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Everything posted by Needlemouse

  1. Simply part of my hyperfixation. Like this character. Her name was silly. Her design even sillier. :))
  2. I'm never forgetting this. 


  3. I was one of those kids who was immersed in romance and stuff, but felt different in a way I couldn't place. I was repulsed with most romantic scenes in shows, movies, and even when witnessing PDA's. Still grosses me out. I find PDA's particularly annoying and gross. The sight of kissing and some happy ever after always made me slightly, if not completely disgusted. Seeing as I was a kid though, it's normal to be disgusted by that type of stuff. I felt kinda alienated with my peers, because for some reason I cannot understand, my peers were dating at that age. I wanted to date to fit in with my peers, and also to some degree, have that stereotypical romantic relationship. Crushes felt like a rare occurrence for me. I wanted crushes, and wanted crushes then and there. I had "crushes" but I don't remember really ever imagining marrying or dating them. Never did that. I wanted to date them yes, but I can't tell if it's because of amatonormativity, or I actually felt something. I never felt butterflies or really blushed. I only blushed when being teased. I could easily forget my crushes. There were a few times when I did imagine futures with crushes (two or three times I actually felt romantic attraction). I still didn't have them on my mind a lot, except a few times. My attraction has disappeared before, sometimes not coming back, sometimes coming back when my partner is affectionate. Other than that I just don't seem to match people's level of romantic attraction most of the time. I love my boyfriend very much, but sometimes I would question if my attraction is genuine romantic attraction or I mixed up romantic attraction with another type of attraction. I don't think of him nearly as much, and not much reminds me of him. Sometimes something will. I don't think of him, unless I remember. We planned a wedding, but I wasn't taking it very seriously. It was like planning a kids birthday party for some reason. It was fun. But with him, I have gotten butterflies. Solely because of his words alone. My heart beat has increased. But the butterflies don't happen anymore, and I don't really blush. He seems to think of me a lot more, and still feel so intensely, but I guess I just... Don't? Must've said this before, but I blush at random people, no attraction attached. I've felt disconnected from romantic media, as if two fictional characters had something I'm missing. It made me realize I'm probably missing something alloromantic people have. But I don't know what. I'm different from alloromantic people.I'm also jealous of couples, even though I'm dating, and I never knew why. Being single felt liberating, and most people I've dated, I'm not even attracted to. Or thought I was. And ended up wanting out. I've wondered if I was actually romantically attracted to the people that seem like people I've been legitimately attracted to, or if it was some other form of attraction. I may be missing something because I forgot it. And people I feel legitimately attracted to are people I've known for some time. Like months or years. Friends, and have had some emotional bond. What am I missing? What's different? What was the thing that's made me different from my peers, and make me feel like I don't get crushed enough?
  4. I love bonding with people. It's my favorite thing to do. 

    1. Duck The Guy

      Duck The Guy

      saw this out the corner of my eye, misread it as "bombing people" 😭

    2. Needlemouse


      Help 😭

  5. I love both my friends. We're all on the aroace spectrum so we have that in common. I don't have to worry about feeling any romantic feelings for them, and no sexual feelings. I strive to validate them every single day. We're a good trio. I genuinely enjoy relationships that aren't romantic in any way, but also enjoy (?) romantic relationships. Or at least am fine with them. I don't really know my stance on it since how I feel about romance changes. I cherish non romantic relationships just as much as romantic ones. No one type of attraction and relationship is greater than the other. I'm unsure of where else I may fit on the aromantic spectrum, other than demi. I feel there's something more to it. But let's not dive into that. I'm rather grateful to have found out about the aromantic community and aromantic spectrum because learning about it introduced me to the fact there are different types of attraction and not just romantic and platonic. It opened me up to the fact attitudes and stance on it exist, and that not everyone experiences romantic attraction and some people only experience it rarely, infrequently, or under certain circumstances. It helped me learn more about myself and opened me up to the possibility that I'm not alloromantic or only experience romantic attraction under certain circumstances. I don't know what exactly I was trying to convey here, but I want to thank the aromantic spectrum for teaching.me things I haven't known about before.
  6. I'm questioning if I'm a therian. I went to my friend for advice, and they said to go to people who are therians for help. What I want to ask is how do you know/find out? Can you share your experiences? I sometimes get animalistic urges. Like growling, hissing, biting, walking/running on all fours, rubbing my head against things that I love/like and make me happy or I rub my head when happy. I've felt this deep connection one time, it felt like I was an animal at the moment, like I was very close to some animal, like there was one within myself. I tried talking to a family members dog before as a child, though I'm pretty sure a lot of kids did that, and also went up the stairs on all fours (another thing kids do/did), but it felt comfortable and right and I hated being told not to do that. I've also watched a pov on youtube, and I got the urge to walk on all fours like the person filming was. I thought of a specific cat, too. I've also cried because I wasn't an animal and felt deeply sad over it. I wanted to be an animal again. I've had dysphoria. When I wasn't identifying as a therian (I'm not currently), I felt empty, and it felt like something was missing but I can't place what. I might not be a therian, just a quadrobist and possibly a copinglink or something. I plan on doing more research into therianthropy.
  7. So if me still seeing myself as still a girl is due to societal pressure or upbringing, And I still feel and perceive myself as masculine and agender, then what? I'd just be stuck in an unhappy position of feeling and perceiving myself as masculine/male, and agender. I don't want that. I haven't been happy when questioning what masculine aligned gender I could be. But there's nothing I can really do to change that. My self perception and feelings I mean. Even if it was societal pressure or my upbringing, it's kind of the thing that makes me feel better about my gender identity. I hope that made sense.
  8. Wonderland by Caravan Place.
  9. found it while watching this short and it's fire :3 I
  10. Hello! Welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay (your name reminds me of Amanda the Adventure, no offense :3), and I like your name! :D
  11. Amnesia The Small Horse finally got finished and I like the whole story but the end was rather disappointing. 

