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Everything posted by Needlemouse

  1. Idk. Something got me thinking (Ik I think a lot, ok-) about my past with having "crushes." What if they were crushes? That's ok. I know, I don't have to think so hard about this. In the past there was this: - Thinking someone looked cute - Wanting to be affectionate (although, if I can remember as accurate as possible, I don't think that occurred a lot, other than wanting hugs) - Wanting to date them, because everyone else was dating and I wanted to fit in, remembering how desperate I was to find someone to date, yet no one wanted to date me, completely ignoring whether I wanted to date someone or not - Wanting to date people who I was friends with, because they were awesome and had a great personality, y'know friend qualities, and I thought that liking someone's personality meant I was in love/had a crush, but then again that might not have meant a thing -One time wanting to kiss my lady friend, kinda badly, probably due to curiosity - Forced myself into relationships I didn't want - Once entering those relationships I wanted out - Only enjoying the sensual parts of a romantic relationship, cause that seemed to be the only thing I wanted, other than getting to know them - Being repulsed by french kissing, and romance in general -Rarely fantasizing/dreaming about marriage and dating, until I started questioning my orientation, then I would think of it a little too much, to see if I liked a gender that way, or if I thought I figured it out, I would fantasize too much, and want romantic things with that gender, and I would fantasize so much, that I got burned out - At one time, I stopped being infatuated by the idea of finding someone, and became fine and liked the idea of being single, and that made me feel free, and happy - Identified as Bi and Pan at times - Became interested, and connected with aromanticism and the aromantic-spectrum, though at the time I didn't know why exactly - Feels isolated from alloromantic identites, as if I were an outcast - Easily experiences sensual and platonic attraction -It felt like a chore to be in a relationship like that -Felt I couldn't reciprocate the other persons feelings And now: - Liking and feeling a sense of community with the aro-spec - Unable to understand romantic attraction, and the definitions I get only confuse me more, since there are too many - Not able to tell if my past "crushes" were romantic crushes or queerplatonic crushes, or platonic squishes - Doesn't want a romantic relationship - Doesn't see my gf as a romantic partner, even though we're dating - Prefers making friends over starting relationships - Hates how much romance is in the media - Wishing not to experience romantic attraction, because, as confusing as it is, it seems gross - Can imagine being aromantic in the future - Is fine with the idea of never falling in love romantically/feeling romantic attraction - Realizing how stupid it was for me to be so desperate to find a romantic partner, just to fit in - Faking a couple of crushes - Mistaking aesthetic and sensual attraction for crushes -Romantic fantasies seem so much more better in my head then in real life - Not able to tell if someone has a crush on me (even though this might not count) - Relating to a lot of other signs in another topic on Arocalypse - Having to look up "Do I have a crush or not?" because it's that difficult -Experiencing signs similar to that of a romantic crush, however, it's towards friends, and others in a non-romantic context - Thinking marriage and romantic relationships are stupid and pointless, and not understanding either of those things, especially marriage since it seems like all you do in marriage is yell at one another - Not wanting marriage -Tbh, I match a lot of signs of not experiencing romantic attraction - Wanting the aro flag to be my flag I'm sorry for bothering you all. I just feel like I can't be aro, and I don't know why. I feel like a misfit, even in the aro/aro-spec community. I'm full of a lot of insecurity. Is this normal?
  2. The reason I sob hysterically into a pillow or something /j Bleach
  3. Suppository (Idk why this is the first thing I thought of-)
  4. Guess who's kinsidering Chico from housebroken? Fun. /sarc
  5. Nice. Idk who that is. :')
  6. Needlemouse


    *Vibing intensifies* Anyone else listening to Take On Me? The beat's just good, and some of the lyrics are ok. But like, this is my vibing song.
  7. Hello Lynxx. I'm Moon. They/them pronouns, please. I'm pretty sure I'm Aroace. Welcome to the forum. Have a pleasant stay. :)
  8. Thank you. It's good to feel not alone.
  9. Your welcome! And thank you! ^^ Wanna be friends? :) I can't help it, but I have to give another compliment. I like your name. ^^
  10. Yeah, I hope to get to know them better, and spend a nice life with them as friends (ofc). That'd be nice
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