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Everything posted by Needlemouse

  1. Lonely... :(

    1. opal
    2. Needlemouse


      Is that a duck or goose in your pfp?:0

      Either way I like it and want to pet it. :3

    3. opal


      thanks, I think it's a duck :)

  2. I have no idea why I need to feel certain textures sometimes and need to say or do certain things, and if I don't I go nuts, and it becomes the only thing I can thing about and focus on, and why I hate specific textures, but all I know is that it sucks. A lot.
  3. Diagnose w/ ADHD, PTSD, dysthymia, and derealization.
  4. I feel this with my friend group all the time! It's a wonderful type of love isn't it? >w<
  5. My sketches are actually turning out good and it's making me happy!!! :D
  6. He is a bastard. Still should talk about it. Want a hug? :)
  7. I've noticed things through, even having some pointed out to me, and idk if it's neurodivergency or what it is, but it upsets me. The I repetitively say phrases over and over, seeming like I have to, and it feels like it will never end, when I'm anxious or scared or excited. An example is when I'm anxious or scared and I repeat oh god over and over and it feels like I can't stop. Sometimes it is hard to stop, but I manage to. I have trouble controlling my emotions. Sometimes it gets so hard that I fail to hold back words. It's like a big explosion. Then again, this is probably normal. My emotions used to and may still be able to change rapidly. I notice that when I sit and stand, I think I rock back and forth, just barely noticeably, especially when anxious. I fail to tell when someone is being sarcastic, and when someone is joking most of the time, though it's gotten just a little bit easier. I'm way too serious, and hardly laugh at the jokes I do get, and when I do get them they aren't funny. I don't get them. And I don't laugh at funny things, because I don't see how they are funny. I find myself fidgeting sometimes without realizing it. I have these weird, gross thoughts. I have unwanted thoughts. For some reason I hold a pencil with my fingers and read that way, and have in the past, or read with my fingers, and get upset when I can't. I hate loud noises. I procrastinate. I can get distracted easily. I have issues communicating my wants, feelings, and boundaries with people in romantic relationships, and this has led to fights and the end of relationships. I hate certain textures (though everyone does, right?). I get upset when things aren't done a certain way. I wash my hands twice now, and if I think of germs, it gets to the point that I feel the urge to wash more, and get the feeling the germs haven't gone away. I wish I had noise canceling headphones. I stutter heavily when in a place with little to no familiar faces, and sometimes find myself having an extremely hard time trying to talk to strangers due to fear. On top of being afraid of being judged based on my actions and words. I feel like people are watching me when in public spaces. I feel like inanimate objects watch and judge me, and can hear my thoughts 99% of the time. This causes me to feel like I'm in a show of some sort, and the inanimate objects are cameras and the audience, and the audience is nice in my mind when I imagine myself in a show. But when I'm not, the inanimate objects just watch and judge me negatively. I constantly imagine myself as a fictional character 99% of the time (probably normal too) Then again most of this could be dysthmia, or just normal behavior. Idk. Probably me overthinking. And idk if this is all of it or not.
  8. Amazing peoples on this forum fr. /gen
  9. I like that label and it kind of fits and I want to use it. Should I just go for it?
  10. I kind of, and I mean KIND OF relate to the definition of aegoromantic- It feels like it fits. I enjoy consuming romantic media sometimes, but do not wish for a romantic relationship and do not wish to participate in romantic activites. Also could someone tell me if this orientation involves a lack of romantic attraction? I'm pretty sure it does but I want to make sure I'm accurate. Even so, this label still feels correct and I wish to identify with it.
  11. I'm offended that we both think their pfp is cool.
  12. Me: Am I pan because maybe I don't care about gender, or maybe I do, so maybe omniromantic, or maybe biromantic, or polyromantic. Wtf am I? I give up, labels aren't anything important anyway. Also me: Gotta find a label- *Intense searching of the internet* *Goofy ass Krusty the clown laughter*
  13. Ah the good old "wtf am I"









    For me it's not "What's my sexuality, romantic orientation, and Gender identity?" It's "Wtf am I, and why do I give a fuck anymore?'

  14. I'm offended that I don't understand you're pfp even though I probably should.
  15. I'm greyromantic and wondering if demiromantic.
  16. Hello. I'm back.

    1. Isa1116



    2. AroAcedragon15
  17. I quite literally wanted to be someone's gender. Along side envying them because of their gender.
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