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Status Replies posted by Zozz

  1. ZOZZ???? IS THAT ZOZZ???

    I got banned from TS :(

  2. I think I'm starting to accept myself as aro. Before I always refused to even think it because I wanted that connection with someone to feel love, and so when my brain realized I wasn't feeling what I wanted my whole life it started to try to fake that feeling, I was having "crushes" so often I was feeling mentally exhausted and it was putting a strain on me from having "crushes" so often. I guess I just wanted that feeling like the books and movies and songs, everyone talks about how wonderful love is and what a wonderful thing it is so I wanted to feel it to the point I was breaking myself, and ignoring who I actually was. I still love romance and everything that comes with it but if I never feel it that's okay because I do feel love: I feel love for my family, and my pets. That's all the love I need right now, and I'm learning to accept that love comes in so many more forms then what I have been taught all my life. <3  

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