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S.A.G.E Gender Test


S.A.G.E Gender Test  

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On 07/06/2016 at 9:52 AM, omitef said:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh I hate this test, it's based on so many sexist stereotypes and determines whether you're transgender based on gender identity disorder criteria (which is not inclusive of all transgender people). I took it once and it said I was an androgynous lesbian woman even though I'm an androgynous queer transman. >:( Guess I don't conform to stereotypes enough to qualify as a real man™. *sits in corner and pours salt everywhere*

SAME. Seriously I was like- say what? PUZZLES. WHAT DOES THAT FRICKING TELL YOU. I'm dyslexic so I suck at them naturally **growl**

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sooo, that was .....interesting....


Your Raw Score is: -330, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

Your appearance is Androgynous

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.

You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Female.

Female to Male possible Transsexual 

  • [none]

well it seems not to have identified me as asexual, which is what I though, and I have joined the camp of ambiguous unboxed people that this test labels as androgynous. I think what confused it was I gave directions like a 'woman' go to the shop with the green sign then turn at the giant red apple, yet admitted I can use a map like a 'man' SHOCK HORROR!!! btw I can never remember road names but I am good at visualising. 

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5 hours ago, Apathetic Echidna said:

You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

What does this even mean?


5 hours ago, Apathetic Echidna said:

btw I can never remember road names but I am good at visualising. 

ditto. I build up a mental map.

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  • 6 months later...

I don't think it's possible to devise a multiple-choice test that will tell you with certainty what your gender is. It's something have to figure out for yourself. Tests like this can be entertaining, though, and I've found it interesting to compare results that I've gotten from the same test at different times. But there are some weird questions that I don't know why they were included or how to answer them, such as:


29. Your vehicle (or the vehicle you would most likely own) would best be described as:

(sports car, pickup truck, four door sedan, Sport Utility Vehicle, or Minivan)

People own lots of different cars for a variety of different reasons, most of which are not related to gender. Also, as someone else brought up previously, there are common cars that don't fit into any of these categories. I checked "four door sedan" because that's what my car most closely resembles of those five, but it technically isn't that.


54. You are in a meeting and someone is continually clicking their pen,

("You wouldn't even notice it", "You would probably just ignore it, if you noticed it all", "You might ignore it, if they were seated far enough away from you", "You would notice it, but it wouldn't really bother you too much", or "That would bug you - you'd probably ask them to stop")

I would definitely notice, but I almost certainly wouldn't be bothered by it. I don't think that's the same thing as "wouldn't bother you too much", but I supposed that was the closest answer.


100. You are in a waiting room at your dentist, it's very crowded and you have to sit on a small couch next to someone of the same sex:

("I hate that! I might stand instead", "I'd sit next to the person, but I would 'bunch up' next to the armrest", "I'd sit there, but I wouldn't be comfortable", "Well, it's better than standing. I might even talk to them." or "GREAT! There's an open seat - you plop right down next to the other person.")

I honestly can't remember how I answered, but my reaction is more about social interactions and having to be in close proximity to strangers than gender. Probably I'd have a similar response regardless of the apparent gender of the person that I'm sitting next to.


If my actual results interest you, here that is. I've taken this test three times and gotten a slightly different result each time.

Here's what I got today:


Your Raw Score is: 490, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

Your appearance is Masculine

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Female person.

You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

You believe you have major conflicts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Female.

Female to Male possible Transsexual

And here's what I got a month ago:


Your Raw Score is: 460, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

Your appearance is Androgynous

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.

You appear to socialize in a feminine manner.

You believe you have major conflicts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Female.

Female to Male Crossdresser 

I don't have the exact results from the first time (which was about 2 years ago), but I recall that it was similar to the second except it told me my brain processes are mostly that of a female person.


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Your Raw Score is: -325, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

Your appearance is Androgynous

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.

You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Female.

