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Superpowers and side effects


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SE: whenever you stop time, one random person on the planet will be fully conscious and aware of time stopping, waiting in agony to gain control of their body again

SP: no media can ever be spoiled for me. if i see or hear spoilers in any form my brain simply blocks it out/forgets it immediately

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SE: As a natural SE of the SP, every media you watch/read/hear is essentially in ‘trial mode’ but you’ll have no ‘payment’ to ‘unlock the full version’ so after 1 chapter/episode, the media just stops abruptly, if it’s a book the remaining pages are blank, if it’s on a screen you’d see the screen go blank and the audio just suddenly muted, so it’s a curse. But here’s a tip, at least you can cope with non-canon fanmedia, which technically spoils nothing.

SP: I was born to be immune from schooling and chores, have an identity card attached to me saying that I don’t need to go to school or do chores, and as a result I’m spoiled with any and every entertainment I want. Relocating me to locations suggestive of schooling/chores generates a force field that shields me from others ever intending to impose schooling/chores upon me.

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SE: You never learn. Also you and your living space are always unkempt, to the point where your “living space” is barely livable and you have difficulty not being noticed (and promptly avoided) in public. But like- no one’s gonna *make* you fix all that, I guess

SP: I am immune to bullets, specifically. I’m not immune to being pierced, or bleeding out, etc., unless it’s by a bullet. As a further example, I’d be immune to tetanus if I contracted it from a rusty bullet

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SE: Well, it makes no difference if you live outside that one notorious land of bullet weapons, or even if you live in it, anyone who’s your arch-enemy would immediately notice that bullets don’t work on you and quickly grab other weapons such as knives.

SP: I have infinite attempts to change my height, weight, gender, hair/eye/skin color, like video game avatars, but it’s in real life.

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SE: anytime you shapeshift, you feel the pain of all those cells dying and regrowing in an instant. the pain is indescribable :D

SP: i wanna be able to adjust individual people's volumes (like you can in a discord call for example) and adjust the volume of anything else making persistent noise

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SE: others can adjust your volume too (depending on the extent of your powers, they may be able to deafen you too — essentially whatever you can do to those around you, they can do right back, but only to you specifically, as the one with the power)

SP: i can see and distinguish the entirety of the electromagnetic spectrum (without it harming me to do so). i can also choose to isolate my vision to only what is considered the “normal human” visible light spectrum so that i may still interact as i ordinarily would with society in my daily life

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SE: it doesn't physically harm you to do so, but being able to see colors that are unimaginable to any other human causes you to gain a superiority complex and act like you're some enlightened god compared to everyone else (maybe you are but we don't know that). As a result your social life is ruined, however, the news stations like your crazy words!!

SP: my brain can generate truly random numbers (in cases where i need help making decisions)

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SE: Truly random, and with no limits. no upper bounds, no lower bounds,  no natural numbers only, it doesn't even have to be rational. Or a real number for that matter. -2569.8782iπ for example.


SP: I can stop procrastinating all day and actually do something.

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SE: there is none. you've finally found it: the most overpowered, infallible, foolproof ability.


SP: i just want super strength fr its cliche but just imagine how cool that would be (i'm too lazy to just workout HAHA)

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SE: One person shalln't wield the power to summon both bread and butter. It will not be allowed as it is too overpowered.


SP: I can play any piece of music on any instrument.

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SE: it takes about 10,000 hours to do so for a complex piece of music on a mew instrument. but i believe in you!

SP: i still have ADHD but am no longer time blind. in fact, i can see a bit into the future too

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SE: your sense of time is so accurate that it even comes with its own mental clock, you can always see it in the corner of your vision and it never stops ticking! 

SP: i can speak and understand any language

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SE: in order to draw something perfectly, your body is temporarily possessed by the spirit of whichever artist could draw exactly what you want. you have no control over yourself until the drawing is completed 

SP: the ability to mentally take "screenshots" of whatever i'm looking at that i can view at any time

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SE: the inability to delete them. they’re very easy to take on accident if you see something you’d rather not remember

SP: i can calm (and cause) storms

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SE: You don't get to choose what type of storm. And there are plenty of storm types, including thunderstorms (single-cell, multi-cell, squall line, or supercell), tropical cyclones, extratropical cyclones, blizzards, dust storms, derechos, and tornadoes.


SP: I can absorb knowledge from any source of my choice.

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SE: this requires a tremendous amount of energy and it is very difficult to control where you land

SP: I can communicate with anyone, anywhere

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SE: you can do so telepathically, however you still need to learn every language in order to use the full extent of your abilities :D not to mention most people would probably freak the fuck out hearing someone else's voice inside their head 😌

SP: the ability to turn myself and anything i touch invisible

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SE: Until someone gets sus of you and pulls out a lie detector, and then they start calling you a sociopath…

SP: I can summon black holes anywhere I want and also of any size I want. I’ll put a giant one over a terrorist hub, another one over a racist hub, another one over a sexist hub…

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