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    Aro/Ace (Romance-Repulsed)
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  1. Last week I was working my retail job when a guy who was apparently standing by and waiting for my to finish my task stopped me and told me I was gorgeous. I appreciated the compliment, but then he asked if I was single and I don’t really like lying about it and just said very clearly yeah, but I’m not looking. Then he backtracked and said he just wanted to be friends. I might have believed that if we’d had like an actual conversation before this point. He then asked if I had graduated and when I said “yeah, two years ago,” he responded with “are you going to go to college?” And I had to clarify that I meant I graduated from university to 2 years ago. I’m 24 but look very young. He looked like maybe late 20s and I didn’t love the fact that he was speaking this way thinking I might be a high schooler. When he asked for my number I tried to get away with just giving him my Instagram (really wish I didn’t give him anything at all honestly) but he opened his phone to a new contact page and handed it to me. For a while he was texting me every day with me responding very sparingly. Now I think he’s somewhat gotten the hint. Yeah, I need to get better about saying f- no when a stranger wants my contact info. I think me being at work and talking to a customer definitely made that more difficult this time.

    1. organs and bone

      organs and bone

      oh no! that sounds like a nightmare. 
      hopefully that situation never happens again!

    2. Picklethewickle


      Yikes. I hope he disappears. Feel better.

    3. The Newest Fabled Creature

      The Newest Fabled Creature

      Bruh that SUCKS. I hope he gives up completely soon.

      I remember some dudes who would just look at me while I was ringing them up at my recent retail job, not start a conversation AT ALL, and would suddenly ask me for my SnapChat. I would always tell them that I didn't have it (the truth), or there were cases where guys have asked me if I was single and I would say that I was but that I wasn't looking; luckily they wouldn't ask me for my number, I think I would've died on the spot. I have always been taken aback from guys doing that, because not only do I forget because of my aromanticism that other people may feel attraction towards me, but I dress masculine/androgynous (and I have boy short hair, which I cut because of my gender, but I do kind of look like a butch lesbian) and so you would think they wouldn't even ask me for my socials? I mean, I do experience attraction towards men/masc genders, but I try to dress in a way that turns them off. I know it takes a bit for some non-queer people to realize someone they're talking to isn't like them, but damn.

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