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About Lilac

  • Birthday May 31

Personal Information

  • Name
  • Orientation
    Aegoromantic, Desinoromantic, nebularomantic, demiromantic, aro spike, panromantic, Autiromantic, asexual
  • Gender
    Cis female
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    Not telling, but the time zone is GMT+8
  • Occupation

Recent Profile Visitors

202 profile views

Lilac's Achievements


Frog (3/4)

  • Tadpole

Recent Badges

  1. Welcome to arocalypse!

    1. Leiru


      Thanks! :)

  2. Oh wow, i just looked at the leaderboard and your first place! Good job :D

    1. Duck The Guy

      Duck The Guy

      i didnt even know there was a leaderboard omg nice LOL thakn u!!!!

  3. 🎵i am a frogggg🎵

    1. Lilac


      I am a f r o g g g g 


      frog frog FROOOOOG

    2. Lilac


      This must be a record to get frog so quickly after joining lolllll although i wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt even close to the speed some people could get the rank

  4. I would rather have to stay at hightschool for 20 years than get married (wait no i take that back i hate school. Hmmmmm)
  5. What the frickety frick frack is a mixer tap Oh wait i just searched it up i know what those are, ive seen them before i justs didnt know what they were called also they would sell rings that are one size too small
  6. Banned because we actually havent been talking about this for very long
  7. Im offended that you care about what I think
  8. SE: it's permanent and cannot be removed, even by force (like, ACID will not harm it) SP: i can mold metal with my hands
  9. "Sam has been on drugs and i don't think he knows" Whattttttt crazy
  10. Ooo i like that one :3 ummmmmm edna from the incredibles is your new name lol
  11. I dont like glitter, it's bad for the environment :( next person gets the random uncomfortable warmth in my left earlobe (Idk)
  12. True. I listen to the exact sam playlist every day TPBM has at least one pride pin :3
  13. SE: when you're not speaking poetry, nobody listens to what you say SP: i can make time seem to move faster or slower at will
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