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Everything posted by Needlemouse

  1. Oh my gosh *Sobs* I got called stupid by a stranger on the internet. *Sobs* /sarc

    No. First of all being called something like that by a stranger especially one on the internet will not hurt my feelings or anything. I am immune to being hurt because of being called names. It's just stupid. And if they meant it in a joking way, then ok, whatever. I joke from time to time about being stupid. I could care less about what that person thinks of me. This concludes my ted talk. <3

  2. I already knew I was born with a case of chronic stupidity. 


  3. Needlemouse

    H e l p

    too much crackhead energy-
  4. Thank you. Oh yeah, I got grounded by Sunrise for causing chaos. :) And then when I said "Screw you" and gave them the finger, they extended the punishment. :)
  5. Midas, turn me gold.

  6. *Falls asleep*

  7. Mentally or physically?
  8. *Literally kicks a bucket*
  9. that should legit be a toy.
  10. The loneliness is killing me. I don't get to spend enough time with them. I could at least spend time with them after school. But I can't. I don't have much time with them, or many electronics, so I can't really be with them. They mean so much to me, each and every one of them. They are my family. Even if they aren't my blood family, they are. My blood family... isn't exactly the greatest. And if you knew or understood my situation, you would know why I'm so attached to these people, and why they mean so much to me. The loneliness has gotten to such a point that it hurts. It just hurts too much to bear. I miss them. They don't make me feel like a misfit. They make me feel heard and loved and cared about. They don't make me feel sad, lonely, and isolated. And most importantly they don't make me feel like... well, I don't know exactly how to phrase it. I miss them so much, and the loneliness hurts so much that it's driven me to desperation. They just mean so much to me, hold such a special place in my heart. I just want to be with them again. I'm just feeling lonely and sad. I'm always being harsh on myself, and that's tiring. Our dog has problems. I want to get away from my home situation. I have a test soon. I don't understand a word people tell me when it comes to orientations and stuff. I'm tired of my problems. I just want it to stop. I get infuriated just thinking about this shit. I want it to all stop. Just stop! Everything is just fucking infuriating! I just don't know what I want anymore, what to do about this. I'm sick of it all. I've been a little harsh on my pet, and it's not his fault. I'm sick of my negative traits. I'm sick of myself. I don't know what to do. I'm sick of all my problems. All this shit I have to worry about. I'm sick of all the shit I care with me (metaphorically speaking). I'm sick of it all. I'm sick of shitty people. I'm just so angry that I want to get rid of anyone and everyone who makes me angry,or sad, or some shit. Like just... Like just.... Not murder. Not murder... I'm having violent thoughts again. I don't want those thoughts. I feel like I'm capable of acting on them. I'm. Sick. Of. It. All. I can't trust anyone. They could tell someone else that I don't trust. they could gossip about me and laugh. I especially don't trust the adults. they always tell the one person I don't want to know about any of this. She will do bad things. I'm tired of mental health. Specifically my mental health. I'm tired of the shitty past and present that I had and have to endure. Jesus why am I so weak, that I can't handle bullying and neglect and verbal abuse? I'm tired of my mental health being so bad all the time. Such a weak, pathetic little thing, that I can't just be normal in social interactions. No. I have to be anxious. such a pathetic, crybaby, crying over something like germs. Pathetic, and weak. This is all my fault. Everything is my fault. I'm only full of imperfection. I'm screwed up, crazy, edgy, weird, creepy, stupid, ugly, clingy, selfish, just... So much. I'm awful. Awful awful awful! That's all I'll ever be. Awful, crazy, edgy, weird, creepy, stupid, ugly, clingy, and selfish. I'd love to just scream and let it out, but I can't at all. I just need to let out a long piercing scream. I need to break something. But no. I can't. I'm just so angry, and hurt, and tired of it all.
  11. I'm offended that you made me think of how I failed to rickroll my mom
  12. There's this one person. They are my type. Their kind, caring, affection, overall a good person. They love me in that way. But for some reason, I can't seem to reciprocate those feelings and it's frustrating. I want to be in love with them, I really do. I love them, but I don't love them. I love them in a different way from romantic love. And I feel so guilty about not feeling romantic love for them. I love when we give affection to one another, and I love how we are close, and confide to each other. And I really want to have my heart flutter, but it rarely ever does. In fact, my heart has only fluttered for one person, and she never liked me back, but I still had feelings for her, and it was exciting being in love with someone I can't have, partly because it's forbidden, since she was taken. Most times my heart sped up from excitement, cause I guess believing I liked people I didn't really have a crush on was exciting, because I rarely ever seemed to get crushes, but my heart never really fluttered and I never got butterflies when around them, but I would get excited because I liked them in a different way. That's how it is for most people. And my heart doesn't flutter with this person. No butterflies for anyone but one person. And it's not my current partner. And now I'm doubting something about my crush/falling in love with that girl, even though there's nothing to doubt. Why can't I fall in love with my partner? Why can't I reciprocate these feelings? Why do I want to love her that way, but can't? What is wrong with me? Why am I broken?
  13. Some character from one of Dav Pilkey's books. Petey the cat, since he just gives me those vibes.
  14. I'm offended that you're not coming back with Rick.
  15. The nose on my African mask (for art class) came off so i had to hot glue it. :(

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