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Status Replies posted by Zozz

  1. how do i explain a aspect of a culture that i do not like in the slightest because of its misognist, patriarichal roots, i a project where im required to talk about it?

    1. Zozz


      its there because of things like the bride price lol

      along with social situations

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  2. how do i explain a aspect of a culture that i do not like in the slightest because of its misognist, patriarichal roots, i a project where im required to talk about it?

    1. Zozz


      just because its a cultural thing doesnt mean it isnt wrong

      its all a excuse to objectify women

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  3. how do i explain a aspect of a culture that i do not like in the slightest because of its misognist, patriarichal roots, i a project where im required to talk about it?

    1. Zozz


      some men use it as a excuse to abuse their wives

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  4. how do i explain a aspect of a culture that i do not like in the slightest because of its misognist, patriarichal roots, i a project where im required to talk about it?

    1. Zozz


      also its a patriarchal practice and treats women as objects to be paid for

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  5. how do i explain a aspect of a culture that i do not like in the slightest because of its misognist, patriarichal roots, i a project where im required to talk about it?

    1. Zozz


      no its misogyny no matter how you put it. you dont see people paying a man to leave his family, do you? why must it only be women?

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  6. how do i explain a aspect of a culture that i do not like in the slightest because of its misognist, patriarichal roots, i a project where im required to talk about it?

    1. Zozz


      i dont think so

      she'll probably just blame me for not being good enough at findig info

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  7. how do i explain a aspect of a culture that i do not like in the slightest because of its misognist, patriarichal roots, i a project where im required to talk about it?

    1. Zozz


      i saw that one already, it doesnt have as much info as id like. its so annoyingggg

      ive looked at so many and none of them are good enough. this needs to be thorough ad accurate (its for an AP class)

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  8. listening to people talk about american weddings make me so sad... yall do NOT know how to party rock

    1. Zozz


      ohh, i thought you were because theres french in your bio lol

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. how do i explain a aspect of a culture that i do not like in the slightest because of its misognist, patriarichal roots, i a project where im required to talk about it?

  10. how do i explain a aspect of a culture that i do not like in the slightest because of its misognist, patriarichal roots, i a project where im required to talk about it?

    1. Zozz


      anway thats just one part of it. i cant find ay other solid info on senegalese weddings

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  11. listening to people talk about american weddings make me so sad... yall do NOT know how to party rock

  12. how do i explain a aspect of a culture that i do not like in the slightest because of its misognist, patriarichal roots, i a project where im required to talk about it?

    1. Zozz


      i need to make a presentation about traditions and customs in senegalese weddings. they do this thing called a bride price where the groom's family needs to pay the bride's family to marry the bride

      you should figure out why thats literally misogyny

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  13. According to the newest polls, Trump now (narrowly) leads in PA, MI, NC, AZ, GA,

    IDK where the overconfidence of Democrats comes from.

    1. Zozz


      my anxiety after reading this

      📈 📈 📈 📈

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. I thought I had a crush today but I did not lol. Anyway there was this one woman who was walking, and I was biking around to test out my new bike. Anyway, she and I have some bad blood; we just didn't start off on a good foot. Anyway, I saw her and I started speeding up so she would not see me (gosh, I'm such a genius, lol). Anyway, my heart was pounding, and I felt heat in my chest (it was kind of painful—not like ow I'm in pain, so kinda a fast throb kind of painful feeling), so I thought I had a crush. I pictured kissing her, and I just felt disgusted. Doing anything romantic with her disgusted me, so I was confused. Maybe I was orchidromantic? So I looked up why my heart speed up like that, and I found out: it's likely due to a physiological response to excitement or nervousness, not necessarily indicating romantic interest; this could be caused by factors like finding someone visually appealing, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline, or simply being in a new social situation, even without a romantic spark.. The feeling is actually kinda painful now looking back—it wasn't  romantic attraction.So you can feel nervous and you heart speed up around someone-just doesn't mean you have a crush on them lol-I wish someone had told me sooner lol. 

