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Posts posted by alto

  1. Ok so I def have an opinion on the character of Henry Creel from Stranger Things 4.  I love him as a character.  I think he is kind of queercoded, because in the show he looks very obviously effeminate.  And it's almost canon that he is an aromantic asexual (he says in his monologue that he is a solitary creature).  Just what we need, right?  Another aroace villain.  However, I kinda feel he's not all bad.  I think he cares about Eleven, and shows that in the scenes he has with her (except in that last scene where he is trying to kill her).  Obviously he is evil as Lord Vecna, and his younger self is evil.  But I sort of feel he might have a good side.  Am I crazy for thinking this?

    Either way, I really appreciate the direction Stranger Things is going in as a show.  I like that they are making their villains a bit more complex than just mere monsters.  I also think Vecna could easily symbolize depression, or alternately lack of forgiveness.

    What are your thoughts?

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  2. I have recently come to realize that even if I never have another partner of any kind (romantic, platonic, alterous, etc) I would still probably be ok and happy in my life.  Does this make me loveless?  I don't think it makes me aplatonic, I still get squishes.

  3. I have become really curious about solo poly as of late.  I have also become curious about relationship anarchy.  I am an avid reader of KIMCHI CUDDLES, which is a webcomic about polyamory, so I think that is where I heard those terms.  I guess I basically consider my friends to be my significant others, but I don't know how to tell them that or whether it would be appropriate to do so or even if it is appropriate to think of my friends that way at all.  I don't want to make anything weird.  But I am excited to find a label that MIGHT describe how I am feeling.  I would rather label myself than my relationships.

    What would you do if you were me?

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