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Everything posted by Needlemouse

  1. I have a few neurogenders that I feel are probable candidates. Pendogender, traumatagender, gendervague, lipsigender, caed/caedogender, and cloudgender. I will be taking the time to see which one fits me.
  2. No, it's "pigs can't fly." 99% of what you learn in school is a waste.
  3. So, I've looked into genderfluid quite a bit, and now I'm feeling anxiety with the idea of identifying as/being genderfluid. I have this tense uncomfortable feeling at that idea. I looked up "identifying as genderfluid gives me anxiety" and gender dysphoria popped up. That might not be the case. So that's a no on genderfluid? And I most definitely do not want to be genderfaun, and there's no way I'm genderfae and genderflor. I don't think so, at least? So I'm going to research other genders and see if any fit in depth. Do you know why that gave me such a negative feeling? Anyways, thanks for reading this. Edit: I think I'm afraid of potentially being genderfluid, but I don't know why.
  4. My friend made a lovepost about the people they romantically love.... I don't relate to that.... I haven't felt that type of love since the seventh grade... I don't feel that way towards anyone now.... I'm on the verge of crying..... I wish I could feel the way my friend does about someone....
  5. It-It's too funny and precious! https://youtu.be/uFu4S2WzdTQ?si=D0FJVJWzOzm8oYDG
  6. I'm a masculine, demiromantic, possibly lithromantic, and maybe greyromantic.

  7. Reading about it. I should've said reading about it.
  8. I want to see if I'm neutrois/agender/unaligned. Should I do research? If so, how much should I do?
  9. Guy kills 5 children gets springlocked.
  10. Sure TPBM would ya like to make fnaf masks with me! Or whichever character mask you'd like!
  11. False infinity can be counted somehow (yeah idk I tried it was hard) Time goes by fast.
  12. My gender is determined by what body I want to have. And that want is something that changes a lot. There are a few things that stay the same. Like wanting a flat chest and neutral voice, and not really feeling like anything in particular sometimes. Mostly in the agender range. There were male aligned genders too, but I'm facing the truth, and now know that I don't really feel much that's male aligned. And not really female range, either. However, I have experienced the want to identify as demigirl before, and sometimes demiboy. I thought it'd be neat. But the feelings aren't really present. I mostly stay in the agender/gender neutral range, since that seems to be me 100% of the time nowadays. And genderflor is the first genderfluid identity that I'm actually alright with identifying as. Like the bodies I've wanted in the past were sexless, neutral and masculine, neutral and feminine, something completely outside of masculine and feminine genders, masculine and feminine, even male. But I've learned that I don't want a male body, and definitely don't want a female or intersex one, since they don't go with my feelings. Rather just desires.
  13. Idk if I’m really ace. I feel this weird feeling in my body when certain things happen and when I see certain things. But at the same time idk what sexual attraction feels like and dunno why people experience it.
  14. "Guys I'm high on sugar 🤪🤪🤪"
  15. No. When you touch water your wet, but it's not wet. Math is easy.
  16. Why do I know I won't be attracted to anyone? I have been before. I always tell myself I won't be attracted to who I want to give a shot. And all times I'm right. I need to have a crush soon. It's just like me being a kid again. Constantly wanting to be in a relationship, solely because others are, and I don't want to feel like a misfit. Constantly feeling frustrated that I don't feel that way. I have before. So why can't i suddenly now? It's been months since the last person I've dated, and I think felt that way towards. Why does it take forever for a crush to develop? No matter how many new people I meet, I'm not romantically attracted to them at all. I don't get how people can be attracted to strangers, since I haven't been romantically attracted to a stranger once in my life. Only friends, and people with strong emotional bonds. Familiar people. And my crushes are, for the most part "spaced out." I mean there is always a distance, time-wards, in which I have my crushes. Mainly months apart, or something. Maybe sometimes even an entire school year with 1 or no crushes. As a kid, I used to feel like it took forever for me to develop a crush, and I was always envious of people who were dating. Because I wanted what they had, and I wanted to fit in. Nowadays I could care less about any of that, and am content with being single and not feeling romantically towards anyone. At least for now.
  17. I'm MoondropTheBarista on AVEN.

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