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Posts posted by Zozz

  1. im lebanese. my family, mostly from my mom, has expectations of me getting married. to her, im a lesbian (did not come out as arospec yet), but she's in denial about that and the fact that im trans and would talk about me getting older and having a husband and kids and being a wife or whatever. i dont really see religion tying into this, thankfully (religion is making her say being trans is evil, and id rather not have her say stuff like that about my OTHER identities)

    however, i dont feel pressured to do anything. sure, the expectations are annoying as fuck but im not gonna go through with it because i know what i want and ill live the way that is true to who i am

  2. not understanding the concept of having a celeb crush, a hallway crush, or a crush on someone you barely know, having something missing in my relationships, barely having any "crushes"

    On 10/9/2024 at 5:11 PM, An Aro Passes Bi said:

     I thought I had a crush on and thinking to myself “he is my crush, so I should probably be excited about this, maybe I should even smile a bit.” And this was true for nearly all of my other “crushes.” There was always this voice in the back of my head, reminding me that someone was “my crush” and I needed to behave accordingly. It was so second nature that I didn’t even realize it was a thing I did until after  I started questioning. 

    for me it was like "you have a crush so you must fantasize about being in a relationship with this person and think about them a lot, as one with a crush would do''

  3. 2 minutes ago, MulticulturalFarmer said:

    oh just didn't know if they were as influential as before regarding challenging abortion bans, granted I just knew about it back in 2021 I think when it became viral all over the internet?

    dude its not like pro-abortion activism doesnt exist anymore

    also they literally just opened an abortion clinic in one of the carolinas lol

  4. On 10/13/2024 at 3:00 AM, Salami said:

    When did satanism start and where did it start?

    probably where/when the idea of satan immerged. especially with the rise of christianity, the idea of worshipping satan was a thing back then, with people accusing others of being devil worshipers and whatnot. whether people actually practiced satanism back then, not sure, but its possible. 

    satanism isnt exactly a religion that manifested out of something specific for it to have a clear start, (e.g. jesus saying he is the son of god and spreading his teachings being the start of christianity), because satan is a famous figure in christianity, judaism, and islam


    unless you are referring to a specific denomination like TST. in that case, TST was founded in 2013 in the States by lucien greaves

  5. On 10/12/2024 at 8:44 PM, That_Gurl_Sparklez said:

    Do Satanists sell their souls?

    Nope. I don't even believe in Satan as a god-like figure, and the ones who do don't do that either.


    hi, as a theistic satanist and tst member, im gonna have to disagree with you on that one.

    there are many, many different kinds of satanists with many different practices. you cant be certain that there arent any who "sell their souls" to "the devil".

    tw cults


    anda honestly? there are some very dangerous people i this world, some of which would say they are part of satanic cults, that might even do the things you have denied

    nevertheless, most satanists are not bad people, and most satanists dont do such atrocious things (idk if selling your soul counts as atrocious or not, but i guess it would depend on how one sees it)

    On 10/13/2024 at 2:38 PM, MulticulturalFarmer said:

    Is there any type of satanism that is combined with Norse paganism? Really random question but I saw it online and got curious...

    not really? however, it doesnt mean you yourself cannot combine aspects of satanism with norse pagan practices! i myself am a polytheist, which would go under paganism, but i do not follow any specific pagan religion. however, i also believe in satan and combine that with my pagan beliefs, making me a satanist pagan 

    • Like 2
  6. On 12/8/2021 at 9:03 AM, Holmbo said:

    Single friends might like more like you but if they're very focused on finding a romantic relationship you might feel more kinship to those friends who are coupled and thus not searching.

    good point, but tbh i dot have a lot of taken friends so no comment

    2 hours ago, The Newest Fabled Creature said:

     my single non-aspec friends are constantly lamenting being single in the first place, like as if it's some curse -


    that and also "i have a crush!! how do you not have a crush?" and looking at photos of hot people as if it were a hobby ad then they blame me when i go to do something else because its something i dont care about doing

    • Like 1
  7. On 10/12/2024 at 8:16 PM, That_Gurl_Sparklez said:

    The / is meant to be an "or" type of thing. I think that's how TS did it?

    no offense but TS is dumb about that and got it wrong

    paganism is an umbrella term that wicca is under. i say make wicca a diff category instead of putting it with a entire umbrella term

    On 10/13/2024 at 8:29 AM, DeltaAro said:

    This thread is not for debating religion! 🤬

    i was stating a simple fact. not debating anything

    2 minutes ago, Zozz said:

    i say make wicca a diff category

    nvm its too late for that

  8. 6 hours ago, P4R4D0X said:

    Well now I'm confused cuz your profile says cupioromantic, omniromantic.

    you dont need to know the specifics of my orientaion dude. i dont give a fuck if youre confused about my labels. these past few days ie been getting stuff straight so theres gonna be some differences in what i say about myself but that does not concern you

    + this website is about aromanticism, so im only going to put my romantic-related attractions on my profile

    and i case you dont know, cupioromanticism is literally aromantic but wantig a rmantic relationship. so my description isnt wrong or anything because i literally am aromantic. not like that concerns you though.

