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Posts posted by Aimee03

  1. Ah, yes. Anytime I even think someone might try to make an advance, it basically sends me into fight-or-flight mode. It's very uncomfortable. I had someone recently ask me to go out for coffee and oh, boy, my anxiety skyrocketed and it was almost panic mode. Fortunately, that sort of thing doesn't happen very often. I haven't really noticed if I become extra-sensitive about it when I'm on my period, but I can see how that could make it worse.

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  2. If you’re greyromantic, I’d love to hear your stories! How do you experience romantic attraction (if you do)?? Do you consider yourself a very romantic person (as in, totally down for classic romantic activities, etc.)?


    As for me, I’m like a razor thin edge away from being totally aromantic. But I realised that I very very rarely experience romantic attraction, but it is so weak and mild, it’s quite like a vapor. Barely even there, really. It’s very hard to tell it’s there. Like a puff of air from half a mile away. ^^

    I’ve never really had any intense crushes either... my “crushes” were probably more like squishes anyway, or they were just incredibly weak and very rare. 

    I’m not a romantic person. I’ve never given or received romantic gifts, never “celebrated” a Valentine’s Day, or anything else like that. It just doesn’t ever cross my mind, really.

    On the incredibly rare occasion that I might feel a whisper of romantic attraction, I might not mind romantic things so much, but usually I’m somewhat romance repulsed.


  3. 4 minutes ago, ry3435 said:

    depending on if you've had similiar experiences since then you are probably either abroromantic or greyromantic

    Thanks for your reply!

    I haven’t had any similar experiences since then, it was just the one time. It’s been around 12 years since then, so I’m not sure why I even remember it...I did feel some sort of love toward him, I suppose, which might be why I remember it. I’m leaning towards greyromantic, but I just wanted some outside opinions like I mentioned before. :)

  4. TL;DR - If you struggled between the aro or greyro labels, how did you settle on one?

    Well here I am, questioning my romantic orientation(?) again. I’ve been using aromantic, but now I’m wondering if I might be greyro?

    I’m definitely ace as well, but I do experience other forms of attraction, and I just can’t tell if any of them are romantic? I’ve read examples where people have tried describing their experiences, and they all sound rather intense to me. Like feeling a “pull” toward someone they’re romantically attracted to...what does that even mean? 
    I can understand the concept of sexual attraction in a very impersonal, abstract sort of way, but the concept of romantic attraction just boggles my mind. 

    Presently, I am 31. I’ve never fallen in love as far as I can tell. I thought I had crushes in the past, but more recently I realised they were most likely squishes, since they were nowhere near as intense as what I’ve seen described. The closest experience I had was a long time ago, around age 19/20, when I was dating a guy from my high school that I really liked...my relationship with him was so consuming that it almost wrecked my relationship with my best friend. I’m not sure if what I felt for him was romantic or not though, but I did want to be with him all the time (which is very strange for me, because I’m introverted and need loads of time alone). Looking back on it, it was weird and I’ve never ever felt like that with anyone else. And oh boy, it took me ages to get over him. 

    Anyway, this is really long, so if you’ve read this far, thanks! I’m just trying to get some outside opinions about how to differentiate between aromantic and greyromantic.

  5. Early sign I was aro — long ago when I was a young child, I refused to refer to anything/anyone as “cute”. I would say “cool” instead. Probably strange for a preteen girl to never say anything was “cute” lol. I started to say it later on, but I guess it was just an effort to blend in better. 

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  6. 30 minutes ago, alto said:

    Put as simply as possible, it is a distinct fondness or affection toward someone that differs from what you would feel toward friends, family or people you admire. It may be characterized by a unique, almost surreal anxious-euphoria when sensing or thinking about this person and is distinguishable from hero worship. It typically involves butterflies in the stomach, heart fluttering or “melting” when interacting with them, some obsessiveness, all over warm and fuzzy feeling, and being swept into a dreamy state of mind, but experiences may vary depending on the individual and intensity of the case. Desires such as wanting to bond or be physically close with them are extremely common when experiencing romantic attraction

    Weird! Thanks for posting that :)

  7. Just read through this entire thread and the only thing I can say with certainty is - I don’t think I’ve ever felt romantic attraction and I still don’t know what it is. I think I sort of get the concept in a very abstract, impersonal sort of way, but that’s debatable.

  8. Me, genuinely wondering why people want to choose one person to spend the rest of their life with. Doesn’t it get boring? How can you even like someone that much to where you want to be with them all the time? How can you be sure that you’re not going to end up hating them? What makes them so special? Etc. 

    Rather baffling.

    (I was thinking all of this before I even knew I’m aro.)

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