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Everything posted by Zozz

  1. omg as a mario lover and someone who is planning on being him for halloween i love that analogy and yes i understand ty!! okk, thanks for telling me ! do you only believe in the pantheon of kemeticism? /genq
  2. sorry i dont think i understand 😭 /gen oh, got it ... should i maybe cross it out or something (would strikethrough work?)
  3. oookay well if marvel has its own version of time travel and youre following the rules of a different kind of time travel maybe what youre saying is irrelevant? no offense?
  4. when ironman messed up his retrieval of the cube thing and loki took it, that did not have an effect on their timeline. whatever happens in other timelines only damages other timelines captain america lived in a timeline different from theirs so he just grew old in that one still your reasoning does make sense but i doubt the writers are gonna make this canon and obv he went back to the og one to return the shield
  5. yes!! but again, satanism doesnt necessarily mean being a worshipper of evil, so while a satanists faith might be syncretismed (idk the proper word for it lol) it may not necessarily be a *negative entitiy*. i myself am a polytheist but i mainly look up to satan, which is why i call myself a satanist. and i dont believe the other deities are evil or anything, and i dont worship anything evil and there are certainly a lot of satanists who do not follow the christian theology. the point in some satanist beliefs is to completely reject that theology (like mine, its completely different as ive mentioned im a polytheist). some may believe in the satan that christians believe and see him in the same way that christians do (thats what you could call christian duotheism) but some may see him differently, kind of like luciferians also why did you spell apeps name like that? /genq
  6. yes. very much so tpbm had lunch an hour ago
  7. if he ruined the timeline we wouldve known that
  8. i made a pin that said aro + ace club with the colors and an arrow and a spades symbol !!
  9. ??? after what zozz is out of the loop 😭/lh
  10. im lebanese. my family, mostly from my mom, has expectations of me getting married. to her, im a lesbian (did not come out as arospec yet), but she's in denial about that and the fact that im trans and would talk about me getting older and having a husband and kids and being a wife or whatever. i dont really see religion tying into this, thankfully (religion is making her say being trans is evil, and id rather not have her say stuff like that about my OTHER identities) however, i dont feel pressured to do anything. sure, the expectations are annoying as fuck but im not gonna go through with it because i know what i want and ill live the way that is true to who i am
  11. yo, i find that MOGAII (minority orientations, gender, and intersex identities) to be a good alternative to the LGBTQ+ acronym :)
  12. not understanding the concept of having a celeb crush, a hallway crush, or a crush on someone you barely know, having something missing in my relationships, barely having any "crushes" for me it was like "you have a crush so you must fantasize about being in a relationship with this person and think about them a lot, as one with a crush would do''
  13. zozz is an anatomy student and loves sciency medical stuff
  14. silly aro moment

  15. dude its not like pro-abortion activism doesnt exist anymore also they literally just opened an abortion clinic in one of the carolinas lol
  16. probably where/when the idea of satan immerged. especially with the rise of christianity, the idea of worshipping satan was a thing back then, with people accusing others of being devil worshipers and whatnot. whether people actually practiced satanism back then, not sure, but its possible. satanism isnt exactly a religion that manifested out of something specific for it to have a clear start, (e.g. jesus saying he is the son of god and spreading his teachings being the start of christianity), because satan is a famous figure in christianity, judaism, and islam unless you are referring to a specific denomination like TST. in that case, TST was founded in 2013 in the States by lucien greaves
  17. hi, as a theistic satanist and tst member, im gonna have to disagree with you on that one. there are many, many different kinds of satanists with many different practices. you cant be certain that there arent any who "sell their souls" to "the devil". tw cults nevertheless, most satanists are not bad people, and most satanists dont do such atrocious things (idk if selling your soul counts as atrocious or not, but i guess it would depend on how one sees it) not really? however, it doesnt mean you yourself cannot combine aspects of satanism with norse pagan practices! i myself am a polytheist, which would go under paganism, but i do not follow any specific pagan religion. however, i also believe in satan and combine that with my pagan beliefs, making me a satanist pagan
  18. good point, but tbh i dot have a lot of taken friends so no comment that and also "i have a crush!! how do you not have a crush?" and looking at photos of hot people as if it were a hobby ad then they blame me when i go to do something else because its something i dont care about doing
  19. how do i explain a aspect of a culture that i do not like in the slightest because of its misognist, patriarichal roots, i a project where im required to talk about it?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Zozz


      its there because of things like the bride price lol

      along with social situations

    3. organs and bone

      organs and bone

      yeah, unfortunately 


    4. Ekaterina


      Sorry but I have answered your question before you asked it. Nuclear family is mostly a new thing, in traditional society in many cultures the marrying man is NOT leaving his family, all generations live together. So there's no need to pay his family. 

      I can see what you mean, that sadly misogynists can twist traditions and use them as pretext or means for objectifying. I am really sorry and I sympathize if someone here or someone you know was abused for excuses like that or something. It doesn't make the traditions themselves inherently bad. 

      I am sorry if I said anything hurtful to you. 

  20. listening to people talk about american weddings make me so sad... yall do NOT know how to party rock

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. organs and bone

      organs and bone

      no, (unfortunately) I’m American. 

    3. Zozz


      ohh, i thought you were because theres french in your bio lol

    4. organs and bone

      organs and bone

      ahh, I’m learning + in the process of getting my passport

  21. "well now im confused because your profile says this and that about your orientation" stfu

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. P4R4D0X


      I posted that yesterday when I thought my mother was actually gonna kill me, so here's an actual explanation 


      Inconsistencies in things really annoy me so I tend to point them out. (I'm the 'Didn't we have homework' kid lol) I wasn't trying to offend you, I'm just noticing something that bothers me and bringing it to your attention.

    3. Zozz
    4. P4R4D0X
  22. no offense but TS is dumb about that and got it wrong paganism is an umbrella term that wicca is under. i say make wicca a diff category instead of putting it with a entire umbrella term i was stating a simple fact. not debating anything nvm its too late for that
  23. you dont need to know the specifics of my orientaion dude. i dont give a fuck if youre confused about my labels. these past few days ie been getting stuff straight so theres gonna be some differences in what i say about myself but that does not concern you + this website is about aromanticism, so im only going to put my romantic-related attractions on my profile and i case you dont know, cupioromanticism is literally aromantic but wantig a rmantic relationship. so my description isnt wrong or anything because i literally am aromantic. not like that concerns you though.
  24. as a lebanese person, weddings are a really fun, huge party, so yes i do like them and i do like romance even if i dont feel it, so that aspect isnt a problem to me is that ai generated...
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