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Superpowers and side effects


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SE: your device is always at 50% or less 

SP: I can command dishes out of the dishwasher and into their correct place 

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SE: At least one dish breaks every time you do that.

SP: I can read a person by just looking at them.

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1 hour ago, P4R4D0X said:

SE: At least one dish breaks every time you do that.

SP: I can read a person by just looking at them.

SE: You look like a psychopath everytime you do that, ruining chances of getting to address whatever they’re feeling.

SP: I can change the probability of almost anything happening.

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(they already think I'm a psyco. ill be fine)

SE: Changing one probability affects the probabilities of everything that is remotely related to that.

SP: I can reverse inflation and save myself and others from having to pay 100,000 dollars for college.

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  • 2 months later...

side effect: you *have* to be the voice of reason. it’s exhausting.

i can do my homework magically, with merely a snap of my fingers

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But you have to keep clicking your fingers constantly otherwise it undoes itself again

I am basically a human compass and always know where I am so I never get lost 

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your power requires ungodly amounts of coffee to function, which doesn’t harm you directly, but does seriously hurt your wallet

i can sing in falsetto and have it sound good

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90% of the flavors are awful, and the good ones are few and far between. also, you have to pay for infinite refrigerated storage space

i can read, write, and speak any language i have heard or seen at least once before

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  • 3 weeks later...

SE: Eliminating it in this world moves it to another. Your power, if overused, builds tensions between alternate universes that could lead to war.

SP: I can run *real* fast

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SE: Instead, you must constantly listen to the same heavy metal song at max volume on repeat. If you ever stop listening, at any time, anywhere, and for any reason, you fall instantly asleep as you begin to require it to function again.

SP: I have the ability to grant my friends their dream superpowers when asked nicely

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SE: Your friends use their superpowers to backstab you, stealing your important assets and belongings, followed with ending your life prematurely, and they’re not caught for the crime.

SP: I’m immortal, and no longer need to eat, drink, sleep and use the toilet, and also physically invulnerable to this limited list of: aging, sickness, sense deterioration, physical pain.

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SE: You become immortal at age 8. Since you’re immune to aging, you’re stuck in a situation where no-one ever takes you seriously, nor do they believe you if you tell them you’re immortal. You’re stuck reliving 3rd grade until the collapse of (the rest of) humanity.

SP: I know at least five minutes in advance exactly what my result will be when rolling any dice

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