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Everything posted by Needlemouse

  1. I just came back from the hospital. About the results of a test. I have epilepsy. And something is still abnormal in my brain cause of that. It's hard to explain. ^^" This sucks. There's a chance I may grow out of it, but there's also a chance I might not.
  2. I'm in an Eclipse kinshift, and I suddenly hate Moon, for no reason. Or maybe some reason but idk how to figure that out, and I've got shit to do so this is something that can wait.
  3. Banned for irritating me a bit, because I'm already in a pissy mood.
  4. Banned for banning me when I never mentioned Star Wars.
  5. I took it and the only answer the quiz has is this: "Accept reality" " it sucks to be a girl. it sucks so bad that i don't blame you for wishing you could be anything else, whether that's a boy or a third gender or nothing at all. does it feel like declaring that you're different will make that suffering stop? it won't, because if youre born female, then that's what you'll be for the rest of your life. on the bright side, there is no wrong way to be a girl. you are not sick, abnormal, or special for existing outside of gender stereotypes. you're just you. and i promise you, that's a perfectly acceptable person for you to be. please if you have time, go through each question on this quiz and think about how they made you feel about your position in life as a female person. write out longer answers if youre unsatisfied by the ones i provided. look for patterns in your thoughts and really dig deep into what's going on with you... whether you decide to accept reality or not, i hope that you'll be kind to yourself" This made me very mad.

  7. https://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED134/5562d50da152e.jpeg
  8. bro you ok? Having a seizure or smth?
  9. Banned because your part of my selective fam, and I love ya, DreamXD
  10. Banned because tbh I think you're right.
  11. Banning myself bc I'm too dumb to realize how you know that.- (*Hug if accepting*)
  12. I finally understand why I should not hate myself for the way I cope. I have a better understanding of why I need that to cope. And now i'm finally accepting of it! And my therapist said she'll try to find a paci for me! Bless her heart. (She really doesn't have to do that for me <3)
  13. Banned because your a perfect friend. <3 (I mean it, your a really great friend to have, and i'm happy to have you as my friend! :D ^^)
  14. Banned because Idk what the color is and am too stupid to know- Unbanned because nvm-
  15. Low paying job because screw familial expectations. Would you rather cause chaos with a good group of friends or get to meet someone new?
  16. Needlemouse

    W t f -

    I smell toilet paper and beer-
  17. *Casually remembering that I'm in a zoo*

    1. DreamXD


      here we see the solar eclipse in its natural habitat

  18. (Forget it, it's probably just me overthinking something from the past that doesn't need to be overthought. :/) (I suck in that way.)
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