  15. Does anyone else wish they were a different romantic orientation simply because they like the flag lol? (I would never lie or pretend I was I just really like the omniromantic flag-the colors are so pleasing to my eyes, unlike for example the Grayromantic flag-(I have nothing against Greyromantic or their flag I just don't like the flag-its not pleasing to look at for me lol)

    1. Zozz


      but i do like arospec flags because they have green in them and i love green

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. Does anyone else wish they were a different romantic orientation simply because they like the flag lol? (I would never lie or pretend I was I just really like the omniromantic flag-the colors are so pleasing to my eyes, unlike for example the Grayromantic flag-(I have nothing against Greyromantic or their flag I just don't like the flag-its not pleasing to look at for me lol)

    1. Zozz


      the gay mlm flag is so so pretty but i just dont like men that much lol

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. I thought I had a crush today but I did not lol. Anyway there was this one woman who was walking, and I was biking around to test out my new bike. Anyway, she and I have some bad blood; we just didn't start off on a good foot. Anyway, I saw her and I started speeding up so she would not see me (gosh, I'm such a genius, lol). Anyway, my heart was pounding, and I felt heat in my chest (it was kind of painful—not like ow I'm in pain, so kinda a fast throb kind of painful feeling), so I thought I had a crush. I pictured kissing her, and I just felt disgusted. Doing anything romantic with her disgusted me, so I was confused. Maybe I was orchidromantic? So I looked up why my heart speed up like that, and I found out: it's likely due to a physiological response to excitement or nervousness, not necessarily indicating romantic interest; this could be caused by factors like finding someone visually appealing, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline, or simply being in a new social situation, even without a romantic spark.. The feeling is actually kinda painful now looking back—it wasn't  romantic attraction.So you can feel nervous and you heart speed up around someone-just doesn't mean you have a crush on them lol-I wish someone had told me sooner lol. 

    1. Zozz


      yeah. and if you have beef with someone its kind of natural to feel your heart racing because its kind of what happens when your anxious lol -- someone with an anxiety disorder

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)


  19. I think I'm starting to accept myself as aro. Before I always refused to even think it because I wanted that connection with someone to feel love, and so when my brain realized I wasn't feeling what I wanted my whole life it started to try to fake that feeling, I was having "crushes" so often I was feeling mentally exhausted and it was putting a strain on me from having "crushes" so often. I guess I just wanted that feeling like the books and movies and songs, everyone talks about how wonderful love is and what a wonderful thing it is so I wanted to feel it to the point I was breaking myself, and ignoring who I actually was. I still love romance and everything that comes with it but if I never feel it that's okay because I do feel love: I feel love for my family, and my pets. That's all the love I need right now, and I'm learning to accept that love comes in so many more forms then what I have been taught all my life. <3  

  20. I think I'm starting to accept myself as aro. Before I always refused to even think it because I wanted that connection with someone to feel love, and so when my brain realized I wasn't feeling what I wanted my whole life it started to try to fake that feeling, I was having "crushes" so often I was feeling mentally exhausted and it was putting a strain on me from having "crushes" so often. I guess I just wanted that feeling like the books and movies and songs, everyone talks about how wonderful love is and what a wonderful thing it is so I wanted to feel it to the point I was breaking myself, and ignoring who I actually was. I still love romance and everything that comes with it but if I never feel it that's okay because I do feel love: I feel love for my family, and my pets. That's all the love I need right now, and I'm learning to accept that love comes in so many more forms then what I have been taught all my life. <3  

    1. Zozz


      im sorry this is supposed to be about you lol 

      i wish you well in life o7

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. I think I'm starting to accept myself as aro. Before I always refused to even think it because I wanted that connection with someone to feel love, and so when my brain realized I wasn't feeling what I wanted my whole life it started to try to fake that feeling, I was having "crushes" so often I was feeling mentally exhausted and it was putting a strain on me from having "crushes" so often. I guess I just wanted that feeling like the books and movies and songs, everyone talks about how wonderful love is and what a wonderful thing it is so I wanted to feel it to the point I was breaking myself, and ignoring who I actually was. I still love romance and everything that comes with it but if I never feel it that's okay because I do feel love: I feel love for my family, and my pets. That's all the love I need right now, and I'm learning to accept that love comes in so many more forms then what I have been taught all my life. <3  

  22. I think I'm starting to accept myself as aro. Before I always refused to even think it because I wanted that connection with someone to feel love, and so when my brain realized I wasn't feeling what I wanted my whole life it started to try to fake that feeling, I was having "crushes" so often I was feeling mentally exhausted and it was putting a strain on me from having "crushes" so often. I guess I just wanted that feeling like the books and movies and songs, everyone talks about how wonderful love is and what a wonderful thing it is so I wanted to feel it to the point I was breaking myself, and ignoring who I actually was. I still love romance and everything that comes with it but if I never feel it that's okay because I do feel love: I feel love for my family, and my pets. That's all the love I need right now, and I'm learning to accept that love comes in so many more forms then what I have been taught all my life. <3  

    1. Zozz


      i got broken up with because i realized in the middle of our relationship

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  23. how did an aroace person make heartstopper... im baffled

  24. haven't logged on here in a while, but i am pleased to say 2024 has been my year 😚

  25. ZOZZ???? IS THAT ZOZZ???

    I got banned from TS :(

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