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  • Orientation
    Aroallo. Romance-unfavorable: Desino, Aego, Bellus, Arovague, Akoi(ne). Sexually strong preference for same-sex, but still into other sexes/genders at a lesser extent, idk if I’m pan or omni but idc
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    Any, idgaf

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  1. I only support ships that are already canon, even strong implications also count, such as constantly being paired together by official media, while I just ignore the nonsensical ships that would realistically never happen if you consider factors between the characters such as orientation and/or personality incompatibility, although the orientation part only applies to characters with an explicitly stated orientation, otherwise, anything goes as long as the personalities are compatible.
  2. Because in fiction, it’s more simplified and idealized than real life. Very pleasant, but unrealistic. It’s a fantasy, no wonder all those fictional media have mainstream appeal to temporarily escape real life. Think of all the violence in media, it’s thrilling, but the average person wouldn’t want to live out action characters’ physically demanding daily lives. Fictional romance, like fictional violence, they typically only show a caricature of it, only the interesting parts are fleshed out and the difficult parts are dumbed down.
  3. SE: After you get out of the game, no matter how little energy you spent in the action, you will feel the pain of the in-game damage inflicted on the virtual character on your real life body. If you want to numb yourself of the pain, you can go back into the game, but you’re considered missing or dead in real life while your consciousness is in a game, this will confuse medical personnel and also cost you a lot for healing the real life injuries. Then you might as well stay in the game with more restrictions than real life if it meant you escape pain. SP: I can make objects I don’t want actually disappear, this is different to destroying or recycling them.
  4. ABC

    Corrupt a Wish

    Now everyone’s natural hair is replaced with that hairstyle and wig color, and everyone has forgotten about every other possible hair colors and hairstyles. At least the hair doesn’t grow or fall out, but no one can cut them nor convert them to other hairstyles or even dye them. Congrats, there’s less visual diversity now. I wish my furniture could talk to me
  5. SE: There is a cooldown of 1 usage per day, like a video game. When you do it in a crowded place, they will see the summoned objects appear on their own, with a chance that they get jealous and ask you to remove the item due to being a distraction. Unlike video games where summons last temporarily and disappear as though they never existed, any summoned item exists physically and can get damaged/destroyed/repaired/etc. One day they see you with a summoned chair or bed and they push you off it, enjoy it for themselves then they remove the legs of the object and throw them upon you. Good luck surviving. SP: I’m authorized to a balance of $infinity, it’s not crypto but real-world currency, so everything is free to me, although the suppliers of my purchased goods and services will profit accordingly. It’s tied to my identity, so if someone else grabbed my credit card(s) or impersonated me, the system(s) will know it’s not me and won’t work. It’s as watertight as it gets. And since my authorized $infinity balance is tied to my identity, I can just provide ID documents or even show myself in person/through a real-time verification to process my “payment”, remember that they still get profit despite me technically having things for free.
  6. I’m demiplatonic and greyplatonic, I relate to this:
  7. ABC

    Comfort music

    Rhythm game soundtracks, “sample”/“demo” music, certain composers (but won’t specify), meme classics, or works that involve remixing/sampling certain sounds, such as memes, animal sounds, certain phrases being said, and phone ringtones. Such as these (it’s a playlist): And these (another playlist): And one more playlist:
  8. Since the original question is about travel as leisure, my preference is not to travel. I will only do necessary commutes for education, business, and daily necessities, mostly with public transport, with a bit of driving for certain locations. Just like how I don’t see the point of romance, I don’t see the point of traveling in the context of leisure. Both are glorified in mainstream culture as achievements to aspire for, that I see no value in. If I wanted certain experiences, I can just search for a virtual experience of it, whether it’s a livestream, a prerecorded program, or even a game environment. If the experience requires tactile objects, I would just shop or order the object, if something isn’t sold online, then my commute to a store is travel to achieve a goal, travel for leisure, not as leisure. Virtual experiences don’t count as traveling if I’m physically just staying at home. Playing an open world game doesn’t count as traveling, not because they are of fictional worlds but because I’m physically just staying at home. Even opening Google Maps with 3D renders of real world tourist attractions is technically not traveling, nor is watching others’ travel videos or seeing the desktop wallpaper for today’s Windows changing every several hours into photographs of real tourist attractions. And I’m fine, even fulfilled with that. To equate it with romance, consuming virtual/fictional media that involves or includes romance in them is not romance. And I have no interest in real-life romance just like I have no interest in real-world travel, excluding commutes to necessary places, they don’t count. If that’s not a satisfying answer, I don’t see the point of expending so much unecessary time and effort for both travel and romance, when I can get similar but not the same experiences for less wasted time and less wasted resources. Why should I be in a vehicle for longer than necessary just to physically be in a very far place, let alone carry heavy luggage, and pay costs for transport and temporary stays, when I can do without all the unecessary effort and get a similar experience virtually just from a quick search and significantly less preparations. Just like romance, why should I be involved in the emotionally draining activity of keeping track of an individual’s preferences on top of making sure they are, I don’t know what they are trying to achieve, but I know I don’t want anything to do with something I find no value in “achieving”.
  9. I’ve been in a similar situation before, and I agree with alto and tiger_hoods12 ‘s replies! I would have said the same points as them. To add an additional point, maybe you fear that one day they come back to the internet and try to attack you again. But I don’t think they would, based on your description they seemed to have done unforgivable things if they left the internet even after them trying to get people to not support you. Very toxic, but at the same time you also had great moments with this person, so I get why you still miss the good times, while also avoiding them at all costs for the things they did. This is just the same as what tiger_hoods12 said. Although in case they come back, they would most likely adopt a new identity to not get detected, or perhaps even behave differently to the point you would never think they are the same person. If they already left the internet, I don’t see them coming back with the same identity, let alone behave in the same ways that most likely made them guilty and leave at the first place. They might be a new person, but it’s just a possibility. Also, I agree with alto, distract yourself with hobbies, or talk to friends who understand your situation. It’s not your fault to leave an unhealthy relationship, it’s their fault that the person couldn’t take criticism to the point they try to turn your friends against you, as well as doing the unforgivable things you saw firsthand.
  10. ABC

