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Everything posted by Needlemouse

  1. (I struggled to think up something so I stuck with that lol.) Pass, because it's obvious. A million dollars but you can only watch the same thing every night
  2. the cheesy love songs keep finding me help

  3. Oh I definitely got the Sb reference, haha. /notsarc Hi Lunar! How are you? :)
  4. There's art for the art show, and I saw one of my pieces, but like they had Jake the dog.

  5. Oh. I worded it weirdly. I meant nuzzling, kissing, etc.
  6. True. TPBM has a favorite sensory thing
  7. Today, I started interacting with this person aesthetically, and I think they like me, and I blurted out without thinking about it too much that I like them too. And I got this feeling, I'm not sure if it was butterflies, since it's hard for me to explain, let alone remember, but I felt really excited and happy. And I really wanna date them tbh. This feeling or whatever is still fairly new though.-
  8. That sounds amazing! I should check this show out (since I watch the same one over and over-).
  9. False unless your voice counts. TPBM likes tiny ones (children).
  10. Imagine liking someone.


























    Imagine liking a simp /hj

  11. True to a degree. TPBM has that one show they always end up watching.
  12. Welcome to the ND peoples chat. ^^
  13. Ths one thing, but I never thought to do that. And besides, yesterday it might've been overthinking, but the other time I lost my sense of self/identity, and feeling like myself, I wasn't overthinking. And I don't have DID. I know that.
  14. It's really scary, and it happened again last night.
  15. Sometimes I feel detached from my body, disgusted by it, and the disconnection scares me. And I don't know who I am anymore, cause I seem to lose my sense of self, don't feel like myself, and then I don't know who to be anymore, and that leads to me crying begging for myself to come back, and being very frightened. And I don't know what to do. And I think it's just me being dramatic, overthinking, and stuff.
  16. No, no. It's ok it's not your fault! It's just something I can't control. And I'm anxious cause there's a possibility I could have another seizure in the future.
  17. It's complicated. TPBM is wild (in a good way)
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