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About AroAcedragon15

  • Birthday March 5

Personal Information

  • Orientation
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    I'm a speck on a spinning rock in infinite space. I have no clue.
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  • Location
    New York

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Beelzebufo (4/4)

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  1. Hello! Could anyone reply to this and refer to me using they/them pronouns. I'm trying to work through gender stuff again(still?) I feel really ungirl??? right now. I just can't find the right words. Nonbinary feels really close but u still don't know

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. allhailtheglowcloud


      I've often seen AroAcedragon15 in the arocade - specifically, I've seen them in the win stupid prizes thread where they frequently post.

    3. AroAcedragon15
    4. organs and bone

      organs and bone

      I love seeing @AroAcedragon15 on this forum, they make me smile c:

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