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Everything posted by Needlemouse

  1. Marvel being illogical:



















    (Spoiler alert)


    *Gamora shows up in the 3rd volume, in the trailers*

  2. I'm so excited for the guardians of the galaxy vol. 3 to come out. And the fact we may or may not be learning about Rocket's past is even more exciting (even though Ik what happened to him). I wonder who"bites the dust" in the movie. I loved vol. 1 and vol. 2. They were really good, especially vol. 2. Ok but for real, how did they bring Gamora back? She's supposed to be dead. Maybe they bring her back in the movie? That's just a theory. I don't know, but I want a logical explanation to something that seems so illogical to me. (Possible spoiler alert ahead!) And I heard from my guardian that they brought Yondu back? What? I thought that dude died. Allegedly she said that he was the same guy, but a different color. Maybe she's seeing things?
  3. I'm tired of beating myself up. Being harsh on myself all the time. I'm tired of thinking of my past life. And tired of seeing the bad, dramatic events from source on YouTube. It stresses me out. I'm tired of thinking period. I'm tired of it all. Yesterday I had a depressive episode, and cried. I'm sick of mental health. I'm in such a place that it's a struggle to even care about my own mental health. I'm sick of being away from my brother, and missing him so much. Please make it stop. Make it go away. I want to stop being harsh on myself. I ant the demons to leave me alone. I want the stress of a past life to stop. I want it to stop. I want to have good mental health, and not be annoying to everyone. It's why you all hate me, and everyone in real life hates me, just everyone. I'm just too annoying. I feel weak because of my mental health. I'm sick of caring. I just want to scream. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for wasting your time.
  4. *Was crying a few minutes ago irl*

  5. Needlemouse


    When your Mexican Sun and Moon art project turns into Fnaf Sb fanart. Oofie.
  6. My friend's threw me one last week or something- But, in source, there doesn't appear to be one, I think.
  7. That bitch Eclipse killed me in source, probably recently. That bitch! Now I'm very angry. >:(
  8. How'd you know you were demi/bi/panromantic? Thanks for answering in advance.
  9. I could possibly be considered Genderfaun, I guess, so if you want I could offer some help. Try the label. If it feels right, then you surely can use it. If not, that's ok. If you feel it matches up to your experiences, even, but you don't want to label it, that's ok too! If you want some more information on it, I'll be happy to help the best I can.
  10. made me learn a bit about reproductive organs. Blech.
  11. No no no no! School has traumatized me yet again. I'm having gender dysphoria rn cause of it. Let's just say, it involves a private thing- God help me I'm disgusted! 😔
  12. Oh. Sorry. My question is: Would this make me Neurodivergent?
  13. Hello. Thank you for reading this. Before I start I'm going to state that I know people online can't diagnose me with stuff, and only professionals can. There are some... things going on with me that definitely are not normal. To start, some of my therapists suspect me of having ADHD, and Persist Depressive Disorder. Seeing as I fit the criteria for depression, it'd make sense. I've been told by several people that I have it. Most of which are not even mental health professionals! And there are things left unspoken of, which I recognize may not exactly be normal. For example, and I hate admitting this, it just makes me upset with myself, I have physically violent, and... life threatening thoughts. This part may or may not be normal: one time when I got frustrated/angry with my dog, I imagined throwing him down the stairs. Or doing some other harmful thing to him. Now-a-days when I get frustrated/angry, my thoughts turn a lot more violent, physically bad. Granite I live with someone who is verbally bad to me, and someone who is physically bad the dog, alongside verbally. And guiltily, I can be just a tiny bit physically bad to the dog, because I know that if grandma sees him spinning around a lot, or something that makes her angry that he does, since I watch him, she'll be abusive to me once again. When I'm angry, if someone hurts me one way or another, my thoughts automatically turn to violence and/or homicide, especially for example, bullies. And one time out of the blue, without anger, I had a thought of "getting rid of" my cousin, and I smiled, and indulged in the fantasy, though I'd never do that. I never act on any of these thoughts though, but it feels like I'm just an evil person deep down, and I hate having these thoughts, and I want them to stop. I don't want to have those thoughts, it just happens when I'm angry, and sometimes out of the blue. It feels like I'm being possessed by some evil being. Then there's the germ thing. If I think about germs, I become uncomfortable with everything around me to some degree. When someone coughs I pull my mask up. If I touch something unsanitary (even if I don't want to), I wash my hands once, yet it doesn't feel like it's enough. I could develop a problem with hand washing that way. I hate kissing, even if someone just kisses me on the cheek or something, but I really hate being kissed on the lips by anyone. I refuse to drink or eat after my family. It's disgusting, and unsanitary. One time, I cried over a toothbrush because one of my older family members took mine and claimed it was hers, and she used it giving me her germ polluted toothbrush. I hated using it. It was impossible to put into my mouth. Every time it got close to my mouth, I backed it away, and spent some time crying because of it. Then there comes anxiety, when I do something that is normal to others and not viewed as bad, but I think is terrible, because she will verbally hurt me. I know it. I can imagine all the things she could do in situations like those and it makes me feel so scared, so anxious, that I don't care about anything else, it plagues my mind, and I don't pay as much attention, and my functioning slowly gets bad. And when I get threatened to get taken back to my parents, the same anxiety comes over me, and when I'm told again and again that I'll go back there, I feel impending doom, and tell myself I'll end myself. I also have this strong belief that inanimate objects watch me 24/7, or my life is some sort of film or cartoon, or something. That itself is bad, because it doesn't stop, and it feels like I have no privacy at all, and sometimes I want it to stop, but when I think it stopped, I get upset, because I don't feel I can live without it. And sometimes my mind comes up with these crazy probably false things, like for example: Me and my grandma's souls switched places, and I believe them, and it upsets me to believe them. And when I think back to something my grandpa did, it's like it's happening again, and I slap at the air, as if trying to stop him, and my fight response kicks in, and I keep wanting to slap at the air, even though it's not happening, and he's dead. So, I may have answered my own question, but I don't know what's wrong with me, and I can't go to a psychiatrist to get an official diagnosis, and medication or whatever treatment I may need. So I sadly only rely on my therapist to give me a diagnosis, even though that itself may not be too accurate, or self diagnosis. I'm so confused about this...
  14. What about PTSD? Or some undiagnosed/unknown possible disorder one has yet to find out about? Ik some of my thoughts and such deviate from neurotypical people. (I hope I used the right word-)
  15. I haven't read it nor have I heard of it.
  16. I was obsessed with them far too much. I loved her far too much. I just wanted to be in a relationship with him, so idk if I liked him that way or not. I'm in a relationship with her. All of them were my friends/people I befriended. Two of which I (in my opinion) felt really close to. So, I'm probably Panromantic, if when I wanted to date him meant romantic feelings. Demiromantic? I'm iffy on that. Iffy on Panromantic. Greyromantic? Yeah, I guess. Well, at least I'm closer to figuring this nightmare out. :>
  17. I've been online for hours, and now my brain is rotting, and I had a hard time typing this lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Isa1116


      Noooooooooooo :(((((((

    3. Harvest-Unity


      If you need help for regulating your online use I reccomend the chrome extension stayfocused, it allows you to limit the amount of time you spend on certain website.  There are also similar extensions like leechblock that are basically the same thing but with different kinds of options.

    4. MulticulturalFarmer


      What does brain rot look like exactly in terms of excessive internet usage?

  18. Guys, gals and Enby pals! I'm so excited! I can't wait for Gaurdians Of The Galaxy Volume 3!!! So excited!

    1. Isa1116


      Yasssss I almost forgot thx for reminding me lol :)

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