  12. Animation meme edit audios.
  13. I took the test and hate the questions. Here's what I got: Your Raw Score is: -380, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous Your appearance is Androgynous (I get told I look more masculine, and I kinda present more feminine.) Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person. (I guess?) You appear to socialize in a masculine manner. (I haven't the foggiest idea, do you really think I pay attention to that?) You believe you have major conflicts about your gender identity. (I mean, I suppose so?) You indicated your were born Female. ANALYSIS: Female to Male Transsexual in doubt about your ability to successfully transition. (I don't have doubt. Help what?? Also I don't even know if I'm ftm??) NOTES: Your Answers indicate your psychological state has likely prevailed since you were quite young. The questions and answers were weird and sexist. I don't really care for this test.
  14. Turns out I'm a gay trans man. 

    1. Needlemouse


      I'm Stan and I was wrong! I'm not a gay trans man!

  15. Can I identify as Greyromantic, lithromantic, and aroflux at the same time? Or would that not makes sense? Do I have to pick one? I connect to each of them, and to clear things up I connect with the term aroflux in my own way because my romantic attraction comes and goes.
  16. Alright, I did find a label that could've explained this, so I was just asking if anyone could recall it. It might just be romance repulsion/negativity and touch aversion. I hate physical touch and am uncomfortable by it, physical affection in romantic relationships feels weird and uncomfortable, romantic media can be cute (when it comes to animated charactera I suppose) but I've been disgusted ever since i was a kid whenever people show romantic affection like kissing I am absolutely disgusted by kissing. It makes me want to physically get sick. If I ever have another in person romantic relationship, there's gonna be no physical affection whatsoever. I'm annoyed by love posts and couples public displays of affection. I can't even define romantic attraction. But I feel this feeling of feeling something "more" that I think is romantic attraction. I can have a strong feeling of affection for someone, but it only lasts until the honeymoon where it either dies down, or goes away leaving me just wanting out of the relationship, or both, where I feel attraction but it kinda comes and goes. I feel like I don't think of romantic partners as much as they do me, I can even easily just not think of them at all. Cold, I know. But there was one time I thought only of someone, to a probably unhealthy extent? I can't tell. Real life romantic relationships are okay I guess, except for the wanting out part that comes and goes, alongside the lack of attraction that comes and goes. Just no physical affection. And certainly no kissing. Like is there a label for someone who experiences romantic attraction just not as strongly, or where it comes and goes?
  17. Daily convenience for others (helping others) and myself. And a little bit of mischief. And definitely word domination. /J
  18. Heck yeah! PBM, wanna go to a cafe and try different types of coffee, and such?
  19. Being oblivious of my identity is when I think I'm bisexual but then slowly realize that I never was bisexual, and was still asexual the whole time. :')

  20. I used to love watching it. Who was your favorite character?
  21. I deny my mental issues. But it's obvious I have them. I got a new, more competent therapist. She said anxiety and ADHD are likely for me. Now I feel like I know what's she's going to say about everything else. Found out my family can see that ADHD and anxiety are likely present in me. :/ So that's great. /Sarc
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