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  1. I only just learned the term "spatial horror". It's nice to know there's a name for the weird dreams I have.

    1. squinkiy


      cant even look it up bcs of my schools restrictions, what's spatial horror?

    2. Picklethewickle


      It's the sense, or in the case of dreams the experience, that the space you are in keeps changing in nonsensical and threatening ways. I have a lot of dreams about messed up houses. Hallways that go on forever, rooms that change location, doors that vanish, stairs that lead nowhere or terminate at the ceiling instead of taking me to the next level. I dream I go in a house, or more rarely a public building, and I need to get something, or I've put something down and I need to go back to get it. The problem is, once I am inside, all the doors leading back out disappear, or suddenly lead deeper into the house. The room where I put my stuff down, or whatever I need to get, has moved to a new location, and I end up in the wrong room every time. I'm trapped in this house, and if I can't get out soon, it will kill me. The house is absorbing more of me the longer I stay there. Eventually I realize the house is alive, and is keeping there on purpose to feed on me. Later I realize that's actually wrong, the house had already killed and fed on me the moment I entered, and used my lifeforce to bring itself to life. My being trapped here is just an echo of my lifeforce absorbed into the house. I can't leave, because I am a part of this place. In some of my dreams there are other people too, either getting killed off or already dead.

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