Female to Male Crossdresser

  • Your Answers indicate your psychological state has likely prevailed since you were quite young.
  • You are in a statistical minority as a anallophilic crossdresser. Most crossdressers are heterosexual. Your motivation for crossdressing may be driven by the undirected nature of your sexuality, as a way to more fully explore the Male gender role.

that last part was interesting to me? (though... anallophiliic? I'm so confused as to why this test had an aspec vocab all of its own). The vote results up top say the vast majority of people got androgynous too, so I can write this off as a tool for gender questioning, but to be honest I did that as soon as I saw how stereotypical the questions and answers were. I guess that's why so many people weren't male or female according to this test. I doubt anyone perfectly fits those ludicrous and archaic gender roles. 

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Your Raw Score is: 370, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

Your appearance is Androgynous

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.

You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Female.

Female to Male Crossdresser 

  • Your Answers indicate your psychological state has likely prevailed since you were quite young.
  • You are in a statistical minority as a anallophilic crossdresser. Most crossdressers are heterosexual. Your motivation for crossdressing may be driven by the undirected nature of your sexuality, as a way to more fully explore the Male gender role.

I found that I did not like this test very much. Many of the questions I did not enjoy, and found them very stereotypical, though I know that is the point. After a while it just gets annoying. The "arousal" questions only confused me really. I am not surprised that I got androgynous for everything, and am actually pleased that I got the answers that I did. I feel that it fits me pretty well, the only thing I might disagree with is the "mild conflicts about your gender identity". Though I enjoy wearing more masculine clothing and short, shaved hair, I don't feel any sort of conflicting feelings or dysphoria. Looking at the poll's outcomes too, I see that most people got androgynous too. Of course, I don't think most people will fit perfectly into a category. I also thought that "anallophilic" was a weird word, and I wonder what exactly it would translate to. I didn't quite understand what they had meant at first, and I would prefer that it had been clarified on the first question it appeared on, and not just at the end.

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That was a really interesting test. Definitely take it with a grain of salt - basing gender analysis on stereotypes and problematic 'gender identity disorders' is a little sketch and won't really be accurate for many people. 


For me, it actually was helpful in clarifying some things. My overall score was 455.


I can't attach an image, but essentially, I'm overall androgynous. I present and socialize feminine, but my thought processes are androgynous. This actually neatly spells out why I'm comfortable being a woman, but why my gender identity has never really been a defining aspect of my overall identity. I'm a little confused as to why I'm a cross-dresser, but I could see myself potentially adopting masculine traits/appearance to explore in certain situations - I'm just not all that interested, lol. 

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  • 3 months later...

Your Raw Score is: -315, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

Your appearance is Androgynous

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.

You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Female.

Female to Male Transsexual in doubt about your ability to successfully transition. 

  • Your Answers indicate your psychological state has likely prevailed since you were quite young.

Fair enough but idk where they got "in doubt about your ability to successfully transition" from. I haven't transitioned yet because i'm not in a good place to do so, not because i don't think i could pass or whatever...


I wouldn't put much stock in this because it's obviously based on stereotypes but it's interesting to compare results!

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  • 9 months later...

S.A.G.E Test Results:

Your Raw Score is: -360, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

Your appearance is Androgynous

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person.

You appear to socialize in a masculine manner.

You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Female.

Female to Male possible Transsexual


I had no notes from the test so it wasn't included and mentioned Female because it was referring to sex and I know I'm not born Intersex. It's hard to take this test seriously when it throws in the word, "arousing" at almost everything in a question including whether one wants a beard or dress in different clothes. This is both painful and hilarious to read at the same time.



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Cringed at quite a number of the questions but results are somewhat accurate ( I'm transfeminine agender ( AMAB) physically I guess I would present myself in a somewhat androgynous way.People pick up on this ocassionally which is fine with me.Psychologically I lean towards feminine. ( femmeandro I guess)Behaviorally I'm pretty feminine.Only interested in a social transition. At peace with who I am but  society being shitty can get to me sometimes. My actual results from this test: raw score 525 overall feminine. Appearance: masculine brain processes:female person socializes in a feminine manner. Major conflict about identity. Male to Female possibly transsexual.Answers indicate that psychological state has prevailed since quite young.

