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Superpowers and side effects


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SE: You can’t focus on doing a single task professionally because you’re constantly doing *everything* professionally all at once. Your small talk is literary genius, your throwaway comments comedic masterpieces. If you choose to play a sport, your analysis of your opponent’s strategy takes up as much of your brain space as your running/passing/etc. You do everything well, which ironically means you rarely finish doing anything at all. Congratulations, you now have perfectionism on steroids.

Alternate SE: “Professionally” technically just means you’ve been paid for it, so a fairy pays you one cent the first time you do anything, regardless of your success (although they scorn you if you fail). Income tax applies.

SP: I’m a reverse empath — I can magically make others accurately understand my precise emotions without needing to explain them

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SE: Your precise emotions are those of a criminal’s/psychopath’s/incel’s/terrorist’s, so you’re hated by most of the population except other fellows with the same evil mindsets.

SP: With a finger snap, I simultaneously cause premature death to 100 living people, but at the same time, 1000 people who prematurely died before suddenly revive where they left off.

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SE: You don’t know you have this power, and are a member of a barbershop quartet. You snap so often that, eventually, you cycle through all the population who died of anything but old age, and they’re all kinda peeved at you for killing them a bunch. They form an army and hunt you down.

SP: I can draw circles on the ground that prevent anything or group of things I select from crossing them

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SE: you have no control over how far the barrier extends vertically, so you cause unknown chaos on the opposite side of the planet whenever you make a circle

SP: My body changes to adapt to any situation i might be in, and returns back to normal after. Drowning? i grow gills. falling from a fatal height? wings! 

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SE: Startled by an innocent bystander? Porcupine quills! Tired? Sloth-like lethargy! Emotional distress? Fight or flight just got a little more literal. You can survive most any extreme situation, but your body also reacts to everyday situations or mild discomforts as if they were life-or-death

SP: I can move soup with my mind

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SE: The cureall only works emotionally so if you’re sad, angry or down it works, but if you have a bruise or worse physical injuries it has no effect. And because it’s an emotional ‘cureall’, you think being freed from negative emotions is a dream, right? And then for several hours you either feel euphoric or nothing, and when you need to eat again, it erases your positive emotions, so you’re now essentially a robot in human flesh as you no longer have emotions. You can still understand it when others are expressing their emotions, and you still remember how it all felt before eating this food, but you can no longer experience emotions, further eating this food after then will have no more effects on you who’s been affected by its full power, and there is no cure.

SP: I can teleport another person of my choosing, to any location of my choosing. I have chosen to teleport my enemy onto/into the Sun.

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SE: You cannot teleport the same person more than once so after you do so they’ve got to make their own way from then on. Useful for your enemy though, right?

SP: I can create clones of myself, as many times as I like, whenever and wherever. 


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SE: the clones act of their own volition, and while they share some of your memories, they don’t remember anything past the time you decided to make a clone, and therefore they can only guess at the reason they were made (if that’s even what they end up wanting to do). Also, every time you make a clone, there’s a small chance they just instantly have an existential crisis and are out of order for a while.

SP: I can perfectly eyeball/guesstimate measurements (i.e. when i approximate measurements of physical properties without a tool, i’m more accurate and precise than any tool known to the world), and i can instantly do unit conversions in my head without really needing to think about it

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SE: Everyone is suspicious of you existing in multiple spaces at once, so they confiscate “you”(s) and the real you is also at risk as being considered the “fake” clone. Good luck proving yourself as the real you.

SP: I have a verified government license to not need to work, and the government sends me $10 000 monthly for me to use for daily necessities+leisure activities, goods and services.

3 minutes ago, WizardGrayFire said:

SE: the clones act of their own volition, and while they share some of your memories, they don’t remember anything past the time you decided to make a clone, and therefore they can only guess at the reason they were made (if that’s even what they end up wanting to do). Also, every time you make a clone, there’s a small chance they just instantly have an existential crisis and are out of order for a while.

