nd semester 8th grade lmao

i’ve covered how i figured out being aro a ton b4 so i’ll just link one of them here


Edited by kira-
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When I was young I have never fallen in love with anyone, any girl or boy, I was always aromantic because I have not fallen in love, I already told you.

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Yes I am well aware of that paragraph of text you put at the top of the page. No offence, but I found it quite hard to read, considering there was only one period, and it was at the end...

I would say 1 or 2 sentences without punctuation would be ok, but whole paragraphs like that are kinda just sad. (in my opinion, for whatever thats worth)


Once again, I mean no offence to anyone.

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my friend who's a little kid gave our entire friend group valentines, they were like lottery ticket style, but none of us had coins, so we went to our friend with the bottomless pockets, and he did have a coin (istg the things in his pockets), but the valentines were old so we couldn't scratch them well enough to get the secret message

...so yeah mine was interesting 

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On 2/14/2024 at 7:24 PM, smac n cheese said:

but none of us had coins, so we went to our friend with the bottomless pockets, and he did have a coin (istg the things in his pockets)

there are 3 infinite pocket people in my friend group. there's the one guy with the trash, the one with the Legos and tv remotes (idk either), and me, the one with sometimes actually useful stuff, sometimes absolutely random stuff.

 I recently pulled a calculator out of my pocket and my friend decided that sines & cosines & tangents were things 6th grades should be able to play with. (Yay for children with the power of trigonometry) 

oh and at any time, I may pull out a little circular panda we call chubbs (cuz it chubby). Chubbs is famous lol.

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1 hour ago, N1GHTM4R3 said:

there are 3 infinite pocket people in my friend group. there's the one guy with the trash, the one with the Legos and tv remotes (idk either), and me, the one with sometimes actually useful stuff, sometimes absolutely random stuff.

 I recently pulled a calculator out of my pocket and my friend decided that sines & cosines & tangents were things 6th grades should be able to play with. (Yay for children with the power of trigonometry) 

oh and at any time, I may pull out a little circular panda we call chubbs (cuz it chubby). Chubbs is famous lol.

I make calculators scream sometimes

(if you press the right buttons-I forgot which ones-you can make it say AAAAA!!!!!)

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there are 8 people in my friend group (technically 10 but two of them are rlly toxic, we told them to stop but they wouldn't so we're still figuring out what to do about them), and only one of us has infinite pockets

he has EVERYTHING in there, like half finished worksheets, bouncy balls, super long strings, earbuds, nickels... I can't even name all of them

his twin brother also has a lot of stuff in his pockets, but not as much (NO ONE IN THE ENTIRE SCHOOL HAS AS MUCH)

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