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Everything posted by Needlemouse

  1. Sure! Sounds nice. PBM, may I have cuddles? Cuddle session? /platonic
  2. That all sounds very strange and not normal.
  3. We are all locked in our classrooms.. Apparently someone has a gun and knife in their locker. We are in lockdown. The cops are here. We have just been released.
  4. Nope, not ADHD. Diagnosed with OCD, and realized it wasn't ADHD.
  5. For me, I'm Fictionkin, and the characters I kin are 100% non-human, so I think I felt parts of my robotic body.
  6. Sometimes I swear I can feel parts of my old body from one of my past lives, when in a kinshift.
  7. Are there any therians here? I need a little help. So, the thing is I've actually wondered this before. I can't remember when this was, but I thought of one of the characters I kin. And suddenly i felt very deeply connected to an animal in a way I couldn't exactly understand, but I couldn't exactly recognize what animal it was. I wasn't sure exactly what it was that was happening to me. Sometimes I get these animalistic urges. I am capable of feeling like an animal. I've seen the therian community and it's so welcoming and kind and gives me this sense of freedom. I think if I am a few potential theriotypes might be wolf and raccoon, but I'm not sure. I don't know if I experienced phantom limbs in the past, but I don't think I do now. I don't know, this is all very vague, and I apologize for that.
  8. I'm offended by this whole situation. (/joking)
  9. Sure! Why not? PBM, wanna listen to music with me until we both fall asleep? /platonic
  10. I feel exposed because I exeperience all of the following-: Found on AVENwiki: Quoiromantic/WTFromantic experiences may include: Being unsure if you experience romantic attraction or not Being unable to understand attraction as a concept or feeling Finding the concept of attraction to be inaccessible, inapplicable, or nonsensical Being unable to pin down a clear understanding of romantic attraction, so being unable to say whether or not you experience it Having a difficulty distinguishing romantic attraction from other types of attraction, or being unable to distinguish them at all Questioning romanticism for such a long time that the questioning itself becomes the identity, rather than a path toward any other more stable identity Struggling with romanticism because it feels too complicated Simply not feeling that any other romantic orientation label is applicable Well then guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, it appears as if I'm WTFromantic.-
  11. Not able to understand the concept of wtf romantic attraction is and if I experience it or not. For the life of me I can't understand romantic attraction, even after having it explained, since there are so many different ways it is defined. Never feeling I fit into other romantic orientations, and the aro/aro-spec community offers a sense of fitting in. Sharing experiences that are common with aro-spec individuals. Genuinely wtf is a romantic attraction and how do I know I exeperience it? I guess Wtfromantic fits me well. ^^"
  12. Now I have to find that book! It really is touching! I'm glad to see something about friendship for once! How's the book though? Is it good?
  13. Honestly, Idk if what I imagine is a qpr or just strongly platonic or possibly romantic. Probably, just me being oblivious lol. So I'm sticking to Quoiromantic rn. ^^" What sounds nice is just someone to give me affection, and someone who I care about and who cares about me, who wants to be by each other's sides. I want to live with this person, have a pet with this person, hang around with this person, talk to this person about everything and nothing, having a qpr or close friendship with this person, cook with them, maybe even start a family with them, share a life with them, and a bunch of other lovely things. Nothing romantic. I want to get married platonically, or maybe even queerplatonically (I hope that I phrased this right). But not romantically, although my mind's eye makes it seem glorious. But I've learned that fantasy only makes things seem more better than they really are. So what if platonic or queerplatonic marriage or even queerplatonic relationships aren't as good as my mind makes it seem? What if I never want a qpr? I know not everyone wants qpr's and that's okay, but I kind of want one. I don't want to be kissed ESPECIALLY if the kiss involves tongue, (because hello! Saliva exchange! Probs just mental health there.), and I don't like being kissed. I find it gross. I just so happen to have not had a crush in a little while. What? Was my last one like, I don't know, months ago?? Besides, who's to say it was a crush? Who's to say any of my crushes were really romantic crushes? For me it's hard to differentiate if my crushes were romantic or queerplatonic because I seem to have a mixture of romantic and platonic elements when it comes to them. Like I'll want to be around them all the time: just like I want to be around friends or even new exciting people. I want affection: but I always want affection from lots of people not in a romantic way. I'll think of that person a lot: but I sometimes do that with friends, and new exciting people I recently met. My heart raced for those people. I'd have wanted to date them. Oml. i just realized I might be overthinking this, lol. :'( Edit: And even in relationships I'm/was in with people I do like, it feels old and like a chore. I just don't want romantic relationships anymore. Just platonic or queerplatonic ones.
  14. Are you ready for Freddy? (if ya know ya know) /ref The FNAF movie is almost here and I'm excited and sad at the same time.
  15. Honestly, I can't tell you if you are or not. That's your choice. I'm sorry you had to go through that and still might. I can relate to some level. It sucks. Some advice I have is to just try out the label and see if you feel comfortable and happy! You also don't have to label yourself if you don't want to. Either way you're valid and loved!
  16. Happy Spooky Month! 

    The FNAF movie will be coming out in 17 days!!!

  17. H3ll0 th3r3! 1 l1k3 y0ur n4m3! ^^ (If you can't read it it's: Hello there! I like your name!)
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