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Status Updates posted by RavenIsWerid

  1. I just realized something, when I was younger I had so called "crushes" on celebrities. I use to think I was not Aromantic because of that but now looking back, they were not actual crushes: 1st off When they looked normal or not perfect/hot in my view I did not feel anything and would skip to pictures where they where hot. 2nd off: I did not bother to find out anything about them-I did not bother to really do any research about them. 3rd If I did have a "crush" its never been labeled my kind of crush was feeling some heat in my chest and maybe some heat in my brain, It was a very intense aesthetic attraction which I did not realize at the time.4th When you have a crush you want to hang out with them, dream about marrying them, think about them. Even though it was celebrity crush which means its a little different I never thought about them besides when I was looking at their perfect pictures, what I felt back felt back then (like I said before) was a intense aesthetic crush. 5 when you have a romantic crush you like the person in a romantic way-you like them as a whole, I for one just liked how they looked. 6th Back then I was facing a lot of internal pressure to be LGBTQ+. My Mom came out as Trans and so for some reason I wanted to be queer too, so a lot of internalized pressure made me want to crush on girls. 7th I do think I did feel slight attraction just not in a romantic/sexual/friend kind of way I don't know a word for it and I don't think one exists for what I'm trying to say. 8th my crushes often felt internally forced, when I was 12 their was this one girl, and I wanted to have a crush so badly that I felt butterflies, but now looking back I don't think I ever felt romantic attraction. 9th My parents never where lovey dovey and I blame myself for that because when I was about 4-6 I told them to not kiss in front of me because it was gross. I don't know if it was me (It might have been somewhat my fault but if their love had been strong it would have been able to break a silly kids order not to kiss) Anyway they never truly loved each other and I started reading romance books, and some other stuff. The idea of love like that-soul mates and stuff, I wanted it so badly, and not having two parents that loved each other made me want it for myself. 10 I was in love. I was in love with the idea of love, I wanted the perfect kind of love and that's why I only crushed on images of people when they looked perfect and hot.

    Thanks for reading my silly little essay lol I just needed to wrote it to truly figure out how I felt, I may have felt romantic attraction in my life but it might have just been faint. <3

  2. I thought I had a crush today but I did not lol. Anyway there was this one woman who was walking, and I was biking around to test out my new bike. Anyway, she and I have some bad blood; we just didn't start off on a good foot. Anyway, I saw her and I started speeding up so she would not see me (gosh, I'm such a genius, lol). Anyway, my heart was pounding, and I felt heat in my chest (it was kind of painful—not like ow I'm in pain, so kinda a fast throb kind of painful feeling), so I thought I had a crush. I pictured kissing her, and I just felt disgusted. Doing anything romantic with her disgusted me, so I was confused. Maybe I was orchidromantic? So I looked up why my heart speed up like that, and I found out: it's likely due to a physiological response to excitement or nervousness, not necessarily indicating romantic interest; this could be caused by factors like finding someone visually appealing, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline, or simply being in a new social situation, even without a romantic spark.. The feeling is actually kinda painful now looking back—it wasn't  romantic attraction.So you can feel nervous and you heart speed up around someone-just doesn't mean you have a crush on them lol-I wish someone had told me sooner lol. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RavenIsWerid


      I think I want to feel love so badly that my heart can't decide at this point lol

    3. Zozz
    4. RavenIsWerid


      Sadly it is

  3. Does anyone else wish they were a different romantic orientation simply because they like the flag lol? (I would never lie or pretend I was I just really like the omniromantic flag-the colors are so pleasing to my eyes, unlike for example the Grayromantic flag-(I have nothing against Greyromantic or their flag I just don't like the flag-its not pleasing to look at for me lol)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zozz


      the gay mlm flag is so so pretty but i just dont like men that much lol

    3. Zozz


      but i do like arospec flags because they have green in them and i love green

    4. RavenIsWerid


      oh yeah the Arospec flag is really pretty <3

  4. Sometimes I feel like I'm lying that I'm not aro, and that I'm lying to myself and everyone else, and then I start crying about the fact that I can't fall in love, and then I worry that I didn't save my drawing. My brain can go from full panic attack to worrying about silly things. My brain honestly confuses me. Also sadly I did not save my drawing so I have to start over lol.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RavenIsWerid


      That you very much are. :)

    3. That_Gurl_Sparklez



      The people on TrevorSpace would disagree with that though ;-; 

    4. RavenIsWerid


      Oof I know what's it like to have people hate you-but I would have to say they don't know the real you <3

  5. I think I'm starting to accept myself as aro. Before I always refused to even think it because I wanted that connection with someone to feel love, and so when my brain realized I wasn't feeling what I wanted my whole life it started to try to fake that feeling, I was having "crushes" so often I was feeling mentally exhausted and it was putting a strain on me from having "crushes" so often. I guess I just wanted that feeling like the books and movies and songs, everyone talks about how wonderful love is and what a wonderful thing it is so I wanted to feel it to the point I was breaking myself, and ignoring who I actually was. I still love romance and everything that comes with it but if I never feel it that's okay because I do feel love: I feel love for my family, and my pets. That's all the love I need right now, and I'm learning to accept that love comes in so many more forms then what I have been taught all my life. <3  

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zozz


      im sorry this is supposed to be about you lol 

      i wish you well in life o7

    3. RavenIsWerid


      Oh no its fine I'm just bad at making small talk lol but I'm fine anyways I'm good how about you?

    4. Zozz


      im tired ad upset w myself

  6. I'm for sure somewhat lower on The aromantic spectrum due to the fact I do sometimes feel romantic attraction but it's faint. Honestly I'm just experimenting with labels until one fits lol 

    1. DeltaAro


      Hi and welcome! :aroicecream:

      Sadly, it's easy to slip from opening up about the “green-stripe” / “fully aro” perspective to just hating and mocking romance and so effectively excluding those who feel it. Often this is caused by plenty of pent-up emotions and frustrations, so please don't take everything written here too seriously.


    2. RavenIsWerid


      Of course <3

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