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Well bumping this back because someone else did it. 


Your Raw Score is: -645, which indicates that overall you are Masculine

Your appearance is Quite Masculine

Your brain processes are mostly that of a Male person.

You appear to socialize in a masculine manner.

You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity.

You indicated your were born Male.

No conflicts, you appear to fully accept your physical sex and gender identity. 

  • [none]


huh kinda surprised on several accounts.

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  • 2 years later...

It seems kinda sexist and based on stereotypes tbh

Getting aroused by cooking like is this a fetish? (Not judging thoo) and it didn't even have an option just to say you enjoy cooking. XP 

Also it was kinda hard to do on mobile.

So I gave up completing it *shrugs* 


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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

   Though I'm not American, I'm an east asian, but I think s.a.g.e. test's result is mainly what OTHERS see you as, not what your identity is. For transgender people, s.a.g.e. test maybe shows that how people will perceive you after your transition (If you choose you born intersex, you can see two results, born male or female), but if you're not transgender, or haven't transition yet (pre-everything), your test result maybe will reveal that what people see you as (e.g. you're a androgynous straight person, maybe crossdress a few times, other people may assume you gay), not who you see yourself as. You can imagine the s.a.g.e. test is a person/friend who knows you for a very long time (I've done an experiment, I choose the lean toward masculine or the most masculine options on sage, but I click the most feminine identity options, born gender choose male the results considered that kind of people as normal, this can be an example of my "theory.") And for crossdressing, many people are confused about they NEVER crossdressing, they shouldn't got the crossdresser result, but in a broad sense, there are more androgynous clothing nowadays, like some plain white or black T-shirt, is considered mainly all gender (only boys and girls though) can wear in our society.

   So for people who complained that the sage test is too stereotype, that is possible the real society is, especially in the country(/region) I'm at (That is the first country/region in Asia that the same-sex marriage become legal, but still somewhat stereotype here). (Sorry about my poor English?)

(Btw, when I did this in 2018, I got seriously ftm transexual, but when I did it in 2/2021 I got ftm (possible) transexual, but if I click born intersex, very interesting! I've also got mtf crossdresser in 2018, I've got mtf possible transexual in February, 2021.)

Edited by Yian Top
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On 6/7/2016 at 4:52 PM, omitef said:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh I hate this test, it's based on so many sexist stereotypes and determines whether you're transgender based on gender identity disorder criteria (which is not inclusive of all transgender people). I took it once and it said I was an androgynous lesbian woman even though I'm an androgynous queer transman. >:( Guess I don't conform to stereotypes enough to qualify as a real man™. *sits in corner and pours salt everywhere*



I think s.a.g.e. test maybe mainly shows that how PEOPLE will perceive you, your test result maybe will reveal that what people see you as, not who you see yourself as (You can imagine that s.a.g.e. test is a random person/friend who knows you for a very long time). No offense, but maybe even though you start T for a few days, people will still likely persive you as tomboy. But you are you! Some transmale are WAY MORE feminine then you (for example, some transman love to wear dresses or nail polish, some transman once considered they were genderqueer because of their femininity, but deep down inside they are male, and they started their transition anyway!)  It based on sexist stereotypes is because this is a somewhat cruel, stereotypical society, just remember you are you! S.a.g.e is just a point, don't limit by s.a.g.e. okay? 

On 5/25/2021 at 12:23 AM, mewix said:

It seems kinda sexist and based on stereotypes tbh

Getting aroused by cooking like is this a fetish? (Not judging thoo) and it didn't even have an option just to say you enjoy cooking. XP 

Also it was kinda hard to do on mobile.

So I gave up completing it *shrugs* 


How about doing it on computer or tablet computer?

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1 hour ago, Yian Top said:

How about doing it on computer or tablet computer?

