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Superpowers and side effects


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SE: But you only know after you've made the decision... so sometimes you can't go back 

SP: The ability to change identities on command if you see someone you know and want to avoid in the far distance in public 

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SE: this power only works once. upon changing, you are a completely different person, one who doesn't have this ability in the first place


SP: whenever i take a picture, i can then use that picture to travel back in time to that place and relive that moment, with the ability to go back using my camera/phone

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SE: Past you is also in those locations, so you have to stay completely hidden from them unless you want a time-shattering paradox to occur (travelling back in time itself is already pushing it’s limits, bucko)


SP: After an unsuccessful argument, any good comebacks I think of later travel into the person I was arguing with’s head (like a little whispery voice going “um, actually”)

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SE: That person also gains the same power, so the debate continues telepathically between both of you, distracting both of your minds when you should’ve, could’ve been doing other things. The desire to win the debate engulfs intensely to the point both of you start withdrawing from school/work/family/friends, at least both of you still eat, drink, and use the toilet, but you have lost interest in everything else except trying to win this debate that’s always stuck in a draw due to all the comebacks, only living to keep researching for and telepathically exchanging debate points to each other. The debate only ends after one of you dies first, be it natural or unnatural causes. You both have wasted years of life just to impossibly try winning a debate.

SP: I can duplicate perfect copies of real life objects (think cloning but objects, so the clones are at the same state of the original but different copies are separate to the original)

Edited by ABC
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SE: You are limited to 3 usages, and if you set the voltage powerful enough to kill, you die too.

SP: Antigravity

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SE: spacetime shenanigans

SP: i can understand and express my emotions without being awkward about it/permanently altering my relationships

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SE: You can only talk to plants and animals

SP: I can make my hair grow really long or really short at command but it's all an illusion so it won't get tangled to anything nor do I need to brush it or take care of it

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SE: Then physically, all the object collision detection for your head is treated as though it was a bald head, because you said the hair’s an illusion. You’re permanently bald in the real physical world, if anything falls on your head, being bald, it’d hurt more than had there been real hair covering the skin, the hair is just a hyperrealistic hologram that looks just like the real thing but it’s untouchable. Prepare to get suspicious looks when someone makes contact with the hologram of your hair by accident.

SP: I can edit the history of my own personal life, effectively, editing myself into a different version of myself. Such as for example, if I got a bad life experience, I can delete it, or edit it so that it’s replaced with a neutral or good life experience, or even replace it with a different bad experience that’s milder, and the spacetime paradoxes will happen accordingly and suddenly alter the present according to the modification of history tampering.

In simpler explanation, let’s say I choose to edit the experience of a young child who didn’t study and failed a test, overwritten into a young child who did study for said test and passed it. Or, let’s say I choose to delete the occurence of a traumatic experience. Then, the present suddenly becomes drastically different due to the natural consequences of time paradoxes.

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SE: these paradoxes are dependent on so many variables as to make them entirely unpredictable. if every change you make goes your way, you might end up with the most neutral, boring life as even the minor inconveniences cease to exist. otherwise, you may end up deleting one trauma only for a worse one to happen later in your personal history, or for the same trauma (or something else terrible) to happen to some other people, maybe even those close to you. also, because you’re altering your past and not merely your memory, there’s a chance you lock/softlock yourself in a timeline; you could delete the moment you got the power, if you weren’t simply born with it, and you could delete the moment you realized you had the power. assuming that the realization at least happens after some trauma, you have to take a gamble if you want to remove it. combine that with the fact that you’re only seeing the results up to that point, and maybe the future of one of the timelines with an awful past is actually incredible or vice versa. if your goal is to live in the best timeline, you’d need to retry every combination at regular intervals in the future, which wouldn’t be certain to be possible because you might forget you have the power in the process.

SP: i can fly

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SE: But the Y-plane of you floating/flying is limited to the tallest height you can jump, so at least you can fake long-jumping by essentially floating in that height cap. It’s not really flying but more like floating.

SP: I can literally go missing and disappear into a private realm if I wanted to, and if I enter, food and water supplies, clothes I’m wearing and my most important items (in this case my devices + chargers) can be taken into it. The dimensions of the realm is the size of a small bedroom with 1 bed and 1 fully functioning bathroom, they are built-in and will forever stay in perfect condition.

This realm would be undetectable in location, but somehow still have internet access + cellphone signal, it’s just that location trackers will fail when I’m in my private realm. I can also get back out whenever I’ve had enough escaping real life temporarily. Also, time still passes the same as Earth time so all the clocks will still be correct whilst inside it.

