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Everything posted by Needlemouse

  1. Hello there! I'm Moon. My pronouns are he/him, and nounself pronouns, and I think I'm FtM (Female to Male), having doubts though. I'm Aromantic, and considering whether ace-spec, but it's quite complicated. I'm romance-ambivalent, which means I'm having mixed or complicated feelings about romance.
  2. Ick! Oh! Ewwwwwww!!! That's gross!
  3. Somehow we haven't gotten to that unit, yet.
  4. Ewww! The reproduction unit, I bet, is disgusting.
  5. Romance and make out scenes ruin the mood, imo. I don't blame you. Health class brings back "That vegan teacher" memories and it's irritating.
  6. The entire romantic aspect of Romeo and Juliet. I don't understand how 2 people can fall in love, let alone that quick. And my grandma constantly pushing her religion in my face.
  7. I have considered that I could be Demiboy, on quite a few occasions. And I've considered the possibility that I could be fluid between male and Non-binary. I'm considering being Demiboy, and now whatever you would call being fluid between male and Non-binary., and part of me is screaming to myself "You are a Demiboy" quite loudly. What would you call being fluid between male and Non-binary? What I feel like? That's a little hard to answer. But I'll try to. I feel masculine/like a boy, but maybe, sometimes Non-binary or neutral. I'm not really sure. All I know is that I do feel masculine/male, sometimes, and then Non-binary/neutral. Like it seems to switch or something. And I agree.
  8. Hi! It's nice to meet you! I'm Moon. I'd be intrested in sharing and hearing experiences of fellow aro's and aro-spec people as well. I hope you enjoy your stay here. :)
  9. Alright. See ya later. Bye!
  10. I am very concerned for that friend-
  11. My friend said he watches way too much adult themed stuff. And I was like "wait fr-"
  12. Quite a few. One time my friend's friend was at the door leading to the smaller gym, and me and friends were there too watching as he said "Do *insert bad substance*, skip school" to a bunch of little kids who were standing at the door. And then, the same day, he broke the glass (like a noticable dent) on the door to the small gym, and we all agreed never to discuss it again, and so it remained unspoken of.
  13. Well, I wouldn't blame you.
  14. Dude sounds like a ducking creep tbh.
  15. I'm glad your doing good. I'm sorry to hear that person is bugging you about that. That sucks. :(
  16. How are you? I hope your doing good.
  17. Music is my life. :)

  18. Oh. That's a possibility. That probably would make sense.
  19. Listening to the full theme of family guy.

  20. So, there's this incredibly long story, but I'll try to make it shorter. Here's the thing: As a child, I would ignore my gender, and I would do things considered masculine. Like for example: playing with toy motorcycles, and toy cars, (even though I played with girls stuff too, I just enjoyed playing with whatever really), getting dirty and not even caring, and a bit of lighthearted roughhousing, and such. I made friends easier with boys, and enjoyed the boys company more than girls, (that could probably have to do with the fact the girls were mean to me though). Though I insisted I was a girl, I felt like I fit in with boys, and ignored my gender when having fun and stuff. Then when I was in the 7th grade I wanted to be a boy. So my friend told me to go for it, so I did of course, and it was great. Then I questioned it again when I heard the term Non-binary, and then Genderfluid, etc. I used up a lot of labels, and doubted myself every time. During that time, when I did ID as a boy, I felt strongly that I was one, at least fully a boy, but when the doubt came, I got really upset, because I wanted to be a boy very very badly. Then I looked in a book about boys, and saw a (bear with me here, I'm gonna try to explain it) graphic image, that had made me repulsed by the idea of ever getting surgery for that. So I was like "ok I must definitely be Non-binary, right?" And so, I ID'd as that for a time. Another part during this complicated time was when I was still a boy, and got confused because it suddenly felt as if I were forcing myself to be that way. It upset me. Anyway, skipping because it's a mess. So, it felt like I was switching between gender neutral, and male. I grew sick of it, and it didn't feel like a fit. I somehow catch myself using He/him pronouns on myself, and using male nouns, and referring to myself as male, since the only way I can word it is it feels right to me. It feels better than female nouns and pronouns, and gender neutral nouns and pronouns. As for something else that may help: I really want a flat chest, and androgynous voice, and hrt, and as for one specific, yet personal thing, I'm not sure, I'm considering the surgery I was oh so repulsed by earlier (I was informed that it could've been because i was unfamiliar with it). What do you think? I know you can't tell me who I am, but I prefer perspective or however you'd word it. I forgot the sexuality part *Shrugs*
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