Eh I rarely use computer outside of work lol only for drawing and games hahha but I didn't feel it was worth it after seeing the questions and the amount of them. I doubt it be much easier though tbh usually surveys are easier on mobile if they are designed for it because you can click through quicker. The worst thing about it on mobile tho is the check boxes are way too small but the other thing is the text is too compressed together they really should have spaced things out better maybe seperate pages. But yea its just a quiz so lol. 

I taken similar tests of this nature b4 and they all sort of say the same thing but at least the questions aren't usually this weird xP


Edit: so I did take it as I have not much to do cuz im resting in bed and yea as expected androgynous. But apparently also it considers me a female to male crossresser (but bi which is rare apparently lmao) dunno what that even means cuz most Women wear a at least a bit of "men" associated clothing. Honestly I just wear whatever is comfortable usually from Womans sections cuz its better fit and less stares but I have no problem with whatever is good. Think it's a bit sexist tbh. I wouldnt mind trying like proper cross dressing for fun tho like roleplay but I dont think I even selected the option that was like that cuz they all had the words "aroused" in. Like okay lol. 

I found a lot of it sexist and stuff about arousal and that was unecessary particularly when there wasn't like a normal option without it. The test also assumed that u shave either ur face or ur legs i do neither ahha. A lot of the questions that asked u problems I skipped and selected a random option cba haha. 

Edited by mewix
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  • 2 weeks later...

I was not expecting the need for a measuring tape. I did not know any of the cartoon characters or really what i was supposed to do with my political opinion, im not american. Mostly suprised non binary was not a possible result

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  • 2 years later...

I took the test and hate the questions. Here's what I got:

Your Raw Score is: -380, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous


Your appearance is Androgynous (I get told I look more masculine, and I kinda present more feminine.)


Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person. (I guess?)


You appear to socialize in a masculine manner. (I haven't the foggiest idea, do you really think I pay attention to that?)


You believe you have major conflicts about your gender identity. (I mean, I suppose so?)


You indicated your were born Female.



Female to Male Transsexual in doubt about your ability to successfully transition. (I don't have doubt. Help what?? Also I don't even know if I'm ftm??)



Your Answers indicate your psychological state has likely prevailed since you were quite young.


The questions and answers were weird and sexist. I don't really care for this test. 

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On 6/7/2016 at 3:52 AM, aussiekirkland said:

This has already been explored on other forums so I felt like posting a discussion on Arocalypse.


The test: http://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/sage/test.htm
In depth analysis: http://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/sage/tech.htm


The other day I found a gender test called SAGE (Sex and Gender Explorer) which attempts to take a somewhat scientific approach to determining brain gender, gender expression (both physical and social) and overall appearance.


Of course the validity of this test is questionable at best; still, it was a fun little experiment in comparing my expectations to my results. A lot of questions and concerns that people on other forums had were answered in the test analysis as well as the precursor on the test page so I suggest anyone who is confused may want to read those.


One note that I will make that isn't mentioned except for at the end of the test is that they use this word "anallophilic" to describe asexuality.


I'm interested in seeing the skew of people's overall results, as well as whether they found their results accurate or not. I think this discussion may serve some purpose in determining the accuracy of this test. Feel free to post your results and thoughts in the comments!

I couldn’t get myself through the first 18 questions, my GOSH how is that considered viable research?!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Outdatedly sexist test, it claims I’m trans altho I’m cis.

As if any of those questions were relevant to gender identity.

It genders EVERYTHING, including BASIC literacy and numeracy skills.

Why does it think having BASIC literacy and numeracy skills is “masculine” while if you just give up on them it’s “feminine”? Out of everything they could gender, they even gendered BASIC literacy and numeracy. If someone doesn’t have learning disabilities or is into numeracy they’re “masculine” but if someone has learning disabilities or is into literacy they’re “feminine”? Make it make sense.

And the test is aphobic, even as an allosexual it’s weird how a bunch of the answers are about being aroused. The test makers must be very kinky.

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