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SE: probably some stuff with special relativity, but idk enough about that to say for sure lol. also, you end up wasting most of your life hiding from reality in the haven that psychologically becomes your prison

SP: i have telekinesis

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Se: You can’t touch anything without using telekinesis as your body simply passes through everything and you can’t move it physically

Sp: I can breathe underwater without changing anything biologically about my body


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SE: It’s not really an SP, you can do the motions of breathing underwater, but if you biologically stay as you are, water will just enter your nostrils/mouth and you’ll have to get it out. Not fun.

SP: Everyday, I have one attempt to soul swap with a different random person, so when I do soul swapping, I gain that person’s identity, sense of self, get a first-person experience of their physicality, personality, interests, levels of knowledge in various topics, and their memories while I’m inhabiting their person, and vice versa from them to me.

TL;DR I can change my first-person perspective of living life, into a different individual’s life, and when that happens, the affected individual swaps their first-person perspective of living their life into living my life.

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SE: You always soul swap with someone who has commited heinous crimes or done something bad. So whilst you are in their body you could 'make them a better person', they will ultimately ruin you and even if they don't do anything, since you have gained their perspective and personality it slowly affects your own personality as well and the more you do it, the more influenced you become to being a bad person. 

SP: I can summon a magic item that lets me relax anywhere I want depending on how I feel about a situation, if my legs are tired it summons me a comfy chair, if I'm sleepy it summons me a bed or if it's hot it summons me a fan to cool me down. 

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SE: There is a cooldown of 1 usage per day, like a video game. When you do it in a crowded place, they will see the summoned objects appear on their own, with a chance that they get jealous and ask you to remove the item due to being a distraction. Unlike video games where summons last temporarily and disappear as though they never existed, any summoned item exists physically and can get damaged/destroyed/repaired/etc. One day they see you with a summoned chair or bed and they push you off it, enjoy it for themselves then they remove the legs of the object and throw them upon you. Good luck surviving.

SP: I’m authorized to a balance of $infinity, it’s not crypto but real-world currency, so everything is free to me, although the suppliers of my purchased goods and services will profit accordingly. It’s tied to my identity, so if someone else grabbed my credit card(s) or impersonated me, the system(s) will know it’s not me and won’t work. It’s as watertight as it gets. And since my authorized $infinity balance is tied to my identity, I can just provide ID documents or even show myself in person/through a real-time verification to process my “payment”, remember that they still get profit despite me technically having things for free.

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SE: Your money is never in the correct currency in the country that you are in. E.g. When you need dollars in Australia its in pounds, or when you're in Japan its in euros. 

SP: I have the ability to revert objects to their original materials if I want to and it doesn't activate unless I want it to. E.g. I can change textbooks back to trees to paper or computers to metal and parts and this also works on food such as changing cake back to its ingredients. 

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SE: The reverted parts/ingredients are in worse condition than they were when they were first made into the object. For instance, the parts used to make a computer have rusted or been damaged slightly, and the ingredients for the cake are soggy as if they were still in a batter. If you were to make them into a computer and cake again, and then revert them again, they would be even more degraded.

SP: I can grow any plant wherever I want instantly through magic, so I can make whole new environments for animals to live in and help prevent deforestation by instantly summoning new trees

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SE: The reproduction rate of the plants are always insanely fast or insanely slow none of the in between so the inhabiting ecosystem always struggles to integrate those new plants into the ecosystem and it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain...

SP: I can make people and myself transmigrate to video games for a short amount of time so you can actually play the experience. they can also get out whenever they want and any damage taken isnt actually felt, you can just control your movements with your own body and do everything in a game in a real life simulation

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SE: After you get out of the game, no matter how little energy you spent in the action, you will feel the pain of the in-game damage inflicted on the virtual character on your real life body. If you want to numb yourself of the pain, you can go back into the game, but you’re considered missing or dead in real life while your consciousness is in a game, this will confuse medical personnel and also cost you a lot for healing the real life injuries. Then you might as well stay in the game with more restrictions than real life if it meant you escape pain.

SP: I can make objects I don’t want actually disappear, this is different to destroying or recycling them.

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SE: The objects you make disappear get transported to an alternate timeline, so an alternate version of you may have to deal with the same object when it randomly appears (alternate you’s also have the superpower). You may be thinking “well, it’s not my problem, the alternate me’s will deal with it”, but the space-time continuum police don’t like foreign objects entering the timelines (it’ll “rip holes in the timelines” or whatever) so they’ll track all versions of you down and destroy each one to prevent you from using the power if you aren’t careful.

SP: I can watch my dreams on a tv

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SE: You can’t save/export these video files, and as soon as you forget about the contents, it’s no longer available for viewing.

SP: I can constantly change my body temperature so that I keep perceiving my perfect temperature no matter my surroundings, so if it’s hot my body cools down, if it’s cold my body warms up.

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