SP: I can perfectly eyeball/guesstimate measurements (i.e. when i approximate measurements of physical properties without a tool, i’m more accurate and precise than any tool known to the world), and i can instantly do unit conversions in my head without really needing to think about it

SE: Every company in the world that needs such measurements info spams your emails, and they send you harrassing emails if you don’t respond to them by 1 minute.

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SE: This is because you’re the dictator of a small nation, and there’s a rebellion brewing that try as you might you can’t quite squash…

SP: I can always cook bacon perfectly without a timer

Edited by WizardGrayFire
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SE: The bacons may look fine visually, but once they’re eaten… food poisoning. To make matters worse, not even microscopes can detect why it’s suddenly poisoned.

SP: I can manipulate other peoples’ intellectual prowess, such as turning a genius into the opposite of genius and vice versa.

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SE: You do so by funneling smarts through your own brain, so use of your power affects your own intellect as well. You can absorb many different kinds of intelligence (booksmarts, craftiness, cunning, charisma, etc.) and distribute them as you please, but once distributed, you lose them. You have to be very careful when trying to make a super-genius (as the government will no doubt desire of you), because if you go too far, you might have such brain fog that you forget how to use your own power

SP: I can shape shift into anything with approximately equivalent mass as my true form. My true form is Dwane “The Rock” Johnson.

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SE: If (see also: when) you go to far with your power, you stumble upon an existential crisis unimaginable to anyone without your supernatural intelligence, and it breaks your mind, leaving you in a close-to comatose state

SP: I can prioritize well, even with limited information

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SE: Despite the prioritizing abilities, you lack the actual abilities to do the tasks in the priority list, so someone else needs to do the tasks for you, good luck finding someone willing to do stuff for you.

SP: I can access all forms of physical and digital entertainment, in intact form, even the ‘lost media’. So ancient civilizations’ physical games artefacts, and digital games considered lost media is accessible to me.

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SE: You unearth ancient Egyptian Shadow Games of great and terrible power, and upon stumbling unknowingly into playing one, your soul is trapped in the Shadow Realm forever

SP: I can inhale and swallow anything with Kirby-like aptitude, gaining the power(s) of the things I eat in this manner. The first thing I eat is an invincibility star as seen in the Mario games

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SE: You have a lot of allergies so although you can eat anything there’s a lot of health hazards involved…

SP: I can listen to any song I want anytime I want solely with my imagination (like Spotify or whatever music app you use programmed in your head)

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SE: You can’t turn it off. You *always* have an earworm, and although you can consciously control it, when your focus is elsewhere, it plays on repeat the most recent mentally intrusive song you’ve listened to

SP: i can successfully complete tasks by deadlines without being stressed about it

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SE: you already have this ability, its just difficult to do be motivated enough to do that 😞

SP: i can make any sound i want with my mouth/vocal cords, perfectly mimic anyone's voice, etc.

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SE: you can *only* do that. in a stronger version of the effect where thinking too much about something or being too conscious of it can make it impossible to do, your control over your voice is so fine that ironically you can’t talk normally, especially not in a voice unique to you. you end up communicating by quoting others à la Bumblebee from the Transformers, or the Kenku species in Dungeons & Dragons. Also, in order to make all your possible sounds, you require a vocal anatomy different from that of an average human, so if your throat area is ever examined closely by a medical professional, you may end up experimented on by the government

SP: i can stretch any part of my body as if i were made of rubber (i also don’t conduct electricity)

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SE: much like real rubber, your body suddenly becomes much weaker to heat, certain greases and oils, and if you stretch too much and put strain on any particular point on your body, you snap 😃


SP: i can identify anything and everything i taste, the quantities and qualities of each ingredient, where they came from, basically nutrition facts+ 

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SE: in order to have this ability, you’re unusually susceptible to flavors, good and bad, and any and all effects of what you eat, good and bad. unfortunately for you, this includes poison, which exists in trace amounts in certain foods. you accidentally swallow a cherry pit or two, and you’re a goner

SP: i have all the time in the world — i can stop time at any moment giving myself any length of time i desire to do whatever i want. i do not age and my health does not worsen during this time

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