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Everything posted by Needlemouse

  1. He sang California girls and passed out
  2. Randomly remembered this forum existed lmao
  3. A place to vent when you need.
  4. So being jealous of other people's gender is gender envy?- Did I get that right?
  5. Is it a sign if I wonder if I'm aro-spec? Match signs? Actually wouldn't mind being under that spectrum, because it's still me regardless?
  6. Is anyone here allo that doesn't like the idea of being kissed in anyway by anybody? Anyone not want to give affection if they date?
  7. The song is Don't Listen by TeamNeutron/JakeNeutron.
  8. When I was a child, I don't know why, but I felt the urge to put on a collar, and leash and have someone take me for a walk. The thought of younger me wanting to go for a walk wants me to go for one right now, the way a dog would. I also went up the stairs the way an animal would, as a kid. And I really want to wear a leash in an sfw way, and have puppy ears and tail, and dog toys and puppy treats and kibble. I have gotten the urge to bite things, and I probably still can. And I want to be treated like a puppy, and sometimes a kitty. I kind of want kitty ears, and a kitty collar, and kitty toys sometimes, too. I don't know if my mindset turns into one of an animal or not, however. And pet regression sounds like something I want to try. Could I be a pet regressor, or a pet dreamer?
  9. I stumbled across this adult cartoon thinking it was innocent. It's called Hapoy Tree Friends. Also lost episode creepypastas.
  10. Happy pride month. Mine isn't going swimmingly.
  11. I don't really relate to the terms, because I feel they just don't fit me.
  12. I'm really tired rn, so I'm going to make this short. -I've dated multiple genders, most of which I haven't felt anything for -I've fallen in love with girl, and a nonbinary person who is masculine aligned -Crushes on girls, a demigirl, that masculine aligned person, and idk if that's it or not -I do not relate to the term lesbian -The labels pan and biromantic don't fit me at all/feel right and frustrated me I think that's all I can remember rn. Again tired cutting it short.
  14. Hi hi hi hi hihi hi hiiiiii hi hi hihihihi hiiiiii hi!!!

  15. No, it's not, it's just something that happened irl.
  16. Me: :000000000 Me: Cute teddy!! :DDD Them: Thanks! Me: So cute!! Them: *Smiles and laughs a bit* Me: *Bean/tiny mode activated*
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