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Anonymous Q&A

You may wish to ask questions anonymously that you would be too embarrassed about asking openly. In this forum, you may post anonymously. Be forewarned that the rules of the ToS still apply.

Questions asked in the anonymous q&a section must be relevant to aromanticism or the aromantic community.

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  1. 0 votes
    1 answer
  2. Alternative relationships

    Asked by Guest M24,

    0 votes
    3 answers
  3. Dating advice

    Asked by Anonymous,

    0 votes
    1 answer
  4. why do i feel like im “missing out”?

    Asked by Anonymous,

    0 votes
    8 answers
  5. How to fit in?

    Asked by Anonymous,

    0 votes
    2 answers

480 questions in this forum

  1. Aromantic or grey-romantic?

    0 votes
    1 answer
  2. 0 votes
    7 answers
  3. 0 votes
    7 answers
  4. Supporting a friend who wants to date

    0 votes
    1 answer
  5. Romantic Orientation

    0 votes
    3 answers
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