    Corrupt a Wish

    The probabilities of both favorable and unfavorable outcomes are not shown to you, just the possibilities. In most cases it should be safe, but in other cases such as trying out extreme sports it might be more dangerous. I wish for certain insects to go extinct: cockroaches, flies and mosquitoes.
  11. Have you ever told him about you being a romance repulsed aro, and if he tries to ask you out again, just say the truth and say something about hoping you can still be friends even despite the romantic rejection, because you can’t even reciprocate the romance. Whether or not he will keep the friendship or abort it would be up to him, yes it sucks if he aborts it just because you don’t love him romantically, but that’s more of his problem and less of yours. If that happens you’ll lose a friend, but he was the one who cancelled it, all you did was be honest about being unable to reciprocate romance. Hopefully your friend understands and can keep the friendship, but nobody knows how he will react except himself. If you want to guard yourself from such “discomfort in the future”, perhaps wear items or accessories showing aro pride to signal to others, or if that’s not your thing, just tell people you’re aro as early as possible. Or look for friends whose orientation will never consider you romantically.
  12. Yes, that sounds like aesthetic attraction, like Needlemouse said, especially when you paid more attention to the more aesthetically appealing images while being more dismissive to the less aesthetically appealing images. It’s normal to have taste in beauty, I do the same, although in my case they are to anime style illustrations of gacha game characters rather than any real celebrities. It’s also normal to mistakenly equate aesthetic attraction to having a crush, because of our culture normalizing having “crushes”, even if what we feel doesn’t match up to the definition society actually means.
  13. SE: It’s not really an SP, you can do the motions of breathing underwater, but if you biologically stay as you are, water will just enter your nostrils/mouth and you’ll have to get it out. Not fun. SP: Everyday, I have one attempt to soul swap with a different random person, so when I do soul swapping, I gain that person’s identity, sense of self, get a first-person experience of their physicality, personality, interests, levels of knowledge in various topics, and their memories while I’m inhabiting their person, and vice versa from them to me. TL;DR I can change my first-person perspective of living life, into a different individual’s life, and when that happens, the affected individual swaps their first-person perspective of living their life into living my life.
  14. SE: But the Y-plane of you floating/flying is limited to the tallest height you can jump, so at least you can fake long-jumping by essentially floating in that height cap. It’s not really flying but more like floating. SP: I can literally go missing and disappear into a private realm if I wanted to, and if I enter, food and water supplies, clothes I’m wearing and my most important items (in this case my devices + chargers) can be taken into it. The dimensions of the realm is the size of a small bedroom with 1 bed and 1 fully functioning bathroom, they are built-in and will forever stay in perfect condition. This realm would be undetectable in location, but somehow still have internet access + cellphone signal, it’s just that location trackers will fail when I’m in my private realm. I can also get back out whenever I’ve had enough escaping real life temporarily. Also, time still passes the same as Earth time so all the clocks will still be correct whilst inside it.
  15. Not unless they produce content I would consume regularly, or if a friend brings it up I will be sympathetic for the friend, and not the celebrity, unless if the unnatural cause of death is disclosed. For example, a bunch of YouTube/Twitch streamers that died young due to some disease out of their control, maybe it’s genetic or maybe their bodies couldn’t handle it despite best treatment efforts, or maybe they died in a natural accident that nobody would have predicted it befell them, and we’d feel how unjust it is that it had to happen to them at the first place, nobody (except criminals) deserves such a death, and also the concern that we don’t want it to happen to us or to anyone we care about. If the cause of death is natural old age, the reaction is neutral, they’re already elderly and it’s expected of them. Otherwise, if they are just a celeb I don’t care about, it’s apathy. But if someone is known for racism, sexism, LGBTQIA+ phobia, criminality, such as a terrorist, or certain notorious countries’ figureheads, or even if someone was just an Instagram/Twitter/personal blog poster notorious for such views, then I would be excited that they’re gone.
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