    • Like 1
  9. On 5/29/2023 at 2:13 AM, Ikarus said:

    I have attended three weddings this month alone. Two cousins and my friends wedding. Just got back from my friends wedding as I am typing this.

    Just wondering if you enjoy attending weddings as an aro despite the romance. 

    As an apothi aro I feel uncomfortable at the kissing and my eyes wander a little but other than that.

    Great food


    Friends and family I enjoy hanging out with. Definitely a different experience if you are good friends with the groom like I was.

    We had a very fun bachelor party and did some shenanigans.

    What are your thoughts on going to weddings and even bachelor parties if you ever went to one?


    as a lebanese person, weddings are a really fun, huge party, so yes i do like them

    and i do like romance even if i dont feel it, so that aspect isnt a problem to me


    On 9/22/2024 at 12:38 PM, DeltaAro said:



    You can't be serious...


    is that ai generated...

  10. so i came out to my ex (any pronouns) as cupioromantic, and he didt want to date me anymore. my friend says that hes not worth it because if he really cared he'd stay with me. he said that it didnt matter if my love for my ex was romantic or not because it wouldnt change how good our relationship is, and she wouldnt break up for this. but i dnt have romatic feelings for them. i just like being in a romantic relationship. can i blame her for breaking up with me?

  11. 12 minutes ago, RavenIsWerid said:

    I just wanted to ask the first time people ever got put into a heavily romantic situation, lol. <3 (I bet this has been asked before; I just wanted to ask again, lol)


    My first time I ever got into a heavily romantic situation was when I was on a field trip (I was 12–15 years old) . We went to a museum and I had a lot of fun, I was put into a group with 4 other boys, and 2 teachers (their was about 30 kids). Anyway it wasn't until the lunch break one of the boys made a move. Now I'm gonna be honest here, I don't want to be rude but he was uhh not handsome in the least bit, but he was going though puberty and nobody looks good while in the middle of puberty. anyway I decided not to judge how he looked and I was nice to him but, his personality was awful. He only talked about superheros and about this Netflix show did not let me get a word in edgewise without interrupting me kept calling me pretty (I hate it when people call me that-like my looks are the only thing that matters). Anyways after the break was over he would NOT take a hint kept sticking right by me, and it was making me feel very uneasy and I did not like at one point I was so embarrassed and wanted out of it I said I was a lesbian did he take a hint no. He also called me out on blushing (I was very embarrassed) anyway we went to a gift shop and he kept trying to buy me a plushie, I said no I did not want him to buy anything for me. Well he wanted to buy me jewelry I said no and then he snapped "Can't you just let me buy something for you jeez." and I hate it when people snap at me so I was really uneasy to the point of wanting to flee. not to mention I had more money then him and he wanted to go take photos at a photobooth (He ruined one picture I was taking of some wolf sculptures-he stood in the middle of it and made funny faces-still urks me) He finally decided to buy me a card (The handwriting my god-it wasn't even readable) after the gift shop thing I stayed glued to one of the teachers and started ignoring him, he seemed to be more interested in his friends at that point plus not wanting to be near the teacher-but anytime I strayed from that teacher he would start talking and talking. Finally we get to the bus and I sit right behind the teachers-he was clearly torn between me and his friends but decided to be by his friends in the back. (Plus teachers have the gossip, and one asked me about which tattoo she should get-that was the most relived I ever felt in my life looking back) One funny detail looking back was that I was confused why no one was hot, so I was just looking around to see if their was anyone hot that I could crush on lol.

    Also pardon any spelling, or any kind of errors I wrote this on my tablet. <3

    probably when this guy asked me out on Rec Room but i rejected him

    Just now, Zozz said:

    probably when this guy asked me out on Rec Room but i rejected him

    him and his friend both had a crush on me lmao

  12. 3 minutes ago, That_Gurl_Sparklez said:

    Oooo looks yumm!


    Kinder Bueno chocolate bar? 

    omg it reminds me of my cousins lmao, its kind of like an inside joke



    halloumi cheese?

  13. 4 minutes ago, That_Gurl_Sparklez said:

    I'd try it- but I'm leaning towards ew-



    i prefer them when theyre set on fire and black crispy but yum!


    tteok-bokki ?

  14. 2 minutes ago, That_Gurl_Sparklez said:

    Never tried it, but seems good! So yum!




    EW 😭 /lh


    tres leches?

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