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Everything posted by Needlemouse

  1. "eye number 3 isn't for eating" Bro who's eating eyes??
  2. I'm offended that your post was worded differently (dw it's fine tbh-)
  3. I feel rage when playing blooket. 😿

  4. The humming/buzzing from somewhere in the classroom, along with the clicking from people typing, and all out school noises and chatter.
  5. I heard math and hhhh. I hate math.
  6. My internet is coming back to me tomorrow. Finally can talk to bf, and friends, and brother. Yippee!!

  7. You're very valid! Just because others have a disinterest in that stuff doesn't make you a fraud.You certainly aren't a fraud. You're a very valid person in the aroace-spec community.
  8. Steven (your name reminds me of Steven Strange, aka Dr. Strange). :D
  9. True! It's "Can you feel the sunshine" from Sonic R! TPBM is bilingual.
  10. True! I enjoy getting a taste of new things to see what I do and don't like! TPBM likes to read and enjoys reading from a book (preferred over reading online)
  11. I was in ELA class last period, and the teacher told us tomorrow's assignment and that she wouldn't be here, and some dude blurted out "that's so skbidi!" God help me. 😭

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AroAcedragon15


      At my school one of last years sophomores wanted the English teacher to play skibbidi toilet while they did their assignment.

    3. Needlemouse
    4. P4R4D0X


      "DUDE, WHO LET YOU PASS KINDERGARTEN?!" - some kid to some other kid 

      Our ELA teacher probably has doubts about us being in her excels class.

  12. True! TPBM is wearing something casual, the type of casual doesn't matter.
  13. No. Because humans can remember at least a few things (that's a bad argument lol). Psychology is vast and complex.
  14. All I know is I don't really like using the label genderfluid, I've perceived myself as my assigned gender (female), I've perceived myself as genderless too. I've "felt" masculine. But I'm not a girl? I've also had dysphoria, or maybe dysmorphia, because I'm uncomfortable with my body and want to change it, sex characteristics and all. But I don't know to what. I've desired several different appearances. I hate she/her pronouns being used on me for the most part, and feminine honorifics and my assigned/given name. I've liked passing as a boy sometimes and also androgynous, but I also feel insecure about my femininity. Am I just a cis girl in denial?
  15. You have a case of ligma..... Ligma balls! Lololololololol!!! (This is satire)

  16. 😂 Anygays.... "Banned because you did that for no reason"
  17. My English class ;-; We are that most chaotic class ever. This kid kissed the floor. What the hell 🥲
  18. Ah alright. I kinda do it for myself, but also in order to feel normal? I'm pretty sure. I haven't actually thought of that lol. I'm sorry I'm not well put together.
  19. "I’m offended that you had catnip and didn’t share any"
  20. I'm offended that there's talk about catnip.
  21. Probably wide honestly, yet again idk why though
  22. ‘Hi there I just wanted to let you know that I have received your email’
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