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Posts posted by R_1

  1. Let me define emotionally attraction as you have the sensation of pull toward another person, emotionally irrespective of whether you want to spend time with them or not. Kind of that you are ok with not doing romance or sex, but just enjoy seeing them and you take your time doing so. This is what I experience more often than romantic attraction which takes me a year or more to develop.

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  2. Yes, but it takes good capability, good commitment, and monogamous inclinations to do so. So, soulmates for life are very few.

    If I wasn't leaning into aromantic, and if I didn't have eternal fatigue, I can see myself with some one and remain monogamous.

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  3. 4 hours ago, P4R4D0X said:


    If demiromantic doesn't fit, maybe consider recipromantic? (I feel like a salesperson lol) 

    Recipromantic is when you only feel romantic attraction after knowing that the other person is attracted to you.

    Recipromatic is already on my profile info. The long orientation box is pretty much accurate of what I am now and what I was.

  4. 40 minutes ago, Ekaterina said:

    What are your feelings about the demiromantic label? Developing attraction only after a long time of knowing the person does sound like it, I think. 

    The thing is I don't. It's more likely feeling that she's attracted to me, and is putting herself out there, and then I look back and am interested like after a few years. Plus, I'm not capable of feeling attraction to any one not attracted to me.

  5. Okay, a little bit of details for those who do not know me from there.

    In a matter of speaking, I'm not aromantic, but I do strongly lean to the point of being aromantic. Call me gray if you like, but I'm not really into that term, and just leave it at that. That means I almost never experience emotional attraction, but yet I know I am capable of it because it tends to develop after a year or so. So, I'll stick with the term romantic even if my romanticism is very unusual.

    But, anyways, here's a little bit more information about me:

    I was a heterosexual+heteroromantic person, and that was while I was on puberty, but there was no possible way for me to deny the fact that I had a sexuality even if I wanted to, because most people are born that way. Onto when I was 14-15 years old, it seems to waned down slowly for the course of a year and so. Like, you wouldn't even noticed until you do, but by the time you do, you know it's already going to die anyway. So, after the age of 16.5, I am no longer capable of feeling sexual attraction. More than a decade later, it still haven't returned.

    And that also means my romanticism has waned down a lot, but the thing is, it's still there. I know that I am capable of feeling emotionally attracted to women because I have felt it recently. And, it seems to took me a year to feel that way. That usually mean by the time I feel attracted, it might be a little late because things happens. Also, I have not felt romantic attraction in over 5 years.

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