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Superpowers and side effects


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SE: you realize too late that you can’t *un*summon them afterwards. the earth is torn apart

SP: i have perfect intuition. when presented with sufficient evidence, i’m 100% correct in the conclusions i draw from them

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SE: you freak people out all the time because you're always right; although you'd make a great detective 

SP: to control my temperature

Edited by Lilac
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SE: your body still has the same temperature limits for what’s uncomfortable/harmful. that being said, you still have some cool tricks like having your ice cream melt slower than anyone else’s, and you never have to use hand warmers — you just couldn’t cook an egg on your palm, for example

Edited by WizardGrayFire
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SE: They’ll notice that you’re unaffected unlike the rest of them, so they get sus and gang up on you

SP: I can generate edible and nutritious food out of thin air

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SE: The food tastes super bland (well duh, it’s made out of air)

SP: I can grow my hair and nails at any speed I want


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SE: But unfortunately, the hair and nails are uncuttable. Even if you made hair grow at a decent speed, and nails grow at an extremely slow speed, by the time they’re long enough, they’re immune to getting cut.

SP: I can summon homing prickly cactus spikes to target(s) of my choosing. For example an enemy.

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SE: you can’t just summon them out of thin air; if there is no cactus nearby to pluck them off then they will unfortunately be made of any material near you (eg, a wooden table)

SP: I have D&D-like stats for things like persuasion and strength (which means that I would have a consistent stat forevermore)

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SE: You constantly have things to do and are very aware of them

SP: ability to make things very fast (eg, a cake, a table, ect)

Edited by Lilac
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SE: the faster you try to make something, the worse it'll turn out to be. it'll still always get completed, you can always finish it as fast as you want, but if you make a whole cake in 3 seconds it will probably be underdone or just gross :3


SP: i can have multiple "tabs" in my mind, allowing me to think about multiple things without being overwhelmed 

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SE: this means you can be distracted and zone out a lot because you are thinking about so many things at once

SP: I am able to change my clothes at will

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SE: For every new clothing obtained by changing it this way, appropriate deductions for clothing materials are deducted from your bank account, so if your clothes are very fancy, don’t be surprised with a negative bank balance.

SP: Unlimited teleportation attempts for myself, can select where to go. Whatever I’m wearing and holding at the moment sticks together with me during the process.

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SE: you become obsessively driven to complete all the tasks you have to do. when there are no tasks left you can't relax or calm down because there's no way to turn off this compulsion to complete tasks :D


SP: i can manipulate air, basically Avatar airbending 

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SE: people freak out when they see you do this and you get sent off to a lab :D

SP: I am never late

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SE: you are not immune to the wasps, however, and will also get stung if you are in the general vicinity

SP: I can rewind time to up to 5 minutes

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SE: You can’t change your actions in the past, so each time you rewind, you just get to watch as you relive the mistake (or whatever) you were trying to undo

SP: when i do finger guns, i magically squirt appropriate condiments onto whatever i’m aiming at (if it’s not a food, it defaults to ketchup)

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SE: (timestamped to relevant part)


SP: I don’t need to pay electricity bills

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8 hours ago, WizardGrayFire said:

SE: *but only if it’s in French (in other words, you can mémorise but you can’t memorize)

SP: i have as much time as i need to do all the things i want to do

I've been learning french for a few years in school loll

SE: The problems of that bad situation get transferred to you D:

SP: I can change what I'm wearing at will


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