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aromantic culture

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I've seen a thread about aromantic symbols but not about aromantic culture in general. So, what are some things that are aromantic culture?

So far I have:


-the green heart emoji

-the color green

-calling out people who ditch their friends to spend all their time with a romantic crush/partner

-asking people what crushes feel like just in case this time it makes sense

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I suppose different vocabularies could be considered part of culture? Like amatonormativity, or of course all different labels of romantic orientation.

I also think that anti-romance sentiments are part of aro culture. Not that all aros are romance repulsed, but it's certainly there. And because romance is most often very earnest it can come of as kind of cynical and disillusioned.


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I would like to say 'no-romo' in all it's many forms is aro culture. Also I argue that 'the friend zone' and it's dreaded enemy 'the romo zone' (and talking about them in those good and evil roles) are components of aro culture


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/25/2019 at 6:37 AM, lonelyace said:

-calling out people who ditch their friends to spend all their time with a romantic crush/partner


I've done that long before I've heard the word "aromantic".

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

-Archery because arrow

-Dragons because green

-Frogs because green

-Reptiles because green

-Pets in general because it sort of symbolizes lack of wanting a partner (i.e. having a pet instead)

-Aliens because green also because we often feel alienated or misunderstood

-Pirates because I dunno I rlly like pirates ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :aroicecream:

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  • 6 months later...

I find just between an aro friend and I that even when we participate in romantic culture we are a little removed from some aspects of it and/or likely to point out toxic aspects of amanormaitvity and how its hurting our romantic friends. Also people have gone to me for romantic advice which made absolutely little sense to me but apparently its a common enough occurrence forthe very few aros I've met. So I guess what I'm saying is aro culture seems to be (in my limited experience because there is simply not enough aro anything where I live and I only know two arospec people in my actual life) that we tend to play relationship counselor. And that alloro people (when they find anything about us positive) think we're smart for avoiding romance, if sad or even just confusing. 


Edit: I don't know but its almost like they take any kinda neutral attitude as some kind of personal wisdom which is a bit to unravel, I need to be getting to sleep.

also, flowers

as well as various lovecore things surprisingly enough, I like it myself

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On 8/21/2019 at 11:13 PM, Chibi Sam Winchester said:

-Pets in general because it sort of symbolizes lack of wanting a partner (i.e. having a pet instead)

I think having multiple pets is part of aro culture. Because they are the best partner and (usually) are the happiest things and want the best for you. I'm a dog person and have 4 now.

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I feel like travel should be a part of aro culture. I like travel, I want to travel, I don't have to compromise with a partner on where I want to travel, and I personally don't have or want pets or kids, so I also don't have to plan for them while I'm away. I can just... get out and go! Also it can go hand in hand with nature being a part of aro culture if you like camping and hiking. o3o

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Writing fiction with arospec characters because you crave representation.

Buying and reading independently published and self-published books because they're the only fiction on sale that has arospec characters.

Being into fiction podcasts because lots of those have good narratives that aren't purely romance-driven or don't have romance at all.

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2 hours ago, cluebat said:

Writing fiction with arospec characters because you crave representation.

My, when I discover I was aro ace, I realized one character I wrote were too. A character who has a relation towards attraction which was inspired from my experience... he was a big sign I was aro but I didn't notice.

And after discovery I wanted aro characters in my books. I kinda calm down on that because my stories are not about that and I don't always have the time to wonder about it, but I have planned stories with main characters, and I want people to acknowledge our existence, you know.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 3/20/2020 at 10:37 AM, Kirakira said:


We should all dress up as Hunters of Artemis for Halloween regardless of gender identity just for the sake of it.

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I would love nothing more than dress up as a Hunter of Artemis. HOWEVER, canonically as someone who has studied greek mythology, I know that it would not be entirely accurate, cuz there has only been 1 male Hunter of Artemis (Orion). Also the vow of maidenhood (I won't enter in patriarchal issues for the sake of not writing a monograph) is an important point to be considered. The group was made specifically so women could 1. be protected against horny Zeus, 2. Be free of men' grasps. To include men inside the group would mean that the women would once again be  "hunted" and have to form relationship with men. Thing that goes directly against what Artemis wanted when she formed the group, the goal was to free women and have a men-free area. I know that everyone here is a sweet hunny bun, but i just can't go against the core value of that selected group, it would defeat the purpose of having created the group. :3 sorry if it bursts dreams from someone but I want to conserve a special place, even if it means I can't be part of it.

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3 hours ago, Blake said:

I would love nothing more than dress up as a Hunter of Artemis. HOWEVER, canonically as someone who has studied greek mythology, I know that it would not be entirely accurate, cuz there has only been 1 male Hunter of Artemis (Orion).

What about Hippolytus, was he not also a male that hunted alongside Artemis? As well as Orion.

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